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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I'm actually going to suggest some different skills than Arcanite. Klein: While the lower CD of Iceberg is usually favored on characters over the higher damage of Glacies, Klein is a Brave weapon user. Since all of his attacks happen in sets of 2, he'll trigger Glacies during the same round of combat he would have triggered Iceberg, in which case you'd prefer the additional damage. I'm personally not a fan of his default Quick Riposte because it's a skill reliant on tanking hits during the enemy phase, which runs counter to Klein's player phase nuke playstyle. Instead, I'd recommend a breaker skill, such as Swordbreaker, to help him ORKO units he wouldn't normally be able to (since it would let him hit 4 times instead of 2, regardless of the speed difference). Raven: While Life and Death is an okay skill on Raven, I personally think Raven would do better with Death Blow if you can get it. Brave weapon users in general are meant to be played as player phase nukes, so you want to optimize their damage on your turn as much as you can. Death Blow in particular is extra good because the bonus attack will be added to both of the Brave hits, allowing you to get more out of the skill than a non-Brave unit. For his B slot, I like Wings of Mercy to let him teleport around the map, but if you did decide to go with Arcanite's Life and Death suggestion, another option would be Desperation to take advantage of his relatively decent speed and attack opponents 4 times before they can react. Tiki: I'm not actually sure about Tiki, so I'll let someone more knowledgeable, like @Ryu Yuki give it a shot. Either way though, I would personally recommend giving her Lightning Breath+ from her adult form if you can, as the innate Distant Counter is generally more useful than the extra damage from Flametongue. For her special, I personally don't find the Growing or Blazing specials to be particularly useful given how unlikely it is you'll manage to get off a 5-charge special in most Arena matches (especially on a character as slow as Tiki), so I would replace it with a lower CD offensive special, such as Moonbow. Noontime is another option if you'd prefer healing over damage. Her B-slot depends a lot on what else your team already covers. In general, Quick Riposte is a good, safe option, especially for slower but bulkier units like she is. However, if you don't already have a reliable way to deal with Falchions, then Swordbreaker is a good option to allow her to deal with those units. Alternatively, if you have a good blue anti-sword unit but don't have a reliable way to deal with Julia, consider giving her G Tomebreaker and Triangle Adept. If you can deal with both just fine, then I would probably suggest Quick Riposte. If Julia is not an issue, I think Fury is probably the best overall A-slot skill to give Tiki as she benefits quite a bit from all of the stat boosts, given her balanced stats across the board. Assist skills are extremely variable, and you can work with just about anything on anyone. Swap and Draw Back are probably the most overall solid assist skills to have on anyone while Pivot is extra useful on armored units (that doesn't apply for these characters but just in general). Reposition is another option, more for ranged units like Klein than melee units, to allow you to throw a melee unit in front of you to tank a hit if need be, though Swap often does that just fine. If you choose to go the LoD/Desperation route on Raven, consider Ardent Sacrifice as his assist skill to help him get into Desperation range. C-skills in general are also heavily dependent on what your team is since they're more for team utility than for the individual unit in question. I think Raven's default Threaten Def and Tiki's default Breath of Life are fine, though for Tiki you could consider either Threaten Atk to help her stay alive or Hone Atk to benefit Raven and/or Klein's Brave attacks. As a ranged unit, Klein would benefit more from a C-skill like Savage Blow than the melee units, but you could also give him a skill like Spur Atk or Def to help out Raven and Tiki. Anyways, this was a lot of information, but I hope you find it at least somewhat helpful! EDIT: Just added slight changes (mostly color) to make it easier to find information for each of the specific characters. Double EDIT: You didn't ask, but I personally think a dancer like Olivia has amazing synergy with a team like this. Dancers in general are a lot more player phase oriented, and I consider them a Brave unit's best friend. They can either let them Brave someone in the face twice (which basically guarantees a kill), they could let the Brave unit delete a unit and then retreat out of range of the other enemies, or if you're feeling extra ballsy, you can delete two units in one turn. As a bonus, Olivia comes with Hone Atk, which benefits Brave units considerably.
  2. Sounds pretty solid! If you run Nino on that team though, I'd recommend switching out either Sanaki's or Corrin's Hone Atk for another buff (maybe Hone Spd?) if you haven't already.
  3. I personally would go for +Def. Corrin's res is pretty poor as is, and -res is generally her best bane. This is especially true because, quite frankly, most green mages (especially Julia and Nino) very easily deal with Corrin regardless of whether she's -res or not, so it makes more sense to boost her ability to tank reds and blues (and with Triangle Adept, she even tanks Falchions well).
  4. I'm not sure how many of you guys kept up with the "Easter Event soon?" thread, but the next banner is confirmed to be Easter variations of Chrom, Lucina, Camilla, and Xander. There's always the hope that another, more serious banner will run concurrently with it or that this is just an elaborate April Fool's prank, but otherwise yeah.
  5. I suggested that earlier in the thread but got shot down by @shadowofchaos EDIT: Well, "shut down" gives the wrong impression. It was more just him saying he'd be surprised.
  6. Except 3/4 focus heroes for the Easter banner are going to be red (unless they change up weapons? I sure hope they do), so there goes that. EDIT: On one hand, you have a much higher chance of getting a focus unit, but also you have a much lower chance of getting a specific one you want.
  7. Lowkey though I'm okay with ridiculous alternate costumes if I get my Pool Party Eirika and Ephraim around summertime (alternatively, summer festival yukata alts would be amazing too) <3
  8. I've seen the first comic before, but the second is a fantastic addition. Eirika is so adorable aaaaaaah <3
  9. In hindsight, these were the 4 characters that got the most focus in the original Heroes trailer, so it's not THAT surprising, but... Never in a million ears would I have imagined Bunny Xander to be canon.
  10. I've had to give up more than one run (when I was doing the Flier Stratum 10 quest) because literally not a single one of my units could damage Azama. I fear 10th Stratum Azama more than Hector tbh.
  11. I propose a coalition between our parties.
  12. Imagine if other users start forming their own strategist trios and we have strategy-offs between groups :O
  13. @Vaximillian There's also this video if you haven't seen it yet, where the dude that beat Ursula's and Michalis' Lunatic maps with free 3* units does the same with Lunatic 9-5 (skip to about 0:33)
  14. I always have the time to crush the competition have a friendly strategy-off with friends :D
  15. Using 4 Marias would be cheating bc Grumplord Lizard Rider would never let anyone harm his sister.
  16. Sure thing! You can either choose to back one of us or go with your own team setup. (This is just for TheTuckingFypo though. I'll probably be helping other people freely) EDIT: New healer meta incoming
  17. Imagine if this was all just an elaborate April Fool's joke.
  18. Tbh I'm down to just make this a thing with every GHB. Adds a lot more spice~
  19. On one hand, I agree, but on the other hand, I feel like the ideal situation is to just have your team be able to beat opponents' anyways just from team composition and matchups, not because the opponent got unlucky with positioning.
  20. To be fair, the whole point of these seasonal events is for the lolz in the first place
  21. Yeah I wasn't entirely sure how to answer since what I do is try to keep a copy of every single unit I can unless I really needed their skills for a unit I regularly use in Arena. Also idk when you changed your profile to Sayaka but I approve (not that there was anything wrong with Wolt)
  22. Oh my, that is rather disappointing. Did you follow the steps of the youtuber who beat the map with only 3*s? (Since the team I suggested is near-identical to his and theoretically should have worked just as effectively if not more) Though I suppose that's a moot point now. Moreso than not winning though, I'm just a little disappointed that I wasn't as helpful to you as I thought I'd be (though you did beat the map in the end, so there's that :D) Also I'm in class rn but will watch the video later but can already guess at its ridiculousness.
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