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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @Arcanite I mean if you wanted to use Ike, I have a +1 Ike with full skill inheritance that you're welcome to use if you go on Team Julia (and @Bartozio's claim about having the most interesting fight of the first round still applies if you're on Julia's side instead of Sanaki's) Unless you request someone else though, I'll have my +Atk Reinhardt as my rep (full list of 5*s is in the sig)
  2. I agree that Rein > Olwen on a non-horse team, but that's irrelevant since @Sleypnyr is specifically asking for advice about a horse team. Even if he settles for LD 2, Olwen still has a fantastic matchup spread, and the extra handful of green kills Rein gets (because really, both of them kill all non-greens fine) is not at all worth promoting Rein when he already has Olwen. This is an especially moot point since he already has Xander/Eliwood to take care of greens, so he really only needs Rein/Olwen to take care of non-greens, which she does well enough even with LD 2 to not warrant spending 20k feathers on Reinhardt.
  3. +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow, Lancebreaker, Draconic Aura, the Atk +1 seal, and a Hone Cavalry buff has a matchup spread of 114/1/10 +Spd Olwen with Life and Death, Desperation, Luna, the Spd +1 seal, and a Hone Cavalry buff has a matchup spread of 116/3/6 The difference is slight, but it favors Olwen. And also, even if there was no difference between their matchup spreads, he already has a 5* Olwen while his Reinhardt is only 4*. That alone should be enough reason to choose Olwen. There's no reason to spend 20k feathers on Reinhardt when he already has an Olwen unless Rein's matchup spread is far better (or if he just likes Rein more), which it isn't.
  4. @Sleypnyr There is no real need to 5* Reinhardt if you have an Olwen and are planning to run a cavalry team. Reinhardt is better than Olwen on non-horse teams, but Olwen actually has a much better matchup spread if she's on a horse team (since she actually has really high speed, so Life and Death + Hone Cavalry allow her to quad attack most of the metagame. If she also has Desperation inherited, she can get in those quad attacks without retaliation from ranged units, which allows her to obliterate all but a few greens). I would also give her Luna, which she'd be able to proc every round of combat if she quads and lets her burst down just about any threat in the game. Xander also makes much better use of Quick Riposte than Vantage especially on a cavalry team since he has Fortify Cavalry buffs to help him keep Quick Riposte up. In terms of specials, I would also highly recommend replacing Blazing Light with Bonfire since 5-cd AoE specials basically never activate, but Bonfire gives him a good source of reliable burst damage. There's also no real reason to keep Eliwood around (unless you just like him) when you have Xander, so I would honestly suggest replacing him with Cecilia with inherited Gronnblade for massive amounts of nuke damage with cavalry buffs. However, this is for if Xander is 5* and has Siefried. At the moment, Eliwood will still serve you well since he's a 5* unit and would greatly appreciate Life and Death in his A-slot with Swordbreaker in his B (Axebreaker is unnecessary since he's already going to obliterate any axe unit). Gunter's skillset doesn't matter too much since he's really just there for the Hone Cavalry buff. I would give Fortify Cavalry to Olwen if you can since she doesn't need the buff at all, but Xander/Eliwood would appreciate it while Gronnblade Cecilia also gets additional burst damage from it.
  5. Added :D Rep is currently Ike, but I intend to switch to Reinhardt for the gauntlet (unit list is in my sig though, so feel free to request someone else)
  6. @immatx Yo, are we friends in Heroes? I am always happy to meet fellow devout believers in our one and only goddess Julia.
  7. If you aren't particularly attached to Camilla as a character, I would caution against using her since Cherche with an inherited Brave Axe+ from Camilla does Camilla's job as a Brave attacker better in every conceivable way. If you happen to like Camilla as a character and want to use her either way, I would suggest giving her Life and Death and Desperation for a pseudo-quad build. If you have the resources, she would be even better as an anti-mage with a Silver Axe and Distant Counter (with either a tomebreaker or Quick Riposte as her B-slot). Hell I would argue that, even if you don't have Distant Counter, it may be worth it to give her a Silver/Emerald Axe and a Tomebreaker to make her an anti-mage regardless since the only real thing she has going for her is her high resistance. As far as I know, there's no limit to the amount of skills a character can learn.
  8. If you're planning to place her on a cavalry team, I would give her Desperation for her B-slot since her 32 speed gets boosted all the way up to 38 with Hone Cavalry (42 if you include Goad), which gives her more than enough speed to double most of the metagame. If you wanted to further improve your matchup spread, you could give her Life and Death over her default Death Blow if you're running Desperation. Alternatively, if you wanted to keep her default Death Blow to make her into a one-hit-wonder, Wings of Mercy is an option for improved mobility across the map.
  9. Omg no no no I'm sorry I messed up! I meant to say Lilina instead of Sanaki but got it mixed up because I also just got out of the mage gauntlet thread. Lilina is just as good of a blade tome user as Sanaki. Their stats are nearly identical: they have the same base attack, and the difference between their base speed is a single point. Using Lilina isn't inferior to using Sanaki at all, outside of character preference! So go out and blow stuff up with your adorable little Lilina <3
  10. Klein's a colorless unit that has the luxury of running whatever breaker your team needs him to run. Swordbreaker is the most common suggestion because there are so many sword units, but if you already have people that handle swords (such as your Linde), then running something like Lancebreaker on Klein is just as effective as Swordbreaker. Sharena actually wants either Quick Riposte or Lancebreaker since she deals with sword units quite easily as is. QR is favored over Swordbreaker to grant her the same ORKOs on swords while also giving her more combat strength against lance users. Lancebreaker further makes her better at dueling lances at the cost of causing her to lose out on some sword ORKOs for units she can't quite double (like Ryoma), though she generally takes such little damage from them that she can easily finish them off the following turn. While Swordbreaker is more worth it on Sanaki if she's running a raven set (simply because, with enough buffs, she can OHKO many sword units), I think it's still worth using on a blade set to secure ORKOs without needing to stack a ton of buffs on her. Alternatively, since Nino and Linde are too fragile, you could have Sanaki be the archer counter of the team with Bowbreaker (though you still don't want her taking hits from Brave Bow units). It's best to have Nino/Linde just ORKO archers, but having the option to bait and tank on enemy phase is also nice. I think ultimately I still prefer Swordbreaker on her though.
  11. A breaker works out perfectly for her imo. I generally go with Swordbreaker since she already deals with green units just fine. I'm not sure how much you're willing to invest in Lilina, but an optimal set for her would be an inherited Raudrraven+ from Henry and Triangle Adept. If you're only going with her default Bolganone, then Fury is fine. Either Fury or Life and Death works for Linde.
  12. Desperation is one of those moves where it actually really matters that you get the 3 version instead of 2 (unlike some other skills where it's fine if you only have 2 like Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker) because it's often tricky to get fragile mages like Nino and Linde safely into Desperation 2 range without getting them killed whereas Desperation 3 is a lot safer (and can be even safer if you use Ardent Sacrifice to bring their HP down instead of combat).
  13. The problem for me is the "wad of feathers". I just have so many other units that I want to promote first (or fodder to promote for skills) that I don't have nearly the feathers necessary to 5* my horse emblem team. And that's not even taking into consideration 5*ing skill fodder for the horsies. So many feathers ;___;
  14. I have 45 orbs, and I don't have the funds to buy more :/
  15. I'm planning to support him next if Julia goes down. If they're both out, well... Guess I'll have to pull on the banner since I don't particularly want to side with Tharja (even though I have a 5* +Spd Tharja).
  16. I've only capped Ninian at 2000, but Ryoma is going to follow soon :D
  17. Running into Armor Emblem with 4 Distant Counters on the new maps makes me want to die tbh
  18. Basically anyone with a personal weapon. In alphabetical order, those units are: Alfonse Anna Chrom Corrin (M) Eirika Eliwood Marth Merric Michalis Reinhardt Roy Seliph Sharena Xander Zephiel There are others with prf weapons as well, like Lucina or Ephraim, but those units are only pullable at 5* and aren't relevant to this thread.
  19. Night Sky/Glimmer/Astra are the only skills that do factor in WTA and effective damage since their damage is calculated after everything else.
  20. I haven't tested it yet, but I'm fairly certain the Fort Tile bonus is calculated last, after everything else.
  21. Right now, no. But the top 1000 or so (idr the exact number) people currently in Tier 15 will jump up to Tier 17 at the end of the week. EDIT: I was way off. It's just the top 10% (which is currently ranks 1 - 4715)
  22. Can I just say that I appreciate the color-coding? It makes everything looks so much cleaner.
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