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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Absolutely sold on that too, and after SMO, I think it's time for it. SM64DS was so long ago- should its extra content/changes be kept? They did neuter Tick-Tick Clock however. Is it too much to keep it as an additional mode apart from a pure Mario experience? And we can throw Sunshine an HD bone. Maybe shrink the Blue Coin count and use the Shine Sprites gained for a new region in Isle Delfino? Or just add a new area or two regardless and bump the Sprite total to ~150.
  2. I'm a little surprised we haven't had an HD remake of this and B-T yet. Now would be a great time for it. Having watched a B-T LP, I'm thinking they could for QoL up the walking speed by a significant amount. And for B-K, make it so you keep all the notes if you leave the world before collecting them all. Complete this by having Nintendo shortly thereafter give us a DK64 HD remaster, with a few minigames made easier, and other QoLs.
  3. Look, a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 knockoff: Will "dateable living weapons" become a new subgenre? And no Pokemon jokes ya lunatics.
  4. Yamanouchi Kagetora Who? The nominal main character of Odama. What is that game? This: A feudal Japanese army, possessing the Odama, giant pinball that crushes all foes! Lead the bell symbolizing the way of Ninten-do to victory!
  5. Once and always, Summer Sports. Winter sports are nice too, but summer is my higher desire. Marth will be dressed for baseball for Japan, Lyn gets put into soccer or lacrosse -or Florina plays one of these and says offhand she has been training with a Lyn that isn't on the actual banner/TT. Leif can be doing track with the title "Lifelong Runner", a dark-ish joke about the reality of his life.
  6. Berserkhardt into Sleephardt b/c Conen is better. It's funnier, a testament to his strength, and humiliating all at the same time. Only problem you have to waste extra staff charges or go Miranda route. That Reinhardt is memorable in Thracia, isn't entirely because of himself, it's also because Thracia is just lacking for good villains. I wouldn't want him playable myself. The Michalis move with FE12 isn't something I'm entirely in love with either, considering his sacrifice gave him more meaning/redemption than joining your army so late he could do next to nothing.
  7. Qbby I could see totally see being an Assist Trophy, but when all you can do is make boxes pop out of you in every direction, just comes off as being a little too limited for me. I say this having played both Boxboy and Boxboxboy. -But I'll always leave my mind a crack open to the incomprehensible magic of Sakurai. True, Project X Zone isn't all "greats" when it comes to its lineup of playables. You do have Yuri, Heihachi, and KOS-MOS for "great" Namco reps, but then Valkyrie? Thats just retro/"nostalgic" Namco at play. Sega had two Sakura Wars pair units, and Resonance of Fate isn't a "great" game either.
  8. Interesting. Could this have some relation to why he picked the Smash U new additions so early into its creation IIRC? A sudden shift in gears must be very time-consuming. And thank goodness Wario wasn't chosen for Melee, otherwise we wouldn't be here on this lovely board together.
  9. SF uses the rough original translation of everything still, Elixir is what originally was called the Healing Drop. The fan translation changed the name to make things more familiar with FE naming standards. I'm sorry I didn't mention that before. I apologize if I'm to blame for your failure to get Leteena.
  10. And it might be just me, but is it possible some fans want to cram too much into one moveset? Too many references, too much of a character's great arsenal? Maybe the answer to that is "no", Mega Man has weapons representing many of his games, and Samus could easily and should get a boatload of stuff added into hers. But, if you keep throwing in references, is it possible that if you don't think it through, the moveset becomes an incomprehensible mess? That by focusing on referencing, you don't create any cohesion that would form a fighter with a defined profile and balanced for a loosely defined metagame? Sure Smash is part-fanservice party fiesta, but I'm not of the mind that that should mean you abandon all notions of attempting balance and creating well-formed fighters.
  11. I'd be okay with KOS-MOS, but c'mon, Elma! Barring the fact she can't compete for the 5th because all 3rd party and Miss Anti-Gnosis is that while Elma ain't. And KOS-MOS would probably play a bit more uniquely than Elma. Elma would be better than Blade Climber & Puma though.😛 --- Surprisingly, it wasn't so hard to farm a lot of the Augment stuff for the ultimate battle. Breaking appendages guaranteeing the drop of at least one of a given material with every kill seriously helped. Still need Tickets for some of the materials, but I've a lot of the good already. I was flipping through the completed Collectopedia between farming every so often, nothing too interesting. Except for this: Nopolith "A rectangular stone monument of perfect black. According to Nopon folklore, it brings great wisdom to any who dare touch it."
  12. Steel Axes in FEs 6-9 were E rank, why I do not know. Some way to "improve" early Fighters via making them more powerful? Maybe FE is suggesting that Axes require less knowhow to use? I'd think Lances would be the easiest things though. And the Thracia Brave Axe became the GBA Iron Axe. And the Hammers are identical. Not a lot, but some recycling of old spritework began here it seems. The sprites look good, so I didn't mind it. Considering the Crit formula is Skl = Crit in this game, but Crit Evade = Lck/2, and that scrolls mitigate all enemy Crit barring Wrath, you might prefer spreading at least a few out. Random low critblicks are unfun.
  13. On Breath of the Wild, they discovered another glitch fairly recently. Shoot an arrow right before a cutscene loads at where a boss would be, and the arrow will damage the enemy through the cutscene. Given the cutscene before the final boss is long, you can kill them instantly this way when the battle actually begins. But, I like this glitch more: I've heard Japan has waivers for school/work you can get if your train doesn't make it on time, other parts of the world should adopt these. How to make them credible and convincing to your professor/boss though? No wonder, the game must be cursed. One general question about KOS-MOS, I'm noticing that figurine, her XC2 self, another depiction of her I've seen, and this one: ...all look different from each other. For the above image of KOS-MOS, her one page in-game bio says "This body is v.4.". And T-elos suggested to me at one point that she had destroyed KOS-MOS's prior body. Then, I stumbled on one poster on another website years ago who, without explaining it, I think said that KOS-MOS using D-Teneritas in this body has some XS canonicity problem. So, when it comes to crossovers, from what you know, does KOS-MOS tend to get depicted in one body more than another?
  14. If you want a little more blind, then obviously don't look any combination of the: recruitment, growths, item location, and hints and secrets pages. Or others you'd think that tell you too much. Sure you don't have the maps themselves listed, but you still have a good deal of info, restrict yourself if you feel you need to.
  15. You're welcome! I honestly was going back and forth about what and how to post what I wanted to say, and I finally decided putting it in spoilers would be for the best. Even if the game isn't the newest thing around. I hope the two Bravely games get ported eventually. I would like to think there are plans for a third game, and since it'd be a direct sequel to the other two, porting Bravely Default and Bravely Second would be a good idea.
  16. I get what you're saying here (Bravely Default SPOILERS!): *Takes a sharpie to Sharena's face and draws a mustache and angry eyebrows on it.* *Sticks Alfonse's hands in warm water.* *Reaches for Anna's gold bag, only for her to grab a revolver eyes closed and shoot Loki through the heart.* "Not even in my sleep.😘"
  17. There is this explanation: https://web.archive.org/web/20090820163727/http://platinumgames.com/2009/04/17/designing-bayonetta/ Bayonetta is a mixed bag. The game she stars in was made by a man, who wanted a game that was sexy and not too serious. And, he considers Bayonetta "his ideal woman". BUT! Bayonetta's design was entrusted to a woman. So you can't say she is purely a product of male desire either. She is a modern witch, as interpreted by her character designer, but also works for Kamiya's idea of a sexy game, such explains her magic hair.
  18. Well, she is a witch, so it's all magic. She just stores power in her hair, when she needs more, she draws it out. I've never played Bayonetta myself b/c no good at action games, but I don't mind her character. I've doubts of that, it'd have to be a tiny teaser trailer. We only learned in late October that they have hired a Lead Artist, whose prior works include Halo 4 & 5. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/10/metroid_prime_4_dev_retro_studios_hires_halo_character_modeller_as_new_lead_artist
  19. Should dislike Pokemon Conquest: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is an inventive cross over between the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem series. But it didn't start out that way. According to a recent interview with #FE producer Hitoshi Yamagami, the game was originally envisioned as a crossover between the Fire Emblem and Pokémon series, with no plans to add the Shin Megami Tensei characters into the mix. The game's director, Kaori Ando, felt the two series' RPG mechanics were pretty well in line, and that a crossover could work. However, the plan was not meant to be. "Though I agreed with her," said Yamagami, "by chance the Pokémon group had already proposed what eventually became Pokémon Conquest at the same time."
  20. What the heck happened to KOS-MOS? A robo-labotomy? Do what exactly? The Junk Sword isn't exactly a one-handed weapon. And the Monado is definitely not. Or was Shulk thinking of a gift for Reyn? It took until Hugo to get a sword & shield user in Xenoblade. I wouldn't mind seeing another. Actually, I'd sorta like it if XC1 Definite revived an idea they had late in the plot, but dropped.:
  21. Is using a character whose Heart to Heart I found charming as their avi.
  22. For the 2nd reunion: Runan: Kreiss and Arkis, they can recruit the same character. And if you've done the stuff for Leteena/Leticia (I think that is her new name), you need Kreiss. Holmes: Attrom For the 3rd reunion: Put Mintz with Runan. Put Sasha and Kate together, it doesn't matter which group, just make sure they're together. If Kate is strong and you like her, I'd say put the two with Runan. This said, the EVIL! swamp map 2 is for Holmes to deal with after the 3rd reunion, so make absolutely sure Attrom's recruit is placed there. And, Holmes has no more skirmishes once he reunites with Runan for the 3rd time, so finish your grinding needs before then. Speaking of map design, Runan's Chapter 26 has two versions, they share in one gimmick, but one map is generally considered worse than the other, even if it has the only Move statbooster in the game. The option with the Move Potion is the bottom one, the top option is the less annoying map, this will make sense when you get there. And if you like more secret stuff, I'll put it without too much detail in here. This is all 2nd reunion, the 3rd has no such secret stuff.: Lastly, there is an item duplication glitch (I think it still exists in the translation) you can do if you kill Krishna before Chapter 29. It's kinda brokenly good, so you probably don't want to use it.: So, most of the character-team distribution stuff is first reunion. The second has less, and the third almost nothing.
  23. Agreed, 16 is very bad. Definitely a massively low point in the game, you can't even use fliers b/c indoors to cross the swamp. I can understand not liking the Gaiden influence with the summoners, and Mermel Caves is hell by any FE's standards. There are no more than four Arch Mogalls that exist outside of skirmishes I think. The third Arch Mogall is easy to kill too. The summoners will come and go, I don't remember many, if any, between the 2nd and 3rd reunions. The Chapter 20 Arch Mogall sits on a chest in poison swamp with a Save Staff. Unless you really want that Save Staff, I'd say to ignore it and just head to the objective. Its spawn shouldn't really threaten you that much if you keep moving towards the goal. I will tell you there is another poison swamp later, one that is even worse. How did Kaga do so objectively wrong with map design? But I will tell you if keep Attrom with Holmes after he meets with Runan again, you will obtain the answer to the poison marsh's return, the answer that shall make the pain go all away. Nope, still locked to a certain character, as all class rank Magnus are. And everyone seems to have some sort of theme to their set, except Kalas.
  24. Nope, only one character. Everyone else gets an optional "character dungeon" at the end of the game after the Alps, you'll find their final class rank items for 9 card combos in those locations. The game I recall tells you/drops a good nudge in the right direction as to where each of these dungeons are, and they're not at all difficult. However, Lyude's dungeon ceases to exist once completed. Completion being killing all the enemies, for they don't respawn, and then returning to the center room to queue up the boss. So be sure you get the Jasper Gem, it should be in plain sight, his dungeon isn't esoteric. --- Making a laundry list of XX Augments to slay the Endbringer, as I've read online. Since the Yggralith Global Nemesis should be returning for the first time months and I should farm all the Tickets I can get from it.: Quite the farming record, even the Skell with the strongest base kit, needs a lot of assistance take down the strongest enemy in the game.
  25. Not sure how old this is, but Nintendo Everything pointed out this tweet: Not too long ago, director Yasuyuki Honne reflected on the game, and more specifically, one of the game’s Japanese advert. Honne said Nintendo “was extremely happy that we were making a GameCube exclusive RPG for them, and without even knowing what the game was about, they made a teaser commercial”. Honne’s full tweet: This is the Japanese commercial: I have no idea what anything said means.
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