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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Precisely my point, there isn't anyone. Juno, Reina, Orochi, and Titania look like they'd be past 30, and admittedly 30 is just Anime for "old", but officially, none of these are older than their thirties. Old men are common in games, but old ladies? Not so much. Etrian Odyssey has a similar issue, despite 5 iterations, it took until EOV to get an old lady, one of the female Rovers. Old men on the other hand, not as prevalent as young men or young ladies, but you could still make teams out of them in some games. Similar deal with FE, old men are quite common. Why the absence of old ladies? Sexism, women are supposed to be beautiful, men not so much. Notice the minimization, strikethrough, and coloring to white of the above text? I've no interest in highjacking this topic again. Just one little musing. K? She is actually the Dawn Dragon Amatsukami. Her name gives it away. She, or rather it, passively watches over Hoshido in human disguise. If you wish to see her true form, just slip some nihonshu into her tea, she has a weak liver and should expose some scales at least. To stay on topic, I'd take Isadora as well, even if she was to me, a little too weighed down in FE7 by well, weight and durability issues. Tanith as Sword Flier would be great too, with Reinforce that summons two Lance Fliers that get Abyssal-level stats.
  2. Let us never forget that after all these years, the only lady playable past her biological 30s, is Niime. No one else. Not even Juno or Titania. As someone else pointed out, he is also somewhat Asian looking in official artwork, despite being Northern Irish in terms of country name. Only if he then gets shipped with pink-haired Leif. Seriously, why no pink for him or Inigo IS? Pinkhead males in FE are pretty bad, Makalov the drunk gambler, Roshea the effeminate, Mathis the pathetic, Roger the forgettable. Give us a model male paragon of hair pink IS!
  3. I think you're right actually, not sure why I was insistent in head I had to make them Colored. Must be me being too used to normal FEs, the idea of sub-40 HP on bulky units seemed wrong to me. I was also afraid of breaking 40 with non-HP stats- assuming that is too much.160/5 = 32, is that average-ish? But it doesn't sound like it is. Skrimir could dump some HP for Def or Spd then. Skrimir's low Spd was also intended to avoid the seeming Speed creep from what I've heard. I also admit I could've done better with Provoke, particularly for someone who loves the concept of damage redirection. I doubted I could make it redirect and give it a 2 space radius, although taking some of the damage and not all might be the solution for that as you suggest. Thanks for the Resolve idea too. To integrate a transformation-esque effect on stats, what would it apply to? Individual units? Or perhaps part of their weapons, different ones having different patterns? I've tried to do the Wolf duo, maybe they'll have the same flaws as my Lion trio, maybe they'll be better. With these units, I still compared averages based on all in the species, but went about much more freely with their stat arrangements. Black Wolf: Volug (had to cut out the “of the Sands” part) Evil Eye Mistress: Nailah (flipped title from “Mistress of the Evil Eye” as that looks too long) I have other ideas, but now I want to work on them more.
  4. A difficulty spike? Near the beginning? Not unusual if VC1 is anything to go by. Chapter... was it 3? The very grey battlefield with a more restricted than usual turn limit? Won't get this game until the holidays. Hope it is good, I'll see what everyone has to say here.
  5. *Redacted due to recognition of being factually wrong*
  6. I was bored, so I decided to try my hand at some non-Dragon Laguz. So far I've only done the Lions, but I'll proceed according to Tribe. They are considered Strike units, or Strikers, with a generic - Strike format to weapon names barring the non-inheritables. Fortunately, barring the Wolves, we have three of each species, so I divided them by putting one in each color, going for a non-Tribe colored approach to them. Even were they Colorless, it wouldn't make much of a difference, since I'm trying to give no two units of the same Tribe/species the same stats. I decided to make all the Beasts Infantry, since inventing a new movement type would complicate FEH. I didn't know how to label what either if I had to assign Cavalry or Armor status. Do the Lions or the Tigers become Armor Strikers? Do Cats go Cavalry? I couldn't decide. Also, I couldn't find any hard and fast guide to BST values, but I decided to, despite not playing this game, include them. I did find Infantry Melee is 160 at most, so I just used 160 for all of these units. Being ranged results in -10 BST roughly. Armor +10-12 BST to Infantry. Not aware of what being Flier or Cav does. And I know for non-HP stats, 40 is the max presently, so I set everything at or below that. For the stats of these Lions, I based them on them on their level 40 RD values. I took each stat unshifted, added half while toying with the decimals, dumped the BST remainder in HP, and then tweaked things as I saw fit. So without further ado here are the Lions: King of Red Lions Fearless Lion King: Caineghis Lion King’s Shadow: Giffca The REAL Young Lion Fang of Gallia: Skrimir
  7. Glitch. SF doesn't say how it works, but I think it has something to with using promotion items on Bantu. I wish they brought this back. Not allowing Tiki to stay in dragon form outside of battle, and get her movement altered, was something I don't like that New Mystery changed. The FE3 system seems to be part proto-Laguz, part Fates Dragonstones and Beaststones. A combination of significant limited time transformation, with a single unit type (so no separation into Tribes) able to take radically different forms.
  8. Or you can use SF, all Skills for RD and PoR are listed here and here.
  9. Well the Midgar stage has it's exclusive Pokeball-like item in the Materia. Not sure what would be a good item from FF to include, particularly since they've restricted things to VII. Never mind how stingy SE is being.
  10. Adjacent space healing in Tellius? That wasn't on the Staff units you know? It was only for the Herons. Staffs can't use offensive Specials right? Shame, since equipping a Staff in RD always gave between 5-100 Crit, which translates to Specials in FEH. RD Staffs also offered various equip bonuses, mostly self-HP regen, but also self-status cure (debuff removal in FEH?); and Def and Spd boosts of up to 5 points per stat, Rescue giving the most at +5 Spd and +4 Def.
  11. Apparently the Japanese is closer to "Dark Blood" and "White Blood". Nobility does have a blood association, to the point of being a synonym in "Blue Blood" so the choice of the word "Noble" makes sense. Although it might not have to be seen as so, the blood of Nohr/Hoshido courses through Corrin's veins doesn't require a noble connotation, much the same as one IRL could say British blood flows through their veins, even if they aren't nobility at all. Corrin on Rev having the choice to freely go back and forth between Nohr and Hoshidan Nobles is symbolic of their willingness to not have to choose between one or the other, but wanting both.
  12. I'm somewhat interested in this. Not sure if it'd be a first day buy, but somewhere down along the line, maybe. As a kid, I played the original game plenty, albeit only completing it once. Not sure what I'd think of it now. (I can check though, still have ye olde Gamecube.) LM: DM, I got it years after its release. It isn't bad, although my incessant wandering had often made it feel dull, and even with this wandering I couldn't find all of the Boos. Stopped at the ice boss, that is a gimmicky unfair really annoying battle.
  13. It looks generic, but because it's Nintendo, I've a slight interest in this. Maybe I'll DL it. Could grease things for when I finally see a FEH banner I like. It's free, there is nothing to lose simply trying this, or playing now and leaving it before returning later.
  14. Nagi, obviously. Or you could go Future Past Tiki. Duma too seems perfect for armoring, since he wears armor in humanoid form. Medeus wouldn't be possibly reasonable too. And Enteh or Katri, but that is just the part of me yearning to eventually play TRS speaking while ogling at those +40 Def & Ref plus effective bonus and crit nulling Dragon Scales. The one nice thing to consider is that when beasts finally get added, they hopefully shouldn't be at risk of being baaaad. Barring a disaster of Canasian proportions, coming so late into the game should make them at least decent.
  15. Looks like the pattern has broken again. All I'll hope is that Liki doesn't break the game at all. I don't want to eventually walk into a super powercreeped mess.
  16. Me. Although looking through all the posts here on SF, I'm not the first to bring it up. Well visually speaking, the two Ikes are massively different. Same person with the same personality yes, but their circumstances are different. PoR Ike is the stoic newbie shonen protagonist that has to rise to greatness. RD Ike is the badass renowned across a continent who kicks posteriors from the moment he shows up. I'd brand Vanguard Ike as a "justified alt". Not as much a separate character as Child and Adult Tikis, but you can't deny that having only PoR Ike or RD Ike fully represents Ikeness. Why haven't they exactly? Lack of conceivable options? They did have to resort to bleaching Breath and using a villain to make Robin fit as one. As for Tiki, two Archneans in a two, odd. And this is as has been said her fifth incarnation. Not like FE has many dragons units to go around, so this is understandable to an extent. Nonetheless, I'm not really overjoyed with this and hope this is Tiki's last new incarnation for at least a year. Legendary Nowi can't happen, but Corrin (ideally Male), Fae, Myrrh, and Ninian have enough plot importance to classify for Legendary selves. If there is a justifiable alt for Tiki left, it is her TMS Uta-loid self, and that presently has no chance of happening.
  17. So there might have been other siblings who became overdone marshmallows?
  18. So there is a general pattern just waiting to be broken thanks for showing it to me. Hopefully it isn't another Xander, even though he is Ryoma's parallel, or more Camilla overload. I'm neutral towards the Fates cast. They'd have to invent a Tome or Lance I think if it was Fates, since Waterwheel the S Lance is a Naginata and hence Hoshidan, and the S tome is the essence of Greeness- Excalibur. Although I could see Azura using Waterwheel. I'd guess I'd go with Breath Morrin, since he doesn't do the dragon thing presently in FEH yet. That and I might be one of the ten people who actually found Dragonstones very useful in Fates, it's Corrin's mixed-durability shield to their Yato sword, I like the combo.
  19. When has recent NH banners determined the LH of the month? As for Fates getting another LH, well it is inevitable, since so far we only have Ryoma, which is creating an imbalance in Fateslandia where things have been getting increasingly hot from an unsetting sun, and soon unless balance is restored by the Vallaza kingdom or Duskyogre, all of Fateslandia will be burnt to a crisp. Less fantasy, a Nohrian is needed to counterbalance Ryoma, Fates demands symmetry, some of the time at least.
  20. Jounin is the Japanese apparently. This might have been a case where they should have left the Japanese untranslated, like they did with Onmyoji. Another case they changed is Shura to Oni Chieftain. Shura I think is a Japanese word for demon. Probably from looking at it, it'd be the Hindu "Ashura" having reached Japan via Buddhism, which might make room for Ashuras I think. Shura sounds cooler, and Chieftain adds a leadership aspect that doesn't actually exist in the Japanese. They prolly changed it because Shura the character. Which is what the Japanese is here too, or so I think from one thing I saw. You mean Cavalier. Cross Knight refers to the elite cavalry forces of Agustria, like the various -Ritters of Grannvale and Leonster, the Cross Knights were long exterminated by the time Ares is recruited. "Cross Knights" sound okay to me, but I'd thinking IS will localize their names as something else when FE4 eventually gets remade. The "Cross" here obviously refers to Christianity, and even ignoring how this wouldn't be exotic to Western ears, it is out of place in Jugdral, since Christianity doesn't exist there and it has its own totally different religion devoid of crucifixes. "Crusaders" might be good replacement name. "Lion Knights", taking Eldigan's Lionheart title as the basis, would be another alternative I could see. "Holy Knight" has the problem of referring to not just Agustria, but any soldier fighting for a noble cause, it'd make the Prologue title seem odd.
  21. What would follow Gen Z Moves? Gen AA batteries? Now those are becoming something of a thing of the past, what with everything having chargeable batteries now. I remember how my GBA just devoured those babies. Went to the Chemical Heritage Foundation/Science History Institute recently, a real small, but free and perfectly located half-business half-museum building in Philadelphia. Right as you walk into the museum part, I turned to my left, and the older generation with me commented immediately on the sight of a bygone machine, I think it was for copying checks or something. They commented on how old it was, the one person sitting there and watching over the museum commented that said that machine is frequently a clear generation divider when people stroll into the museum.
  22. Everyone here is probably already aware, but apparently there was a Famitsu interview with the president of Nihon Falcom. I don't have a link to the interview (shouldn't be hard to find though) but according to this, a few things said included: (On any hints in Trails of Cold Steel IV on what’s next): They’re everywhere from the main story to conversations with NPCs in town, information found across Zemuria, and characters that appeared in the series. Within all that, there might be a key to the next Trails series. Kondo says fans of the series might want to borderline overinterpret the story to get a better idea. And By the ending of Trails of Cold Steel IV, the Trails series will be over 60% complete. Not like the first bunch of things matter if you don't have the game because you don't read Japanese fluently. You can't find the future in what you can't read.
  23. Devdan/Danved is pretty exuberant in his ways, always happy and such. Rhys might be frail, but seems he sometimes wants and wishes he could be more adventurous and outgoing despite his fraility, his Ulki support where he just keeps wanting to ride on his back isn't something a totally mellow and mild priest would want.
  24. Ironically, Draug had always had un-Armor archetypical growths. His FE1/3 selves have 20 Str and 10 Def compared to 40 Skl/Spd. His bases and class are the only things armory about him. I haven't played T776 yet, but I thought I heard Rescue the command was a thing there?
  25. A super-Threaten sounds like it'd good on Ashnard, Petrine, Bryce or Bertram when they come around. Since in PoR, both of them have the Daunt skill, which no playable could get (RD changed this of course). All it did was lower Hit and Crit by 5 in PoR, but they could make it some Threaten Spectrum or Threaten Special in FEH, no reason why they can't.
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