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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Nino is. If in name alone. She should be Nina- that's proper Spanish.
  2. You do get enough time to marry her off to somehow I believe. Inefficient, but you can do it. She just has no lover convos.
  3. Doesn't Nah admit to being the product of a lolicon in the Japanese? I don't actually care for Sumia, at all. It just so happened to rhyme. I prefer other Pegasus. Who? Well Elincia is good, Palla isn't bad, Syrene for some reason I pity, Farina is the best of the FE7 ones, and I like Tanith and Marcia too. Edit: Phila too! Why didn't she get the Spotpass Paralogue resurrection when everyone else did?! One, you aren't missing anything. FF isn't the masterpiece it claims to be. Not to say it's atrocious, just that beyond the production values, it isn't really innately superior to other JRPG series. Two, Advent Children is how Cloud the good protag from FFVII became horribly emo and has never stopped being it ever since. FFVII Remake is no guarantee we'll ever see the likable original Cloud again. Pfffffff! Doesn't beat my capped Defense 20/10 Farina, and all I gave her was Afa's Drops.
  4. But no using Rawrrrrrrrrblade on her. That sends you to jail. Ow, slashing her in the chest department, you go for the maim. Honestly though, I don't mind a flat non-loli/young girl. A splendid and preferred contrast to Hinoka's Nohrian opposite. The real queen of the skies is the queen of the pies.
  5. Well that is possible I think. The Habsburgs eventually came to dominate the office of Holy Roman Emperor, but technically anyone could occupy it, and it had pre... Early Modern? been occupied by plenty of other families. Again, I'd be inclined to think the dominance of Ostia and Pherae would be owed at least in part to their border locations. But we all know that came later, not before the mythos and the general world and narrative designs. I should do some fanfict on this matter- the History of Lycia. Unfortunately I'd need to read up on noble collective institutions more first, so not for months at the earliest. But doesn't Athos call Lyn a child of Roland (and Hanon) too? Athos could mean "one from Lycia" regardless of blood, so Caelin's Marquesses might not have Roland blood then. Then we must assume Lilina in the line quoted earlier isn't speaking poetically like Athos. Given 1000 years have passed since the Scouring, it'd be almost impossible for at least a significant portion, if not all, the Marquesses not to have descended from Roland. Strong laws concerning inheritance and lineage would have to be in place to shore up Ostia's claim to leadership over all others. For somewhere along the way a male of the Roland line had to be wedded to another Marquess, and the throne of Ostian to have a non-firstborn heir.
  6. I was lazily thinking the "high school arrogant rich girl" approach could work too. Maid killing is replaced by "Work harder wench!" and a blood drawing slap using the back of her hand. Assigned to Xander b/c she wanted to be with a royal, her daddy was willing to spoil her, and could work a little magic with Garon and get his daughter assigned to one of the royal kids. Despite her clear flaws and arrogant expectation of getting what she wants quick and free, Peri does display talent and a willingness to work hard for something she really wants, kinda like Chiaki in SMT: Nocturne. There are plenty of "normal" lolicons on this site. And I may be a shotacon to some degree. The world displaying caution against pedophilia is a good thing- it might save kids from being traumatized for life. Nowi wouldn't be so dang bad to like if she just wore more clothes. Why does one need skimpiness to appreciate cuteness anyhow? Kirby is not human and is sexless, hence it is safe to love the Pink Terror. Furthermore, the Warrior of Pop Star is badass. But really its the sexlessness that matters, the Shota of Time (Young Link) is badass, but being human means its not okay to find him cute unless you're okay with being glared at by others. Yeah it is. I just felt like referencing Praline al a Mode's number one hit and had a good opening to do so. And could you imagine Azura singing it?
  7. Possibly an error? That's been on SF since shortly after RD's release. I haven't played RD in a while, so I'm not perfectly sure on the requirements. But I'm 99% sure I've never had Micaiah and Soren engage in battle in 3-7, and I've gotten the scene. I doubt I ever attacked Pelleas either.
  8. Well I do think she is a decent Jagen character. Intelligent, good design, very useful in combat, motherly to Mist and also to the other GMs. Her Greil outburst when Ike says he saw clearly Greil's murderer is notable from PoR. Then there is me liking her support with Rhys, I do ship them. But who am I but an overanalyzer vis a vis most fans?
  9. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being absolute disregard for world building and 10 being it's absolutely important and you don't want to do without it at all. How much do you sincerely and in all honesty care about how well built the worlds of FE are? By "world building" what is meant is how well is the fantasy world constructed by the game developers? Is it immersive? Does it seem realistic? Detailed? Nuanced? A place you would want to go to? How well is the lore developed? How well developed is the geography, natural environments and human cities and other settlements? How well are the politics and government developed? Economics, society, culture, religion, magic, and history? Is the world an actual place with its own identity, or is it just the place where the plot of the game unfolds? How does the world and the main story told interact/intermesh with each other? I hope I made what world building is clear and understandable. FE has never been a master of world building by any stretch I would say, but I am interested in how FE does it regardless and I love world building- it draws me to Tellius. But to be fair, I do like history, so I'm not really the normal person here. Hence, I inquire to see how much other FE fans care. I was going to include a second poll on which world was built best, but I opted against it. Many fans have only played the 3DS titles, which are lacking in worlds it is generally agreed. Jugdral and Tellius would most likely vie for no. 1, limited only by the limited number of players of both duologies. Elibe and Archanea would vie for the 3rd slot. Magvel would join the 3DS worlds and Zenith in obscurity. However, if you have a strong viewpoint on a certain world, why you think is or isn't well built, go ahead and state it. I won't judge. I might be stung, but I enjoy being wounded by differing opinions- the arrogant ego needs to be scourged and forced into tolerance of diverse thoughts.
  10. She's a one hit wonder. She wrote another piece called "Love in the Crossfire", but her agent told her it was too out of line with what her fans expected of her. Edit: To contribute to this topic a little more, I'm not big on Mia. The Rhys support was decent, but the other two are bad. The Ilyana is admittedly funny at the end, but all Mia wants to do is train, and all Ilyana wants to do is eat. Monotrait + Monotrait = 1 boring support. The Largo though- ugh! Mia more or less assaults Largo for no good reason in the B- he has the right to a restraining order. I understand not wanting to be subject to misogynistic stereotyping, but Mia takes it too far in the B. Overall, the impression one gets of Mia from everything is train, train, train, train. She has nothing else to her. Her popularity rests on a perky exterior and nice looks, superficiality. It's fine for those who don't take their characters too seriously, which are many. But for me, I want some nuance, I want some depth. I'd rather have an ugly old character with the attitude of a donkey if they were multifaceted in return. Rather that than Mia. And Mia doesn't have "charm" for me either, that quality of being able to be appreciated simply and without a need for depth.
  11. *Throws a barrel of explosives at the armadillo* *Revives said armadillo, increases its size, and attaches an armored shell and cannons to it, sending it to attack the next poster*
  12. But to be fair, you can't get the power without people beside you who can stab well, or advisors to help you plan. Yes, a general/minister sans the right family can't attain power on their own, but they can possibly choose their liege and help them try to succeed.
  13. Only if she slaps her legs together to make thunderbolts. Now thats tasteless fanservice. You were supposed to read it as "highthighs", the new way of going "oh yeah" with people. Beats the high five. Let's see... I think you're right. Ike's thighs aren't even worth mentioning. He is not his father's son in this regard at all.
  14. I wouldn't want Camilla to body slam me, Lyn didn't like it one bit either. If you had read Frankenstein, you'd know the "monster" isn't so bad. Why he's a prodigal, innocent, talented individual who everyone would accept if they just gouged their eyes out. His hideous appearance that make you want him dead most irrationally aside, there is nothing wrong with him- his rage is the product of our revulsion. Hollywood can be torched for how it mutilated Shelley's masterpiece. Dr. Frankenstein is the true monster for being a horrible parent and failing to take proper care of his child.
  15. Actually, I don't believe that Soren has to fight Micaiah or Pelleas for the Almedha scene. I didn't go for either and I think I got them last ime. Just having Pelleas live and maybe the A Ike Supports in RD and PoR are necessary for unlocking it.
  16. It's duology! Despite this darned website not recognizing the term. Dilogy sounds like the science of pickling. Or worse brings to mind the term for a toy version of the protrusion that delivers one haploid gamete to another for fusion into a zygote contained inside a womb in mammalian organisms. If I ever play T776 (or the eventual remake), I'm divided on how often I'd use Olwen since it's one of her and Ilios, you can't have both, and I'm not going to use then kill Olwen before Ilios comes, I'd just skip recruiting her. Originally, I heard Olwen was really good, but more experienced players called her trash. Dire Thunder is questionably accurate and massively heavy if you try the Vantage-DT combo, and Olwen is physically frail. The Holy Sword offs Reinhardt, but has few good uses otherwise. Ilios has a great sword rank, nice bases and is much more durable. Of course, he has to be better overall, right? Well then once I got past the "cool" anti-Olwen backlash I saw Ilios isn't such so incredible. Less availability, same crappy Con, notably less Magic, an awful 0 Pursuit Critical Coefficient compared to Olwen's fantastic 4. And the Holy Sword and Dire Thunder, if not invincible Holy Blood Weapons, still give a good player phase punch. If anything Ilios needs a buff! Overall it's a fair tradeoff. Maybe Ilios could use more Defense, so we have him the physically durable and strong Mage Knight, or the magic glass cannon of Olwen. Or they could just let us use both.
  17. Mist was a return to the original "Valkyries" actually. FE4 and 5 had Troubadours who promoted to Female Paladin. FE6 made the changeover to tomes and Female Paladin to Valkyrie for them because GBA FE doesn't do Strength and Magic. Much later, Awakening brought back magic using Valkyries and gave the Sword-Staff combo to Adventurers. So really Valkyries or "proto-Valkyries" in the case of Female Paladin have been: Swords: 4 times Tomes: 5 times Fates alone tipped the balance. Although if I wanted to be annoying I'd assert Sword-Staff is still more numerous via Paramythis in Berwick Saga and Mel in TearRing Saga.
  18. Hyrule Warriors never added new maps in its DLC, despite badly needing some. Clock Town would have been killer.
  19. Extracted from a little thing I wrote on Tormod:
  20. Well Eliwood could have, but he is by pure chance sick at the time. He could have taken out Zephiel if he had the vigor and Durandal/Maltet. Marcus is too old, and FE is modern anime medieval, not true medieval. You'd expect Pherae to be on the forefront of Bern foreign policy though. Since it rests on the border with the mountain kingdom and is thus highly vulnerable to it and likely economically dependent on trade to and fro Bern. Ostia rests on the Etrurian border and probably has a similar role derived from that. I thought all the marquesses were equal legally. Sure differences in political, economic, and social power naturally arise, but I thought they were in principle coequals. Is there any writing supporting this?
  21. Well he did cause the current crisis, but I get what you mean. You didn't actively see him pulling the strings. Sephiran's Reasons For Why He Does What He Does:
  22. She is but an uneducated damsel. Roy the insecure but talented 15/16 year old entrusted by Hector is far superior to this perky mage girl. Merit has a place in Lycian society alongside rank, particularly in crisis. Now what I'd really like in FE would be a main character who has to serve a baby/enfeebled/mediocre ruler. Kind of like Pelleas in RD, but not with a puppet master pulling the strings in the background. Just an incompetent ruler whom our lord must serve, and serves regardless of the difficulties such a master brings.
  23. Hojo is honestly better though, since he feigns incompetency, is creepy, and is implied to be He also remind me of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict's Caulder/Stolos. Minus the broken CO Zone and Ashnard-esque battle theme. Well yeah he is really well hidden, but you don't need to unlock him to understand him. All those Tower of Guidance memories happen regardless barring the Ike-related one. If you can comprehend those memories and they make you empathize (just understand his motivation, not necessarily agree) with him, you like him, if they don't, you don't like him, simple. I do, so I do like him. If you don't, well that's fine too.
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