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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 24 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    XD Imma gonna get torn to shreds by that glare. You should build a +10 Sothe for the competition. XD I've been tempted to do that myself, but LaD 3..... Drat. They had to make him such good skill fodder. XD At least now we have at least one fave at +10. I'm gonna' take a little break from +10 projects for a bit. Mostly because I'm indecisive for who to do next. Plus I've got a lot of others I just want to promote. 

    (I mean, there would be worse ways to go than by Ike glare lol) 

    I’d plan to +10 Sothe for the memes but poor guy getting one of the best skills at 4* on top of being in colorless hell. One fave at +10 is a very exciting accomplishment. I’m going to save up a feather buffer of 20k for whenever I happen to pull Seliph again but I’m on the same page as you I wanna promote new units and fodder. 

    51 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    @DarkLordIvy A moment of silence for the lost souls who gave their lives for this moment...

    *cue screams of pain and more shredder sounds*

    Their loss will not be in vain.

    ...also grats.

    Their screams fuled my resolve. But it was for a greater purpose! It had to be done.


  2. 20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Congrats on your first +10!

    My Soren is only +2 currently, and +Def-Res, because that's the best nature I've gotten.

    My next +10 goal is for L'Arachel.  I've got her at +1 after getting a 4* a few days ago, but it might be a while before I get enough for 9 more merges.  Although, if I get more 5* Seliph pity breakers, he might be my second +10.

    Thank ya!

    oh boy +def, I hope you can pull a better Soren at some point. 

    Seliph is officially my next +10 project. He needs to stop pity breaking you and come to me! Good luck getting more L’Arachel’s!

    14 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    Dang that's a beautiful Soren! Hopefully Ike doesn't beat me up for saying so. lol I'm super happy for you!!! He's finally done. XD I might have also murdered a ton of units by sending them home for feathers so I could complete my Raven. XD Congrats!

    Hehehe he is a looker isn’t he? (I don’t think Ike will kill you, but he will probably give you his glare. Maybe three of them image.png)

    Nothing like throwing everyone under the bus for a fave! I saw your Raven in the +10 Compendium thread he is amazing by the way! 

  3. My flyer and cav teams are in no shape to tackle this map right now but at least infantry was rather painless once I remembered the Savage Blow existed. My armor team may or may not be up to this one will report back once Arden has gotten a bucket load more SP.

    That 4* Xander was then immediately sent home because I am in desperate need of feathers and Xander is just so so ugly in this game. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

    That feeling you'll get once you finish your first baby, though. It's gonna be grand and well worth the wait, I've been through it. Especially since you seem to really like Soren with that avatar of yours.

    Haha yeah I decided to abandon any subtly with who my fave is. I am excited to be so close to a +10, now I really hope I don't end up going months and months before I pull him again.

  5. I pulled bIke #6, this guy loves me apparently, I’m flattered I love him too but not a good time buddy! 

    No Valentines units yet. Once I have orbs again I’ll continue my hunt for Lilina, Hector and Lyn. I’d love Roy too, but Lilina and Lyn have things I really want on Soren and Hector is Hector. 

    My bad luck with seasonals is back with a vengeance and pulling blues is the worst, so many potential Peri’s /shudder/. 

  6. My terrible seasonal luck is back apparently. I dumped probably around 90 ish orbs with a combination of the 24 I started with + quest stuff + I caved and bought some. 

    I got one 5* with all of that. 


    Hello bIke #6. I have a +5 bIke now, by far my highest merge’d 5* exclusive. 

    Other noteworthy pulls from this mess:

    A 4* Soren, as soon as I get the feathers mine will be +9!! So close and yet so far!( I’m not going to get another Soren for months am I?) 

    And four 4* Cordelia’s, I had just been pondering my lack of Galeforce fodder for a project and a meme so that’s nice. 

  7. @Zeo dang your Matthew is amazing! Makes me want to pick up my project of building him again. 

    I knew I had been unable to clear infernal on one of the GHB’s this past summer but I for the life of me could not remember which it was. Seeing how easy Lloyd’s map has turned out to be all these months later I really wish I remembered what I had been trying originally. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't understand how it came across that way at all, but I apologize that you saw it that way.

    But I didn't pick a fight, others replied to my post first...?

    Picking fights always come after your first reaction for stuff like this. You are right you weren’t picking a fight but I could see the ensuing one coming a mile away based on other fights you’ve ended up in in the past.

    Honestly don’t apologize to me. I’m getting a kick out of all this. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Then you heard wrong. I don't like the banner, but I'm not saying it sucks or is trash or anything like that. I know that's too harsh. In fact, I tried to keep my post as civil as I could because I didn't want repeats of certain past incidents. Looks like that didn't work though. So I probably should just refrain from posting about banners I don't like period.

    It’s not what you intended but it is how you came across. Communicating only via text is hard because tone does not carry over the same way it does in person or just through voice. I live in constant fear of my tone being misconstrued online.

    Until you figure out restraint when it comes to picking fight and tone, then yeah not commenting on things you don’t like is the way to go. 

    1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Other sources keep telling me Lyn is free. But then again this is hearsay.



    And here I’ve seen people saying Roy is going to be free. The mystery of the week. lol


  10. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...Uh, what? Why would I not want to have fun...? I'm just not a fan of this banner or Elibe glorification at all. There have been other banners I've liked a lot.

    Also, is every seasonal banner going to have a bunch of armors now? I'll never want to pull on them again no matter who's in them if that's the case. I'm personally not a fan of armors in this game at all either.

    EDIT: @Water Mage I've never heard of anyone going to balls on Valentine's Day...?

    When I read your post what I heard is “I don’t like this so it sucks”. When I saw the datamine earlier I figured that your reaction would be something like this.

    There’s glorification for all of the games to some degree. Elibe hasn’t had the spotlight in quiet awhile, let people have their fun. You don’t enjoy it just do what the majority of people do. Ignore it the way I do whenever you go off about Fredrick. It’s not hard. 

    Wether or not we keep getting armors remains to be seen. I don’t hate them but I do agree with the hope that they stop giving us so many seasonal armors. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Yep, I definitely have zero interest in this banner. I don't even want to do the free pull because I don't want to risk getting any of these.

    I'm an Elibe hater, and on top of that, this isn't even a Valentine's theme. It's a random victorian/medieval/whatever theme. Which in itself isn't really a BAD idea, I just think it's the wrong time to do such a theme. Though at least it ships Hector x Lyn. And that Hector got better art, as did Eliwood. Even if I think Lyn didn't need another version since she already had three.

    So yeah, 100% passing on this. Glad I can save my orbs. I don't have many anyway.


    Thanks for not disappointing with that reaction Madam No Fun. c:

  12. 2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Link please. I'm pretty curious.

    this made me think of a cute alternative to couples stuff, I’d prefer a valentines banner based off of how kids give little valentines to everyone. Give the romance stuff a rest and make the ship wars chill a tiny bit

    (never in a million years I know the stuff that sells)

  13. I’m having a night where sleep is not coming easily so I caved and did a bit of pulling because 1am Ivy has very little self control. 3am Ivy does not regret this decision for once!

    I went for the hero fest banner because I want all of them on there Ben though this banner was not kind to me when it first dropped. 

    Pull 1:


    some good fodder, welcome Roy #3 glad to see you. 

    Pull 2:


    THAT’S what I’m talking about! Yes please! bIke and Sigurd were my last pulls on this so I was not hopeful when I started and got not even fodder. 

    But I am very happy with this! Sigurd was one of the last characters I really really want but had not pulled, so he is more than welcome. And this bIke officially makes him my most pulled 5* exclusive by a long shot. I now have a +4 bIke. 

  14. I put 134 orbs into this hell banner. I came out with Sanaki#2, Summer Fredrick, Siegbert, and finally finally Vangard Ike. I’ve gotta give special mention to that Fred though, not only is he probably my least favorite character on the banner. He managed to break a 10% pity rate.  

    In the end though, it’s okay! He was put to good use.


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