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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. They usually carry a few Gravity attacks. Which until the postgame, is really bad for your Skells (mecha), since prior to the postgame ones, they all have negative Gravity resistance by default. Fortunately, except for the sleeping ones (which after the first you won't find yourself falling for), the Xe-doms that do exist leave you alone like the tiny ants your are on foot, they'll only attempt to squash you in a Skell. You're never ever going to get any items that exist solely to be sold for money, or actual funds. You must Capture to obtain all the weapons you will need barring chests and villages. Not saying you must capture everyone, but if it isn't a hassle that interferes too much with your overall plan, you should try to take whatever enemies you can. Stuff you don't need you can sell for a handful of funds. Even jokes can be salvaged in FE5, and you'll see why, in time.
  2. It was so liberating to see them zapped to pieces with a single use of Aghasura Cannon as soon as I got my Ares 90. The threat vanished, a rarefied metallic giant that would in any Xeno world constitute a dire encounter for the majority of lifeforms, became dull and common as I slaughtered them over and over for their parts. Not that I truly needed an Ares to do that, since I discovered that slaying Xe-doms on foot is entirely possible. Setup setup setup. And to think I have only about ~160 hours IIRC on file. I'm probably approaching similar on XC2. Although any replay of XCX would be a heckuva lot shorter, even without an NG+ being available, since I can see myself cutting through the fat a lot easier. I managed to play it completion, but I felt like I had to force myself to do so at points. And I didn't even go for the boss-rush + superboss that must be finished to truly understand everything that happens. I also got the hidden classes that let me cheese the final chapter bosses, not caring I passed by possibly fun challenges by doing so. Octopath Traveler really was too archaic and too simple for me. Archaic RPGs I can manage, if they are actually old games. DQIV, originally an NES game, I could sincerely enjoy on the DS decades later, OT didn't have that age excuse. I much preferred the Bravely games, even though they ran into their own issues, Bravely Second being a smoother gameplay experience than the first. Farming the Deimos Sauros in XC2 makes me realize getting to 99 won't take very long at all. Took like 15 minutes to get from 76 to 80, and I have enough Inn EXP to get to 90-91. That makes me happy, I need something to play between rechargings of my laptop. Not that I really have postgame goals, for there isn't a Miran Survey equivalent to complete (which I can certainly finish once I muster the will to get materials for augments for Telethia hunting). I just want every non-NG+ Rare Blade and to do their Quests and HtHs, and then to futz around with fighting some of the UMs and challenge battles.
  3. I don't recall one. And because of that, I was very paranoid about rechecking the unit lineup page again and again to make sure everyone but Leif had left the map.
  4. I don't recall Escape, I mean it is a very important command normally if you're moving a unit onto an Escape space. But I don't think I was trying to get Selphina to kill things as she defended the castle either.
  5. Everything was accomplished on a 7 years old Macbook Pro, by someone who is a total novice at anything computer science. And don't forget, if you want a less truer and less player-friendly Thracia experience, follow the instructions to apply the add-on that removes the preinstalled add-on that relocates "Wait" from the top to the bottom of the list. Not sure if they made the FE3 repositioning patch preinstalled in a later version, or if there is a way to remove it. Or if the addition of the normally invisible and never once spoken of Critical Multiplier (which has a thousand names because it was never officially named), which has been made visible in the patch, can be concealed again. I'm 95% certain though you won't be able to the hitherto invisible growths boosts provided by each of the scrolls, which this patch has made seen.
  6. Odd, I played from beginning to end using the patch on a Mac, and everything went fine. OpenEmu ran it perfectly well. I didn't use the final-final patch though after some players' suggestions for edits, only the final that was the first version fully translated.
  7. It seems like it doesn't, the opening narrative did begin with Welt climbing a cliff for me, even though I had chosen Einsatz. Nothing so far (I'm into Act 2 now) shows any particular focus on Einsatz, the whole of Pharzuph Division 7 is getting attention. Einsatz does do a good chunk of talking, but that would seem to be because he is the captain of the group, no other reason. Welt and especially Idea the amnesia girl are getting plenty of attention too. Everyone else is getting less spotlight and dialogue, with Granada the maid lady getting absolutely nothing notable. I'll keep you updated on them, whenever the game reveals more. Like why don't these things possess humans? Thats something one PC brought up. Also, it turns out I had no reason to worry about Abilities investments, I didn't pick up on it at first, but it turns out you can remove AP from skills and reinsert it other Abilities any time at absolutely no cost. Stat points are still unchangeable, which for a Corps means I should pick between physical or magical damage, but otherwise I'm free to experiment, not just with Sword & Shield and Support, but Spears too. This is great. I shouldn't try flipping around AP mid-fight though, since even when paused, enemies can attack me, therefore forcing me to leave the menu.
  8. The terrain of the Shoulder is very much like that of the two Colonies, so it would be feasible that Homs are drawn to this kind of environment. I don't mind the notion of a Homs community isolated from the rest, so much so the others might have forgotten it and that it wasn't impacted by the Mechon attacks. Furthermore, I'd like to see a few High Entia in this speculative Homs community then. Some Half-High Entia offspring and their full-blooded or also half-blood parents. Some were just born and raised here, others fled Alcamoth to avoid the general societal discrimination against them. And, a totally unrelated SPOILERS question is now in my head concerning XC1: Not bad, it completes the pairing to have a Pandoria Margie recolor. Even though the whole "cousins" thing meant I didn't care for Bart being that way with her. Cute. And speaking of Shulk, I decided to take a look at XC2 again, just to see if I could do this "Dino Crisis" to get S&F across the dimensional boundary. I noticed they added four new level 95 Driver enemies Olthero Ruins, not going to try fighting them. *Sees the first wave of enemies in Dino Drama is a lone level 110, gives up hope and dies in a half-minute* Repeat for everything else that was unlocked by clearing the game in the Land of Challenge. Sure I attempted these things on Normal, and ultra-easy Custom exists, but I didn't feel like trying that yet, if I ever do. Is the postgame operating under the assumption of just 99 (not there yet) + maxed Affinity Charts + great Aux Cores I haven't made yet, or is it calling for these NG+ expanded Driver Affinity Charts too? Also, why'd they pick Dino Drama to hide S&F of the postgame challenges? Is the final wave a giant t-rex with green feathers glued to its head named "Dinobeast"? --- I've begun Soma Bringer after testing the startup menu months ago. My first character I wanted to play it safe with, so I went with Corps using Sword and Shield for durability. Because I liked the little bio description and his appearance, I picked Einsatz as my character. I've completed the First Act. I like a class system with good customization, and reading the library notes, the game explains things pretty clearly. The game even tells you the damage modifiers of the various abilities, which I like because it informs you with no doubts as to what is truly strong. The skill point cap being 20 though means I avoided investing in anything beyond a single point before reaching level 10, just so I could see a wider selection of my options for investment. I'm going S&H physical attacks and support magic as the game offers as a suggestion, which means I'm putting my stat points in Str and Vit. My one notable gameplay lack of info comes in the form of how much Skl affects my Block rates, I wish I knew this before I invest in the Block %+ skill, or if I should instead pick the Guard one. I can't see the potency of skills out of my reach either, but I can deal with that. I'm was going back and forth about whether Heal or Healing is a better investment. Heal is an instant 870 for 27 SP. With Healing I get 160 seconds of 62 HP regen every ~4 seconds for only 8 SP, so ~2480 HP. Healing is a lot more efficient if I don't want to constantly chuck SP restoratives, but it's gradual and takes up the only Added Effect slot, which I could use for one of five other buffs the class gets. However, I'm already at 700 HP, so Healing probably isn't going to suffice, Heal it'll have to be. SP reserves can only go up as the game progresses, even if my healing items supplies can too. The absence of a Rest feature like Etrian Odyssey, where you can trade two levels for total skill point reallocation, weighs on my choices. Soma Bringer looks colorful, the music suffices, the plot is fine if no Xeno so far (but are Visitors supposed to be Gnosis-inspired?), and the characters are inoffensive. I'm liking it.
  9. One way I heard the naïveté spun, not that I'm a firm believer in it, is in union with her brother's stance on his route towards Lyon.: Eirika: Pre-Two Faces of Evil: "Lyon is my friend, I will save him alive." Post-TFoE: "Lyon cannot be saved, I will mercifully kill him. Ephraim: Pre-Two Faces of Evil: "Lyon is dead, the Demon King waltzes with his body, I will destroy it!" Post-TFoE: "Lyon is alive, I will accept his choice to do evil and stop him." Basically, they started as opposites. Then the confrontation with the stone smash happens and they have to accept the opposite reality. Well, not quite exactly, since Ephraim still has to kill Lyon, but he does it knowing he is killing his friend, not just the Demon King. Neither wanted to kill Lyon, in that they were united. But the solution to not doing it were different. Eirika wanted to avoid killing Lyon by saving him. Ephraim wrote Lyon off as dead, and you can't kill someone who is already dead, there would therefore be no moral quandary in destroying his body.
  10. Hey! TearRing Saga didn't suffer from it! It just opted to have you play and see the 40-all-mandatory-chapters story of only two of its four main-main characters. ...Which wasn't a great idea in its own way. Because I was left really wanting to play as Alm with a twin sister Manakete, both raised by Eyvel and her father Swordmaster Mycen, with their blood aunt and one blood uncle being Minerva and Michalis, growing up alongside Manakete Celica who Young Travant loves, and now I'll never get a chance. Damn you Kaga!
  11. A little weird they'd assemble a video like this, but still not as weird and Zeke and his father. How are the two related? I don't see the family resemblance. During the ending, I hadn't seen the Tantal king in so long, I thought they had flipped to show Uraya until they showed Queen Raqura. I do like the music of Theosoir though, it suits the setting. Understandable, I was going back and forth on where to put Torigoth. This reminds me, how are they going to address that odd village on the Bionis's Right Shoulder? The houses were too small for humans, but didn't look Noponese. And the one big house appeared as thought a giant could live there, but will they seriously consider adding one survivor to the race? Or will it be empty with residents saying "here once lived a giant now long gone"? Has the footage so far glanced at the village at all? If it hasn't, I could see them scrapping every old building with a more normal settlement. But why would it be Homs? I got the impression that barring whoever is procreating the Half-High Entia, that not many Homs go to the upper reaches of Bionis. A colony on the Right Shoulder would contradict that. Are we looking at a Nopon town then? ----- Sky Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! What a useless, repetitive glitch. But it looks cool.
  12. Barbarians lands aren't worth conquering? Verdane doesn't seem like some disgustingly barren Mongolian plains though, you'd think Loptous would like chopping down a few hundred forests to build some manors and fill his castles with elegantly carved furniture featuring dragon motifs. Verdane could have been deemed too backwater to be worth the price, even if all its bandits could be subdued. The reason northernmost Silesse got spared I can imagine had less to do with Silessean military might, and more with it being too cold and worthless. Similarly, if Thracia was no true military threat to the Empire, then letting Travant keep his throne would've had to have been related to the southern half of the peninsula being agriculturally worthless. Maybe Emperor Julius III would've later initiated a conquest of Verdane to boost his prestige and extract more from a world used to Loptian rule. But savoring the fruits of the big prizes of Grannvale, Agustria, and Manster, with the smaller ones of Silesse, Miletos, and Issach, was enough at the present moment. To add to this, let me post these details from the Treasure artbook concerning every country's main industries: Agriculture – Grannvale and Augustria Agriculture, crafts and fishing - Manster District Fishing and hunting – Verdane, Silesse Fishing, hunting, mining -- Thracia Livestock farming – Isaach Which of these would you want the most in a premodern society? Which the least?
  13. Thank you for framing it that way for me. I can see this. Sure her returning to Sacae is to get rid of her and Caelin for FE6, but it isn't a badly made excuse. However, am I supposed to feel guilt for shipping EliLyn now?
  14. Thinking back on that, I can definitely see it being the case. And finding a rare Escape card somewhere in one of your three decks (Lyude should have one in his deck when he gets to joining sometime relatively soon), yeah, the problem exists. And just as a reminder, the droopy bird enemies in this area drop a Constellation fragment (it's always them and the bats that do), so be sure to get it. Did ya get the next class rank up item for Xelha by the way? Floating the Thunderfish Head down the river until it comes to a stop? Just checking. If you missed it, I'm not so sure, it might be possible when you've cleared up the troubles in Sheliak to back and get it. Or at least before departing for the third island. Theosoir has the look of a Himalayan monastery or the like, so I agree with it being a close second. Does the music there have actual lyrics by the way? I'd then say Argentum is third. Fonsa Myma is fourth b/c northern European architecture that made it feel like a fantasy castle town. Torigoth for fifth. Fonsett is sixth. Garfront is getting seventh last b/c Merc Missions and one annoying quest in it took me forever to solve. And Indol is dead last. But overall, the towns of XC2 are significantly improved from XC1, where Colony 9 was the only true great town. Frontier Village had its traversing issues (and Argentum feels like a better Frontier), Alcamoth was restricted to the grand plaza of the city and a dull palace. Colony 6 was cramped in area, but I liked the development aspect of it that turns it into a diverse place- it's good, but only with effort. And the other place was small, not bad, but small. As long as the mines are no Ether Mines, I'd have that. But we know right shoulders are verboten until early next year. And, not to speak ill of Oblivia, but I wish I could retroactively play Mor Ardain's music over its theme. Oblivia's music is good, perhaps a tad more suited for the region since it has a hint of wildness to it. But, overall, even if Mor Ardain's music was made with active industrialism present that isn't found in Oblivia (yet you still have dead mechanical ruins), it is still superior to Oblivia's. Agreed that I can't quite see X being without his musical style now. Not quite perfect, but a few tweaks and its all good. NLA's theme........... can I say it fits okay? Running around the Commercial District, the sound of an electric car passing by, and considering this is representative of SoCal, the instrumentation works, it's the vocals that kills it. An instrumental vs. lyrical option in the options menu would mean recording a bit more music, but I think it'd be an appreciated touch. I've been trying to stay physical, only getting one game on sale digital that I could've gotten physical. But, the allure of having all my games freely accessible at any time no need for a minute of swapping them in and out, is tempting.
  15. Where was the racism against Lyn handled oh so well? Is it in Rath's joining chapter (6?), with Marquess Araphen aka "Gets Recycled Into the Silver Card Carrier Who Kishuna Silences"? Not to say attempting discrimination conflict is a bad thing, or that other instances of it in FE at either a personal or national level were handled well. But I don't recall Lyn in this regard being amazing.
  16. People are dripping black tar It's taken a ship down so far Don't wanna lose hope But here we are Wishing to see the sunrise But the sun doesn't rise in this sky Black Tar covers most eyes *Jumps, poses, and drops mic, with the visible back of my shirt "Reading to be continued?"* The question has just popped in my head as whether the divisive Sawano will return to compose X2, with some kind of "Black Tar 2". I'm not in the mind for having Kiyota + Ace+ compose X2, to keep XC and XCX separate in another way, and to give them a break to rest their creativity. Leftheria is beautiful. But I don't recall spending a whole lot of time there. By contrast, I felt like I spent too long in Uraya, even if it was still good. And of course, Mor Ardain was underused, and what time was had there, involved a lot in that bland abandoned warehouse. Alba Cavanich is probably the best city in the game though, but all of them have their positives. But speaking of Leftheria, the bridges between Titans are like walking on clouds, except...
  17. Oddly, Tinni has fight dialogue in both 10 and F, but Arthur only F. Or, you could play with a game save/state for a moment. Just reload afterwards when she dies. Weirdly, I only screenshotted part of the 10 Tine convo: And part of the F convo:
  18. My interpretation is that he is just sick of living. He wanted Thracia, he tried to get Thracia, the Empire stopped him and he chose to ally with them instead. More than a decade of frustrations after major hopes have worn him down, and now the Empire has lost its control of the north, but the rebels are fighting back, having seized some of his realm and invading the rest. His archnemesis Leonster's prince belongs to it, so he won't join them and he can't betray the Empire he doesn't entirely trust/like either. Altena learning the truth probably just pushed Travant off that cliff. His best moment was seventeen years ago, and life has only gotten worse since. Not selflessness, rather rigidity, a refusal to budge from his old ways. Death is mercy for him, and also frees up Arion to do whatever he wants. But, Arion is a fool, an understandable fool under a lot of pressure, but a fool nonetheless. You didn't use Leif? 😡 I gotcha: You know to attack her with that untrained unit of yours called Tine, right?
  19. How do I know? This goddamn stuff is all around How can I get out? This nightmare I've got to escape Just screaming You hear them over and over You will get running So we can find the way to get out Can they alter wedding dresses? (I'm iffy on if this is a reference.) After XC2, I think we have a solution for the Commercial District's absence of actual shopping for the player- adding Pouch Items. That'd do a lot of good. And it'll all be in one geographic area, no need to quick travel more than once. A list of the businesses in the Commercial District: And while I was doing this, I overheard from passing by speech bubbles: That Prone take five years to reach full physical maturity, with the Affinity Chart suggesting a maximum lifespan of ~70 years. The name of the Prone home planet is Tormein. The evidence of long lost cultures on in every region suggests each a separate lost civilization, not a singular ancient Miran one (not that humans can truly know at this point). The Nopon birth rate has been declining lately, no reason given. Candid & Credible and Orphean Technologies attempted a collaboration project, cancelled because neither side listened to the other. Ordinary people too notice the mysterious power of Mira to make all the different aliens and humans understand each other communicatively. ---- Had a nice day, a trip to the airport isn't so bad when preceded by: a dose of fine art, a pinch of classical music, a stomach of ribeye steak on a sesame seeded bun with cheese whiz and onions, plus a few fries and a cookies & cream milkshake, three cookies (two chocolate chip and one snickerdoodle) much later, and a little Christmas spirit -albeit not as much desired b/c time crunch to the airport. Cheese whiz is only okay though, it has a certain... kick? twang? sauciness? -I can't explain what exactly. It's good on the first few bites, but later, ehhhh I regretted picking that.
  20. Corrin only wanted to place his hand through Ryoma's hair as Mikoto had done when Ryoma was only a child. Corrin had memories of the sweet young boy with his first shinai, and wanted to relive them in person. It was the longing of a parent for their child. There are even weirder ways I could take this gender-age role disconnection. Weirder than Ryoma trying to pin down the proper language to use when speaking with his brother-"mother", and having a sex and sexuality talk with Takumi in case Mikoto didn't. But I'll, like Hinoka, lacking for words to address Corrin's... unique questions... tap him on the head with the blunt end of a Silver Naginata so he can't ask any more for the next few hours, or maybe ever.
  21. Well, wouldn't this make for a funny and novel twist.: Ryoma: Corrin, my brother, how wonderful it is to see you after all these years apart. Corrin: How I have longed to see you in person Ryoma, to hear your voice with my own ears, to run my hand through your hair. Ryoma: You act as if you have known me before, I thought such few memories as we had were banished from your mind? Corrin: They were, but as I slept in the terrible land of eternal darkness, I dreamt through our mother's waking eyes when she was awake. When she slept as I slept, her memories flowed into me. And there I saw the land to which I belonged, I understood it not for so long, but I do now. Ryoma: Then come brother! Let us be as brothers should! Corrin: Could we not do brotherly things? Ryoma: Whatever is the matter, dear sibling? Corrin: It's hard to explain, but, well, I think of you more as my child. Ryoma: Oh... then how should I address you, Corrin-...? Corrin: And I've been meaning to ask, did Mother ever get to telling Takumi she'd love him no matter who he was or who he loved? As long as it was consensual and safe?
  22. Luminaire! I think Thracia 776 actually declared him dead. Not absolutely sure, but I thought the new translation said he died. Of course, Thracia is LewynxErinys canon, so Claud is extra-permitted to die. Claud dying with Ced as his son in FE4 makes less sense, not entirely though, it's feasible a son could go looking for his father who is actually dead. How blind are you looking to play FE5 by the way? Are gaiden chapter requirements and character recruitments off limits to speak of?
  23. And I want more awesome melee superweapons! Too many of them are presently ranged, even if I like them too and would want more. I order the Wrothians to invent for me Wrathful God Fists that are a 1-to-1 recreation of a Weltall Deathblow or two, like Kishin. I will then start a bidding war for rights to construct Andvari twin whips. Somebody else has to make things that fit on the shoulders but act like Crescens head-wings too. But no, I don't want Fenrir's sword, I want the Mechonis's sword- performing one great big swing akin to that which ends the opening clash of giants. A giant hand gun is technically no different from a giant rifle, but Jessiecannon minus the copilot would be a good reference. And a dual guns superweapon would be different as well. For Billy and the Ranmazuo! I forgot the Thor Wave hadoken! We need that. I don't think we need not-Aerods or not-Shining Arrow though, since the Dragoon Lance looks similar (Beam attribute even fits with Mythra's Light). I wouldn't say no to either though, there is always room for creativity, like having the not-Aerods shoot the target enemy from all directions and not just above. Oh, and Poppibuster Shield-Hammer! The Nopon must manufacture something Skell! Would Yggdrasil "Depth Charges" be possible if they launched from the backside or shoulders and flew up before contacting the enemy? Because Dual Rings pity in XC2, and we already have Chakrams as Hand weapons, could we get a superweapon version? Or one really big ring instead of two smaller ones. Last idea to dawn on me before I post this- a spear like the kind used by the Mechon that one time. Nope! Yet another, a Wrothian naginata. I forget what their Skells actually used. I forgot to reply to this earlier. But of course I'd take more Zeboim. I really liked the flashback, it was touching, and I still get teary thinking on the moment you see Kim and Elly looking at the finished Emeralda, the child they couldn't have naturally. We know how Zeboim ended, environmental collapse and maybe war, but more can always be done, like showing the prime minister at her machinations. The Lighthouse dungeon overall looks nice, it wouldn't be anything unusual to Xeno now with NLA and but it'd still be good to see again. "Seeing again" defines Xenogears as a whole though. It'd be nice to see even that darnedest crucifixion scene again. A remake, with Takahashi given a non-stressful job at the helm to keep it on track with the original's spirit, would be absolutely glorious. We could have all of Disc 2 fixed. We could get more stuff to flesh out all the characters more. And I especially feel bad for poor Rico, he never got his character arc finished. When Bart goes to get that that five-second Yggdrasil mecha, we need a new, short dungeon where Rico confronts Kaiser Sigismund. More from there I haven't a clue, but thats how I'd restart his arc. Gameplay would need fixes too, to make it a more complex and entertaining sidecar to the motorbike called the plot. Though we can't copy Xenoblade here I'd say, and Xenoblade's open world/open world-ishness is entirely incompatible with Xenogears. Not sure what exactly to do. Back to Zeboim, would making the flashback interactive for part of it be a detriment? Like being able to have Kim walk in the restaurant or Times Square? Can't fight, can't do anything but walk and talk, but talking to some Zeboim NPCs to get their thoughts on the times as they lived through it could be effective. Just make speaking with Elly the lone objective for those who didn't want to babble with the NPCs. Not sure if we could how much more of an actual dungeon we could make out of the Zeboim ruins, but more endgame dungeons would be appreciated. Maybe give everyone barring Elly and Chuchu a "character dungeon". An easy answer would make ruins of an old place formerly associated with a character into a dungeon- Bledavik for Bart, Citan can have Lahan or Solaris, an expanded Lighthouse fills the role for Emeralda.
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