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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. He doesn't, he gets only a namedrop at the start of Chapter 20, by which point he dead. Are you looking to a homewrecker? Selphina has Glade as her husband, who else gives her the Brave Bow? I'm not sure if Alfred weds Olwen, it'd make sense, since the Exile translation says "he went on to marry a young noblewoman with close ties to Freege's inner circle". Olwen's ending says she married "a rather unremarkable man". And Alfred's ending says an age difference made the couple the butt of jokes, which begs the question, do the ages SF has listed and I think are canonical, enough to make fun of? Alfred is apparently 25, Olwen 18, seven years of difference. Selphina is 26 to Glade's 34 as an aside. You forgot Kyza. Understandable, since NoA toned down his gayness for uprightness, which is still part of his Japanese characterization. But the gay man gets subdued, while Heather doesn't hide at all, odd. Of course, Kyza is just Leon with some Touch of Gray hair dye and some genetic modifications.
  2. Finished Infinite Space. A review of sorts for this game, developed primarily by a company called Nude Maker (just don't tell anyone that), with help from Platinum Games of action genre fame, and licensed by Segaaaaaa!.: Plot: As said before about the story, it’s good, but restrained by the limitations of the system it was made on. Moving beyond that description, the narrative starts slowly, picks up, shifts over to a new arc, and then gradually builds itself back up. An issue I have with it though is that it is a little diffuse. You have the Epitaph stuff, which at the beginning is accompanied by a space pirates focus because they’re easy for a novice like Yuri to destroy. You later have the big bad stuff, and you get plenty of political infighting amongst the nations of the Magellanic Clouds. And there are small choices and larger temporary route splits, which have differing narratives, battles, and rewards. But due to all these elements with a universe where I’m counting ~13 countries, you don’t get very much of an in-depth feel for any of them, just enough understanding to go on and distinguish them. Although to be fair, the sci-fi scope of this game isn’t about individual planets or planetary systems, it is about seeing the entirety of the universe, which to be so broad, requires a lack of depth elsewhere. Nonetheless, I’d say the narrative is the game’s greatest strength. Characters: On the player side, the bazillion crew members you can optionally recruit, outside of a Tavern talk or three, almost never show up after they join. Most of these characters are missable, so that offers an explanation. Of the main cast, I don’t think any of the hero characters grow significantly. Yuri the main character has the most growth of course, I’d say I like him. Everyone tends to stick to some trope handled in a subdued manner. They’re nice people, but overall, this is a plot-driven game I’d say, not a character-driven one, even if I got attached to a couple of them. The villain side is thinner than the heroes I’d say, but they aren’t painfully bad, just a bit lacking due to a lack of screentime. Music and Graphics: Music has isn’t memorable, but not bad. Sound effects are grating on the other hand sometimes, namely those of all the lasers, plasma, and solid ammo your space navy shoots. The CGs and character profile artwork is good. The game tries its best to make 64-bit era+ (but less than GC) polygons into distinctive warships of space, which the game’s primary visual emphasis, and there it succeeded I believe. Non-Combat Gameplay: This game has a lot of easily missable crew members and blueprints for modules and ships. Some of this stuff you can only choose at missing out on other things. Other cases require doing things that you’d have no idea you’d have to do. But, a blind player can should be able to make it through even when they miss on most of this, as long as they understand the game and do well with that they can find. Figuring out where to go next is something of a problem in this game. There is no story log if you drop the game for a while and come back to it. And sometimes the game just isn’t as clear as it should be about where you should go next. A few times it actually just wants you cruising around. Navigating the game’s starlanes and nondescript planets with many different names creates another problem, at least early on. Everything about this game is handled with the touch screen, I think it works elegantly. You can tap to skip battle command animations, which seriously speeds things up. And the L button speeds up text in case you have to retry a battle and have to sit through the same dialogue again. Completion of the game unlocks a New Game+ feature. Unfortunately, all that carries over is character stats and levels and current money. No ships, no blueprints, nor fame, which means this NG+ you can’t put on cruise control unless you grind for a lot of money at the end. You unlock Extra Mode too, which apparently is a pure ship battles mode, with the ability to acquire any ships and characters from the game. A “free mode” unrestrained from the narrative. However, you must first have obtained the characters and blueprints in a playthrough I believe. The third thing that unlocks at game’s end is the entire Database, now it’ll show more than Celestial Objects. It lists all obtained characters, fighters, and ships, with a little descriptive blurb of each. And it tells you what percentage of them you’ve unlocked, completing the database will require three playthroughs at least, probably more actually. Combat Gameplay and Shipbuilding: At the beginning of the game, this game is hard and very intimidating. The game has a HELP feature with almost all the tutorials you need located there, but being a text dump, it still leaves one overwhelmed. The lack of Fire Emblem’s modern “highlight a stat/skill and you can read what it does” is sorely missed in this game. The thing is, once you understand how the game’s ship battles operate, it becomes much easier. And by the end of the game, my fleet could OHKO random battles with the Normal command. And story fights were harder, but not brutal nor significantly more complex. Melee combat, which you rarely must do and is never a choice for story battles unless thou must use it, is a barebones guessing game of rock-paper-scissors. Barring a few early fights and one spike of a battle later on, this is very easy. Just be sure to assign a Security Officer and underling with a good Combat stat, and ideally Space Warrior or maybe Marksman/Commander/Death Blow. Add Security Rooms and Crew Cabins to your ships if you need the extra attack/HP. The indoors you have to walk through are just the same corridors and movements again and again, no labyrinths, do nothing to these short lairs. Even though spaceship battles are simple, I did experience some enjoyment over the long process of saving money to buy new ships and then deck them out in good modules, upgraded weapons, and fighters. It takes A LOT of money to buy new things (selling anything gives you back ~75-80% of its value, that’s good), and if you don't grind, you'll find yourself perpetually short on cash. That is, until late in the game, when boss battles start giving out 20k+, that is when money stops being such an issue. Nonetheless, ideally, you shouldn't have to upgrade your ships that often if you buy wisely and tune up what you do purchase. Now when it comes to buying ships, UI could be better before you buy, it really should let you see the modular space layout beforehand, but buying and resetting without saving suffices in absence of it. It doesn’t explain what the handful of battleship skills do either. Nor is there a renaming feature either once you buy a ship, so if you don’t like what you first called it, you’ll have to buy the thing all over again. Then there is the sheer number of ships available. Fast and small Destroyers, Cruisers as a middleweight with good Anti-Air stats, Battleships are the big and slow monstrosities everybody loves, and Carriers are lightly armed, but can store more Fighters than anything else. And Fighters are extremely good. Lastly there is an Other category of a miscellaneous mix of fairly weak combat and utility ships. Four main categories isn’t the problem, what is how the categories can spiral out of control. Which of so many competing vessels do you buy? Well stats and module space tell this story, but there are so many some seem utterly redundant and outright inferior to others. The Adrasteia was one of the worst cases of this, it comes in the second half of the game, but has sub-2000 Durability, which is really bad for a Battleship at that point. Although I did use two Eudoras through Zenito, and didn’t replace the other until after Adis. The quantity induces some “paradox of choice”, wherein you can’t decide which to get because you don’t know which is really the right choice. The positive to this sea of machines voyaging through space is that you aren’t lacking for aesthetic variety in starship design. Every country and bandit group gets its own armada; as you play through the game, you’ll never see a recolor of a bogey back from an earlier chapter. Though since ship stats do gradually go up (and make a big jump at one point), you can’t entirely stick with what blocky DS graphics space arks you like. Not the worst game in terms of powercreep by any means though. The Carrier I bought at the start of the second half of the game lasted me to the final battle. All that said, this was my flagship by the game's end: Should You Find A Copy of Infinite Space?: Whether you’d want to play Infinite Space is one question I won’t answer for you, I can see the gameplay being something of a turnoff. But I’d consider watching an LP for the story if you like sci-fi. I certainly won’t call it legendary, but I liked it, it’s good. I enjoyed the game. The game from what I'm aware is rare and pricey FYI. And you can't delete files, only overwrite them. And you can't do anything about the Database, which means you'll miss on ~200 Fame total (easily obtained from a handful of fights), and you won't want to look at it to avoid some spoilers. @Armagon you might want to watch such an LP if you can find a good one, there is just a hint of the Xeno- franchise Infinite Space's narrative, since it derives inspiration from a shared source. Though it doesn’t come until nearing the end to show itself I’ll admit, so the rest might bore you. And I’ll say that overall, this isn’t as good at Xeno- in this shared aspect. I'm just informing you of this.
  3. What? I don't have 3H yet, but this was totally uncalled for. Awakening was fine concerning dodgetanking, thanks to the 2 RN hit formula, I don't recall it being broken or underpowered there. Pair Up unit snowballing and Nostanking did the gamebreaking, not Lon'qu on his lonesome. Fates and SoV on the other hand greatly curtailed dodgetanking with the 1 RN hit formula, to the point where it was thoroughly situational. A Swordmaster could possibly dodgetank in Fates, but only against certain enemy types- Axes and Bows with a regular katana, Lances and Daggers with a Dual Katana- and generally always Tomes, but generally never Swords. An SM could never dodgetank against everything at once, so you had to carefully pick which enemies to fight with it; or so things were in my experience. SoV limits dodgetanking to its massively avoid-providing terrain, and not against magic. I can see how dodgetanking isn't something the developers want to be commonplace. Higher Def/Res only reduces the damage you take from attacks targeted at the corresponding stat. Dodgetanking nullifies attacks altogether, regardless of whether it is physical or magical.
  4. And it seems like it was a perfectly acceptable thing in premodern China and Japan for a time. Hideyoshi tried to do I think with one of his generals before Hideyori was born (who then became his heir, but not for long- Ieyasuuuuuuu!). And the famed Kenshin of the Uesugi clan, wasn't actually an Uesugi. And China's Cao Cao, which gives away that most of my knowledge here comes from Musou games, was the son of a man who was adopted by a eunuch.
  5. Whilst not as low, I have noticed that Def growth tends to be significantly lower than Str (Mag for mages)/Skl/Spd/Lck on the whole. This is not just an Archanean thing.: Thracia 776: Only 5 units: Marty, Brighton, Kain, Alfred, and Ralph for Def growth > 30. For physical units only 7 units Eyvel and Dagda (bad growths everywhere), Marty, Ronan, Lara, Nanna, and Selphina have Str growth < 30. For Skl, it's 7 units E&D, Orsin, Halvan, Marty, Brighton, and Lithis who have Skl < 30. Only 5 units: E&D, Marty, Ralph, Dalsin, have Spd < 30. There are 10 units: Eyvel, Ralph, Ronan, Safiya, Brighton, Dalsin, Alfred, Lithis, Salem, Schroff, Conomor, have Luck < 30. Binding Blade: Only 5 units: Bors, Lott, Barthe, Fae and Karel (big exceptions these two!) have Def growth > 30. Only 9 units: Marcus, Merlinus (exception!), Zelot, Fir, Larum and Elffin (exceptions!), Niime, Dayan, and Juno have Str < 30. 14 units: Marcus, Zelot, Lilina, Barthe, Gonzalez, Larum and Elffin (exceptions again), Bartre, Perceval, Igrene, Garret, Sophia, Niime, and Dayan, have Skl < 30. Only 9 units: Marcus, Ellen, Wade, Zelot, Barthe, Cecilia, Garret, Niime, and Dayan, have Spd < 30. 19 units: Marcus and Zelot (you know, they seems like exceptions everywhere), Saul, Astolfo, Barthe, Sin, Echidna, Bartre, Raigh, Melady, Sophia, Cecilia, Igrene, Garret, Hugh, Zeiss, Douglas, Niime and Dayan (exception severywhere), have Lck < 30. Blazing Blade: Only 4 units: Hector, Lowen, Oswin, Wallace, have Def growth > 30. Only 5 units: Merlinus and Ninian/Nils (don't really count), Legault, Jaffar, and Karla, have Str < 30. Only 4 units: Dorcas, Marcus, Hawkeye, Wallace, have Spd < 30. Only 7 units: Kent, Lucius, Canas, Heath, Harken, Jaffar, Renault, have Lck < 30. Sacred Stones: I count only 6 units: Seth, Gilliam, Ephraim, Gerik, Duessel, and Myrrh (but doesn't really count with 150) as main game units with Def growth > 30. Only Garcia has Spd growth that is < 30. Only Rennac and Tethys (doesn't count) with Str < 30. Only Natasha, Saleh, and Tethys Skl < 30. Only 7 units: Seth, Moulder, Artur, Kyle, Rennac, Duessel, and Knoll Lck < 30. Eyeballing it, the Def growth vs. other non-HP (always higher) or Res (generally lower not on mages, but ) gap remains in PoR. But it appears to shrink a little, with some higher Def growths while Str/Skl/Spd doesn't increase as much to keep the gap the same. And the Lck-Def gap disappears. RD I can't get a read on, but it seems if anything the gap growths again, though the minimums if not the average on Spd growth, seems to go down. SD brings back the Def gap in full force, being a remake with generally more or less the same growths for most units. New Mystery has the Def gap, but I think there are more units as a percentage of the pie who punch above that 30 growth soft ceiling than in SD. Even Awakening has the Def gap regarding Skl/Spd vs. Def. And it disappeared again in Lck, and for the first time is almost gone in Str. I don't think the Skl/Spd vs. Def gap goes away until Fates, more so for Conquest than Birthright. The Str vs. Def gap is pretty much gone in both too, but it reappears in some measure in Lck. And for once, the HP vs. Def gap is much much smaller. SoV's growths are very uniform outside of Res, and OG Gaiden isn't much different. I'd say the gaps don't exist here. This begs the question why Def tended to be so down, and other growths so high? Some thoughts and musings: Str is how you hurt things, having it high means you can kill things faster. Higher Skl makes your attacks more accurate. Higher growths here speeds up FE play, by making you defeat enemies faster with fewer whiffs of frustration. Higher Spd does create problems in the GBA and Tellius eras with dodgetanking, but for Archanea and less so Thracia, that doesn't work. So excess Spd does little, once you can double everything with the weapons you want to use, more Spd only marginally improves survival. Lck has a minor effect on things on the whole. It blocks crits, which isn't usually too bad since enemies usually have no Killers, crit bonuses, or high Skl. And the secondary boosts to Hit and Evade are only that, secondary. No character can be broken with high Lck alone. A higher growth here does nothing crazy. Def is low I'd say, because it means you can't mindlessly tank everything? High HP can be plummeted quickly if not backed with good Def or dodging, so keeping that stat high is fine for balancing the durability of units. A 25 HP-0 Spd-20 Def unit on the other hand, will normally die much slower in FE than 40 HP-15 Spd-13 Def, to conceive of a hypothetical.
  6. This would call for Sothe being held by Tibarn for his dear life as an accompanying unit. And because two is nothing, three additional characters would have to be alted to create a banner + freebie unit. For some inexplicable reason, I might recall a Nowi-Cherche support convo which suggest the two as a single unit for this theme. More boring choices would be Ulki-Rhys, Tibarn-Ranulf, and Janaff-Shinon (he'll probably just cuss the entire flight without flinching).
  7. When too much video games makes your eyes sore: Dragon Quest V DS version came in 28th place for physical sales across all consoles in Japan last week. Only 1905 copies sold, but I'm surprised there are that many new ones left at all. A DS game from over ten years ago.
  8. Congrats on finishing RD! On a second playthrough: 1. Pelleas can be spared! A third option is added when he offers to die- "Refuse his command". Everything related to him living I've complied here for you: 2. A special 4-F-5 Base Conversation is unlocked between Ike and Soren if they an A Support: 3. Sephiran/Lehran can live! Doing so requires fielding the Black Knight in 1-F, and then having Ike fight (not win or anything) against the Black Knight once in 3-7. Doing so unlocks this scene (from about 1:30 to 6:20 of the video) after 4-F-2. Easier to show than tell. That alters dialogue a little when Ike confronts Sephiran, and the battle conversation between the two: If you want to see the Talks between Sanaki, Ike, Kurthnaga, and Micaiah, I'll refer you to 23:47-26:55 of this video (which has most of what I've said above). And then flip to 30:47 to see Sephiran's character ending, and the new scene which immediately follows it. And in the Japanese version, when Sephiran is on the burning Serenes altar in the flashback, he hallucinates to the point of hearing voices. How Micaiah survived is never said. I guess the heartless Senate just didn't have the heart to suffocate or stab a baby and just got rid of it via exposure to elements thinking no one would find it, or sending it away to some distant peasant countryside? It's a big unexplained thing. But about the "descendant of Lehran and Altina" part, 2nd playthrough Base Conversations covers it all: That should do more or less all of it for the 2nd playthrough stuff. The Zunanma don't have too much said about them. They were the ancestors of Laguz and Beorc alike, although Begnion's Beorc racist elite claimed only Beorc were their descendants. Zunanma gradually evolved into Beorc and Laguz, and this differentiation, which the Goddess of Dawn gave names to, ending up resulting in conflict, which is what tore the one goddess into two with the Great Flood. Contradictory sources claim the Dawn Goddess did and didn't create the Zunanma, but she certainly didn't make the Laguz and Beorc. Actually, if you had supported them to an A, you would have gotten this: Although thinking more positively about Makalov, consider this: I'd advise taking a look over all the other RD 4-F boss convos. They quite good, particularly Haar's bunch. Well that should about do it. Though I'll add that Dheginsea's boss theme is actually a remix. And if you're bored, here is the first of a three part collection of all crit and skill animations in RD. All the flash you might want.
  9. I wish you the best! And for your sanity's sake, I recommend praying to the green god. FE1 looks like it should be absolutely archaic, but such is the foundation of the franchise. I hope it and OG Gaiden doesn't kill the entire project.
  10. If only Caineghis and Tibarn had waited until the others had arrived before clearing out the capital. That would have made for a grand clash involving a whole lot of your units. It's not so small when you consider you're forced to bring six other characters, and the rest of Part 4 had split everyone into groups, increasing the total number you were using if not all at once. But for the game with the largest playable roster second only to FE12 (79), you currently have 68 units I believe (which is four more than Fates: Revelation), only having the ability to select 11 of them for the finale is a sorry thing. There are reinforcements in the tower, not so much the first stage I recall, but if you play the second fight slowly, you can snack some there. Not quite sure of this myself. But I'd believe so. Although I'm likely overestimating how much Fortify is needed, but this is the end, so might as well use it up if you've a whole lot of allies injured. And don't be afraid of popping Elixirs or Concoctions then. She is adopted, but in what circumstances they found her are not said. Being Branded, a pariah to Beorc and Laguz alike, if her parents were a Laguz and a Beorc, maybe the unstable relationship due to fear of being discriminated against forced them apart? Or, if Amy had purely Beorc parents who weren't Branded but one had at least one had one Branded ancestor, then maybe she was abandoned if they could tell she was Branded? Or maybe her being an orphan has nothing to do with being Branded and is the result of parental death by more ordinary things? We just don't know. But she still somehow made it onto CYL in FEH. He was born Super Saiyan Blue after all. Tellius is Shonen FE. Go ahead and try using someone else, unlike Duma and his glowing eyeball, the game won't stop you from using others for the fatal strike. Instead, you'll be treated right afterwards to the sight of the boss regenerating all of their HP. And they'll just keep doing that every time their HP hits 0, whilst nudging you in the Ike direction. But don't worry about a critical or skill proc ruining things for you. The boss has a skill that combines no-procs Nihil with no-crits Fortune, you'd intentionally have to mess up with someone else. I do wish the game was like Awakening in this regard, the cinematic final blow is separate from the gameplay final blow. Chrom or Robin will deal the final cinematic, but only after the final gameplay, which Bride Nowi with a Log could do if you really wanted it to end like that. Every other boss in the Tower is fair game for everyone.
  11. I did not see a third form. *Looks up the requirements* This game had the cursed user kill count = weapon strength equips like other Tales? I didn't find a single one of them over the course of the entire game. After delaying despite good and fast progress because I couldn't decide who to support between Nova Nacio and Kalymnos, I got back to Infinite Space. I chose Kalymnos, but the route split is ultimately insignificant and short-lived. The plot stuff that did happen was good enough for what is ultimately a diversion from the real focus. Fights were getting too hard though, and I opted to spend two thirds of my 60k in funds sitting around on a new cruiser (a Eudora) and outfitting it and my other two ships (a Pallas battleship and another Eudora) in full with modules and new weapons, something I had never done before. This evened the odds and made things closer to fun. The narrative has at last with the ending climax of its first part reached the highs of drama I was told the game would have. Though it leaves me wishing so much that the game was on something other than the old DS. It has a good story to tell, and the CG use is excellent, but voice acting and so much more in presentation could be had with a remake. I have to see where the second arc starts tomorrow, the game's promise is showing.
  12. I come here fresh from having seen the 120000 starship advance fleet of an empire invading a region whose combined forces of three nations could be ~50000 altogether. With the provincial starships unable to as much as scratch the paint on the imperial forces. Begnion has serious competition for being an overpowering big bad country. Although one pirate ship could destroy 15% of a fraction of that fleet and cripple its flagship in a single blow. ...Getting to the relevant topic: You can bring anyone to the Tower, but there are some characters who are a little better than others. I've bolded and underlined for making things stand out more readily. With regards to level, eh, I forget whats good, but I guess ~10 3rd tier works. You certainly don't need all 15-20s. Looking over your character lineup: Rafiel or Reyson will do just fine, pick whomever you wish. Differences in their Spd caps makes Jill better than Haar in the later stages of the final battle, but it won't induce headaches or anything. The difference will just make things take slightly longer. The same is true of Oscar, Geoffrey, Renning, Titania, and Kieran. Astrid has a slightly higher Spd cap and it can make a difference. Aran and Nephenee is more of this situation. Tanith or Sigrun will do fine like Nephenee. Reaver hits that Spd threshold mentioned before, so Boyd and Nolan are good. Bringing two Trueblades is wholly feasible and great. Marksmen are nice because they have the needed Spd and that lovely 3 range. Ilyana can have a field day with one of the stages, Soren can do similar, but not as memey. Elincia is a good pick too, with better Spd compensating for Ilyana's one advantage. Bring one of these three or Mist or Bastian, because you might want a second healer of course. Gatrie is too slow, all the Marshalls are. But they still aren't getting doubled or anything, they just won't be doing the doubling for a few specific instances. Nailah/Tibarn/Naesala/Caineghis/Giffca- They're the rulers of the Laguz, they got where they are because of gratuitous merit. Go ahead and use any of them if you like. Volke, like the Laguz rulers, he comes prebuilt and ready for the final challenges that lay ahead. Skrimir can be comparable to a Reaver, but not his uncle or Giffca. Ranulf can be comparable to a Trueblade. Note, if you're interested in knowing who has battle conversations in the Tower, Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis, Nailah, Elincia, Haar, Sigrun, Tanith, Oliver, Astrid, and Jill all have something to say to at least one boss. So do all of the forced characters of course. But SF has all these inventoried if you want to read them later. About moving around Skills, after the 2nd fight you can, and you can do so after the 3rd and 4th. Throw the statboosters on whoever you want. Except for Speedwings, Caineghis, Stefan, and Volke might like those or BEXP Spd procs for utmost optimal performance. And for magic, the Tower does have a very noticeable magic presence later on. Bring a Restore or two, and Physics (now buyable), and definitely bring the Fortify (hint, something you might see the first bad dude do, will show up again, but not so pain-free). Fortunately, you aren't looking at siege magic being the problem, nor anything like old FE3-5 Dulam/Hel spam. The implication is that little Amy girl. How else could she have survived? The rules of survival from Ashera's first judgement are: Great strength- the thin excuse for the survival of most playables. Note, in the Japanese, when Yune said the dragons were gone from Goldoa, she excluded the elderly and the young- they were too weak and got petrified. Being in the building where Lehran's Medallion was stored when Yune was freed. This saved the convoy quartet. Being Branded. Being that mysterious person who was there when Ashera woke up and talked to her. The judgement making the Tower of Guidance glow that you're trying to stop would fix the flaws of the first and eradicate everyone who survived it. And to throw in a bonus factoid, it's never said in Japanese or English I think. But the artbooks say Rafiel and Nailah are married. Stefan explicitly says Laguz from different Tribes (as in Beasts with Birds) can't interbreed in a PoR support convo, but marriage doesn't need procreation, it just needs love. AND I FORGOT! Ike must deal the final blow to the very final boss. No ifs, ands, or Silque/Tatiana/Genny's butts.
  13. You can get them, on the head. Never heard of a headcape? Or the ancient samurai who wore full blown nodachis on their heads without straps to hold them down? Sheathed to indicate to they were of peacefulness and wisdom, but always ready to be drawn and strike in case of the need for force.
  14. You all might be the Winner, the Secret Winner, and the True Winner, but I am the Winner of Winners superior to you all!
  15. Sometimes a person needs external restrains, lacking for self-discipline. I've actually had myself banned for a month or so from SF multiple times because my discipline was weak. Would Nintendo teaming up with Marvel for an F-Zero movie be a good idea?
  16. Because your breath stinks and they have a foot fetish. Does "Zero-G Dog" sound at all like a good phrase without context?
  17. Whilst I don't mind Harvest Moon's open-ended format, I do like having some end goal to work towards. I don't like A Wonderful Life though, since that is a little too saddening in its realism with the ending being your now-old player character dying a natural death and your grown child following in the career you nudged them towards. Touching, but I have thanatophobia. Save the Homeland had an interesting premise with its end goal, different the "farm exams" that end SNES and 64, that's just what I think about it. Although something else, like the 100 Notes collecting in Magical Melody or all the Harvest Sprites in DS are appreciable too. I'm flexible, but having something tangible to work towards that isn't wholly self-imposed, just feels nice. Pokemon Channel isn't very good. It's like they wanted to make Hey You Pikachu! 2, but without the mic, and Hey You Pikachu! was already criticizable as too easy and too short and insubstantial. Though my young self was entertained by Pokemon Channel for a few days. And it has that Pichu & Pichu anime in it for some reason, that was cute. If you like the Pokemon anime as a whole, see if you can find the Pichu and Pichu thing online. I saw they announced a second DLC wave for Soulcalibur VI. They said it originally wasn't going to happen, it sounds like good sales made that possible, players save the day!😄 Apparently, there are two Cassandras in SCVI. One of them is the ordinary warrior girl, the other is her self from the old timeline who is trying to stop SCs IV and V from happening in VI's world. The developers are conscious of how much fans dislike V?
  18. As one of those ten players who played this dud: I'd be totally down for expanding the options of what you can watch on a TV in a video game. As weird as that sounds. Save the Homeland gives you one year to save the town from being converted to an amusement park. To stop that, you have to find something that makes the town worth saving. That is the goal of each ending, finding that thing that saves the town. No marriage, but to get any ending, you need to befriend the right people. Magical Melody it looks like was invented in part to let you actually wed the characters you couldn't from StH, since all of the bachelorettes who aren't the SNES girls, are from there. And a bunch of the bachelors and NPCs are StH too. I never realized this back then, says how little I remembered StH (which is apparently available for download on the PS4?).
  19. And 3H already have double Byleths for that category from FEH, bringing the Sword Infantry total to precisely 50. That is more than all Tome Infantries combined. Or Lance, Axe, and Bow Infantry combined.
  20. So same tastes as me? Elli was my choice in 64 and BtN/FoMT. Although I might have tried for Anna once in BtN, and I know I made a failed effort for the Harvest Goddess (takes too long to win her over for me to ever play that much). I didn't actually have MFoMT, and didn't notice it on Fogu (which doesn't use the name when mentioning the prior doctor in its MM section), and for some reason the Siliconera article I was looking at to see his redesign just continued to call him "Doctor". My mistakes for not seeing this.😆 Thank you for this. Gaia sounds like a good new name. The earth mother of Greco-Roman myth (also spelled Gaea or Rhea), it's a proper name, better than a title. The Person Formerly Known As Harvest Goddess looks a little younger judging from that one smile profile shot. Or is it just me? My very vague memories suggest most of them had the same personalities? I don't recall very much so don't take my word seriously, but Popurri was always vibrant, Karen always cool, Anna always a tomboy, Elli always sweet, and Maria always bookish. And then you have Ann being an SNES inventor girl, Elli being Ellen the animal girl, Maria goes without glasses, and why at this rate Popurri isn't named Nina like her pink-haired flower-loving SNES predecessor I don't get. I can understand why Eve was replaced by Karen, if Magical Melody is to be gone by, then the two have totally different fashion senses, which says something about them. They should try a 64 remake one day. I get why they don't, 64 is rather primitive compared to BtN in terms of content from what I recall. But being more primitive just gives them room to creatively expand. I also want to try Save the Homeland again. Looking at Fogu, its mining, farming, and animal husbandry are lacking, but the multiple endings you can work towards is novel for the franchise. Whether it'd be worth playing that again to go for them all is something I wonder. I'm thinking I'd start with the Goddess Dress ending, I remember reading on GFAQs it was the ending with the most steps to complete, the name and seeming challenge of it intrigued me. Just randomly looking at Fogu, Trio of Towns' Inari is unique. Pulling a gender swap so you can always marry them, like Jamie, except your game won't end. It's actually mythologically accurate, the Shinto rice deity has been depicted as male, female, and ambiguously. Though I don't know whether the character's personality changes based on what your are.
  21. Because you're a Noctowl and have Insomnia. How do we know we're not all Dittos in disguise?
  22. I would agree with this. I've good memories of Back to Nature and FoMT, but the remakes artwork and graphical direction is little questionable. I understand their explanation for changing Karen's hair color, but she and Gray received wardrobe changes that deviate too much from the originals. Albeit I'd be better if they included the option to have the characters dress in their old attires. And could they have given the doctor his Magical Melody name of Alex? Just calling him "Doctor" is weird, really weird with him as a marriage candidate. But as I have those memories, maybe I'd consider buying this redone nostalgia trip one day. Its slow-paced, but that is a difference from other games I play that I can appreciate. It'd give me a chance to reevaluate these games as a critical adult. P.S. Give the trophy spouses more interactions! The Harvest Goddess, Gourmet King, and Kappa take sooooo much effort to wed. Make it worth it for more than just achievement/grandstanding. Oh yeah, it doesn't look like they've shown the Harvest Goddess yet, nor have the two games localized as Story of Seasons had her. Does this mean she is getting a name change to Seasons Goddess? Since "Harvest" is so firmly tied up with the old name Natsume continues to use.
  23. Selena stole her daughter-mother's Personal Skill kicked up a notch? By that, I mean Caeldori's Prodigy. Prodigy At the start of the battle, if the enemy’s Strength or Magic (whichever is highest) is higher than Caeldori’s corresponding stat, damage +4
  24. The bolded excuse falls flat for me, because any country with reasonable constitutional rights to firearms would keep things limited to that which the government could counter without fail. The AR-15 is strong, but want to know something? Governments have tanks, tanks were invented to laugh at machine guns in WWI. No amount of AR-15s will stop tanks. If you want civilians to be prepared to counter tanks from tyrannical government, then you must legalize either explosives like mines and IEDs that can go under the tanks and destroy them from down there, or you legalize Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs). Or you legalize tanks with their own anti-tank turrets. But even if you legalize RPGs or tanks, governments have air forces. Air forces have bombers, fighters, and drones; guns and tanks can't reach these. Besides crudely flying drones into their engines, to counter these, you'd need legalized fighter jets, or surface-to-air missiles. And need I list the commercial airport dangers that'd come with legalizing SA missiles? Ultimately, tyrannical governments are defined by their refusal to abide by the law. Therefore, in the case of true tyranny, constitutional rights are void and the right of citizens to fight back and use whatever weaponry is necessary to do so exists on extralegal universal human principles to freedom and good government.* There was no US Constitution at the time of the American Revolutionary War. And the 2nd Amendment never existed during thousands of other failed or successful violent uprisings with sincerely good causes behind them, and yet, the people took up arms anyhow. 2A does not magically permit that to happen. -The tyranny argument might have worked better back in the day of muskets, when the Constitution was written. Back then, the military might of governments over civilians wouldn't have been as great. But this argument doesn't hold water now. *Not that people always will take up arms when tyranny exists. Because, failure is always an option when attempting liberation, and many people don't want to take up that risk.
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