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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. They're generally pretty solid early game units, but they're the worst endgame units almost universally.
  2. Lord (all main lords, including Elincia and Micaiah, but not including Fates royals) Favorite: Leif Runner-up: Hector Least favorite: Ephraim Avatar Favorite: I guess Mark Runner-up: N/A Least favorite: Corrin, Robin and Kris Villager/Trainee/Noble Favorite: Grey Runner-up: Tobin Least favorite: Faye/Donnel Cavalier Favorite: Lowen Runner-up: Oscar Least favorite: Peri Knight Favorite: Gatrie Runner-up: Oswin Least favorite: Kellam Myrmidon/Samurai Favorite: Zihark Runner-up: Mareeta Least favorite: FE7 Karel Mercenary Favorite: Galzus Runner-up: Raven Least favorite: Ogier Fighter/Oni Savage Favorite: Orsin Runner-up: Dorcas Least favorite: Vaike Pirate/Bandit Favorite: Dart Runner-up: Geese Least favorite: Arthur Soldier/Spear Fighter Favorite: Oboro Runner-up: Aran Least favorite: Nephenee Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary) Favorite: Leon Runner-up: Shinon Least favorite: Wil Nomad/Bow Knight Favorite: Astrid Runner-up: Rath Least favorite: Dayan Mage/Diviner Favorite: HOMER HOMER HOMER Runner-up: Lewyn Least favorite: Hayato/Ricken(They're the same character) Dark Mage/Shaman Favorite: Canas Runner-up: Salem Least favorite: Tharja Monk Favorite: Lucius Runner-up: N/A Least favorite: Azama Priest/Cleric Favorite: Wrys Runner-up: Mist Least favorite: N/A Troubador Favorite: Nanna Runner-up: Forrest Least favorite: Maribelle Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids) Favorite: Matthew Runner-up: Sothe Least favorite: GAIUS GAIUS GAIUS Pegasus Knight Favorite: Marcia Runner-up: Karin Least favorite: Thea Wyvern Rider Favorite: Haar Runner-up: Jill Least favorite: Vaida Manakete (also includes Xane) Favorite: Tiki Runner-up: Fae Least favorite: Nowi Beast/Laguz (Royal) Favorite: Tibarn, Naesala Runner-up: Nailah Least favorite: Caineghis Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal) Favorite: Ranulf Runner-up: Volug Least favorite: Panne's kid Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons) Favorite: Reyson Runner-up: Lara Least favorite: Olivia Shout outs to Oboro and Forrest for being the only two Fates/Awakening characters I mentioned that weren't in "Least favorite".
  3. I'm aware, but conservatives are generally the first group of people to mock places like Sweden, Germany and the UK for taking in refugees, and say stupid shit like "THEY'RE IMPLEMENTING SHARIA LAW", even though the migration of refugees is largely our fault. And the smaller number still doesn't stop them from getting super upset that middle eastern refugees are coming here.
  4. I've seen enough Ashens videos to know how much of a nightmare that'd be.
  5. For western civilization as a whole, not really. The philosophies that influenced American politics are the same ones that influenced most of Europe. On a grander scale, governments do act fairly similarly, and when you say "left-wing" in regards to, say, Germany, a lot of the same overall ideologies would be found in the left-wing in America. The left will largely favor progressing social issues, more taxation as a whole(Particularly on the rich), spending money on social programs, worker's rights, more consciousness on the global impact of these issues and so on. The right will more often be the opposite of these things, focusing on the country specifically, lower taxes, deregulation, a more reactive and hardline stance on issues, trying to keep societal norms in tact. In particular, far right-wing governments across the world are starting to adopt very similar policies. I want to say it all started with the Golden Dawn party in Greece about 10 years ago, but I might be forgetting some other prominent right-wing nationalist parties that gained steam before them, but that was the first one I noticed getting a lot of traction. Though, in general, a lot of Europe's left-wing is definitely further left than America's. More-so in western and northern Europe. It'll be different when you get down to more localized issues. Directly comparing America's left wing and Germany's left wing will look silly in this context, and that's where it's less applicable. Every country obviously has its own issues that have to be tackled. This is one of the most disheartening theories. Knowing that North Korea is particularly interested in targeting South Korea and Japan, Donald Trump would be throwing two of our strongest allies under the bus and encouraging North Korea.
  6. Yeah, the "Groo" in "Grookey" seems to indicate "Groove". And I wonder if the Scorch/Score naming scheme of Scorbunny was intentional if English is the only language that indicates it. The evil team of this gen will just be average soccer fans. But they turn evil when their team wins. The whole plot will be about making sure a specific soccer team loses so that the hooligans don't go nuts.
  7. One thing I find funny is how much more overt they were with the cultural stereotypes of England/The UK in this trailer compared to gen 5 and 6. Naming scheme based on knights A starter potentially based on soccer A soccer outfit+Soccer stadium Not-Big Ben And probably a few more that I missed. Black and White weren't portrayed as overtly New York/American, X and Y had an Eiffel Tower and a frog starter in its first reveals, but not a whole lot else to signify Paris/France. Alola, meanwhile, was pretty steeped in Hawaiian iconography, but since it's largely a tourist destination to many people around the world, playing into it made a bit more sense. At least the naming scheme wasn't super Hawaiian. Sword and Shield just seemed to be grabbing you by the shoulders and screaming "SEE?! THIS IS ENGLAND!" I'm half expecting that the players will be accosted by Chavs and baffled by Scousers.
  8. Even in northern European, where those filthy socialists live, it's predominantly run by right-wing governments. Norway, Denmark and Finland all have right-wing prime ministers and parliaments. Sweden has a center-left PM, and Iceland is the only one with a full-on left-wing government PM right now, but they also had a right-wing PM until a year and a half ago. Sweden's the only of the northern European countries that has a solidly left-wing parliament, to boot.
  9. I mean, it actually managed to make the arena a semi-important mechanic in the game. It's not the most balanced thing ever since it basically is just free EXP, but compared to the other arena we've got, that I doubt anybody seriously uses because the risk is much larger than the reward, I'd say it's slightly better. I'd prefer they keep it for a remake, sans potentially making it so you only get one attempt per turn. Once a unit loses in the arena, they have to wait.
  10. This is generally not what people think of when going to war, people who support it especially. Even today, people struggle to draw the line between the influx of middle eastern refugees to Europe and America, and the destabilization of the middle east that happened as a result of the War on Terror. Conservatives historically support the War on Terror/War in the middle east, but also struggle to recognize the results of this that they probably hate more than they liked the Bush wars. They're not going to infer that a war in Venezuela would result in more Venezuelan refugees.
  11. I hate the bunny. Why are fire starters never allowed to look like animals anymore? Ever since Blaziken, they either start out looking like weird furries instead of animals(Or in Scorbunny's case, the little annoying brother of the Trix Rabbit), or they evolve into it. Chimchar/Infernape get somewhat of a pass for being monkeys, but there's no excuse for Blaziken, Emboar, Incineroar, Delphox and now Scorbunny's. God help Gamefreak if it's another Fire/Fighting type. AND WHY IS IT SEEMINGLY SOCCER THEMED?! Sobble is neat, though. I like chameleons, I like water starters. Grookey could be neat, but it has one too many clashing colors in its design, and we already have a grass monkey Pokemon.
  12. My favorite part of today was Cohen saying Don and Don Jr. are two of the most oblivious people he knows, and then Don Jr. retweeting a tweet saying "Cohen has no reason to lie" within minutes. It's not as spicy as all of the declarations that Trump basically acted like a low testosterone mafia don during the campaign, but it's a lot funnier. That West Virginia dude should have to go door to door, apologizing for making that whole state look bad.
  13. It's a bit different. It's a fantasy, having fantastical elements like funny hair colors doesn't change too much. But then you bring in deliberately modern aesthetic designs like the tiny, crooked hat(Which is a stupid look today), and it really distracts from the fantasy part. There's some wiggle room, since this isn't a historical series, but it's clearly not a modern series. It's even weirder when you realize the context in which that hat is usually used.
  14. This I agree with. That hat is so stupid, and while the series has had anachronisms, it's an especially egregious one.
  15. That's what I'm referring to. Not the FP CPU stuff. Everything that amiibos unlock in that game that isn't the leveling CPU deal is obtainable in the game pretty easily. I suppose it's not entirely divorced from P2W, since you can get some strong Spirits pretty quickly with Amiibos, but it's pretty minimal compared to some of the things you can do in other FEs with Amiibos.
  16. I'm mostly referring to, uh, not that. More the character unlocking and Spirits stuff.
  17. It's also just a boon in general to have. It's a weird pay-to-win type of scenario for a single player game. Especially in the games where you're given free units that you can't lose for a set period of time, or OP items that others can't get. Honestly I like the SSB approach. Amiibos unlock things that everyone can get, they just do so early and with guarantee to people with the Amiibo.
  18. That would be 100x better than either the Tangled or Frozen worlds.
  19. I wouldn't mind a grand-strategy Fire Emblem game. FE4 is the closest that comes to this, but it's really just an FE game with big maps and a larger timeframe.
  20. This. Leif's whole theme is growing through adversity, which holds a bit more water than the rest of the lords' stories. And he has an appropriate attitude/personality to boot.
  21. I'd want a proper class-based action RPG. I think that'd be fun. There's also the part where... we're not gonna get another 3DS FE game.
  22. I don't think we're really running a spectrum of naivety to paranoia for Sigurd, especially since we now know that it was Kaga's intention for Sigurd to come across as naive and that the massacre at Belhalla was avoidable. Maybe it's not just any one choice that led to the massacre; I never argued that it was a single one. But Sigurd makes a series of bad choices throughout FE4, and I've argued as such before. With this recent revelation that it was intentional, I really don't think some of these actions are as up to interpretation as they once were.
  23. "Spitting distance" was obviously exaggerating, but it's not too exaggerated to say they died within areas that weren't out of Velthomer's reach. And again, it's not just that they were neutral and not doing anything that raises red flags. It's the clear declaration that they were totally on Sigurd's side and knew he was innocent all along, despite no indications of this when Sigurd was in the most trouble and peril. Everything Aida says to get Sigurd and his army to come to Belhalla should raise some eyebrows. Aida's argument for Arvis being unable to do anything fails to stand up to scrutiny any time after Langobalt dies, which is early into chapter 5. Once Langobalt is dead, Reptor's completely surrounded, and there's very little he could do, and Arvis still doesn't step in. Oh, and a tidbit I forgot, Aida says that Belhalla's army is waiting for him at this meeting. If this were any other lord(Besides maybe Chrom and Corrin), I fully believe they would have been able to see this as a trap. Here's how I put it in the other thread. It was close to Christmas time and I may have had a drink or two, but I think it stands:
  24. This is something I addressed repeatedly in the other thread, but Claud DOES warn Sigurd that Arvis probably isn't on Sigurd's side. While it is a purposefully ambiguous statement, it is dropped in a conversation about the resulting fallout of the conspiracy against his father. And he only helped Sigurd fight Reptor on a technicality. Aida and the Velthomer army spent the majority of that final conflict on the sidelines, directly watching over the fight and doing nothing. Which becomes more suspect when Sigurd is repeatedly told that Arvis and Velthomer are neutral entities in this conflict. Keep in mind that they sat there and watched as Sigurd's father, sister and brother-in-law were killed within spitting of Belhalla. Which then becomes MORE suspect when Aida then turns on Reptor in the final moments of the fight, and then proceeds to shower Sigurd with accolades, that they knew he was innocent all along and tells him that Arvis has planned a giant celebration planned at Belhalla. Remember, the entirety of the continent besides Silesse thought Sigurd and his father were causing all of the current conflict in Jugdral. Sigurd has little reason to trust them, and they were an entirely neutral force until it was clear which way the conflict was going.
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