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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. She doesn't? News to me, I've been using her to completely stop anything that isn't blue in every game mode. 46HP/37Def/40Res on my Tharja (+Res/-Spd, +1, Def refine) would translate to 45HP/36Def/35Res on Jakob. Takes 58-59 Atk on a raw double to kill him, ignoring special procs or skills/support. That's as beefy as anything, and he can't get cheesed with WTD outside of the odd Raven tome.
  2. Does he? His defensive stats are only a little worse than Tharja's (Jakob's down 1 HP, 1 Def, 4 Res before weapon effects), and Tharja handles reds and colorless just fine. No reason you couldn't run her default kit on him.
  3. Lon'qu's from Chon'sin or whatever, somewhere in Valm for sure. As for skin color variety: if hair colors can cover the entire spectrum, I don't see why skin pigments couldn't be so varied under any given circumstance. I mean shit, look at Doug.
  4. See, I love that they're willing to defy classic rules for that exact reaction from older fans. Not for spite, but for the shock. As an aside, this thread made me conclude that Mia's character would've worked better as a Fighter, especially in relation to her support with Largo and how there hadn't been an unpromoted female Fighter by that point. I'm all for devil's advocate or making sense of the why, but I can't help reading your posts as if you're personally invested in defending IS. Am I wrong? I don't mean for this to be a personal attack or anything either, so I apologize if it comes off that way. See, I always thought Leon's character revolves around his love for Valbar, and whether they're both men or whatever had little bearing on that fact. Essentially he's the same as Faye, which is to say he's underdeveloped as a whole. Despite that, I think it's interesting to note that Leon shares a similarity to Niles as a sassy gay archer, much in the way that Takumi follows after Innes and Shinon in being a talented asshole archer. Those are examples of character archetypes being done well, I'd say: they share a similar foundation, but are developed uniquely in appearance, relationships, development, foibles, etc. Being female or black or gay or Laguz or whatever only adds to variety. Spice o' life.
  5. I'm not seeing how the two things you're describing are functionally different. Gray and Boey are now dark-skinned and Leon is now gay. Are those examples of checking off boxes to placate people, or are they just design decisions for the sake of variety? Is Nintendo stirring the pot with social commentary, or is it telling a tale of kingdoms and dragons?
  6. Do you feel obligated to defend unremarkable decisions made by creators you've never met?
  7. hey good news http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Missiletainn_(tome)
  8. Voted PoR Boyd, Mrs. Bear voted Nina. Glad they're skipping on last year's winners, turns out they accounted for 14% of the total vote (178749 out of 1279158). Should be fun even if we end up with Hector Chrom Tharja Camilla.
  9. this is definitely something I'd harass the shit out of my parents for if I were a kid
  10. My guess is Wary Fighter used to reduce opponent's DA value by 2 or more instead of just 1. As for Assassin's + Daggerbreaker vs. Bowbreaker, I'll bet orbs that the archer will always double and the thief never will (assuming both meet HP requirements). If you want, I can probably rig something up in AA that you can target specifically if you're really that curious. Armads and QR3 give +2 for Hector, Wary Fighter on both gives -2 to both. Hector can double if he wins the Spd game, opponent can't double.
  11. Being like one merge short of permanent T20 or the top 3k in AA is like being that kid who's just too short to ride that roller coaster. fuck it, tea cups 4 eva
  12. Isn't she supposed to be physically weak at that point? Spent centuries sleeping in an itty bitty living space and all that. Having a body shouldn't change anything except letting Micaiah talk more.
  13. @Momentai~ Graci, your Lucina immediately swept the next match against a bunch of reds while the Lissa sisters did a little dance.
  14. Oof, got a triple Lissa run on Mrs. Bear that almost lost to a single Sigurd. Turns out she has no friends on her team, oops. Team Lissa folk, where ye 0054762110
  15. So Lissa, Tharja, Azura, Ryoma? Only got Tharja, Go Team Boobies
  16. fair enough, although I suppose it's just early for salt the sports scoring comparison is a little off since the actual game can be tense and emotional (or not) regardless of the score; VGs are just tallies, so it's more like an election or... I dunno, stormtracking or something where you basically just see predictions and results
  17. it's almost like different people complain about different things but just as obnoxiously
  18. Should be doable with any blessed weapon storywise, but limiting to Ike and Micaiah for gameplay reasons is fair. Ashnard's for three units only, seems fine. Also should've had Yune in her own body but whatever.
  19. Not necessarily stronger, they just need to be distinct. Or popular/equipped with high-demand skills, either of which will get people to spend anyway. At any rate, the current trend is one of the two biggest problems with the game right now.
  20. I think IS has done a good job making characters worth pulling for, and even knowing a character could be a 4* later usually doesn't disuade people from wanting them as a 5* now. Hell, I've pulled for 3* units like Cherche and Lissa when they were on banners, even with feathers to spare. Of course, that still doesn't explain the devs' decision to never change appearance rates at any point after units are added to the pool.
  21. The game favoring whales is neither new nor a flaw. Also not what I was getting at, though even whales are at the mercy of banner and GHB availability.
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