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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. Didn't see it mentioned, but the costs are pretty standard across the board: Regular Upgrade cost: 350 SP, 500 Arena Medals, 50 Refining Stones Special Upgrade cost: 400 SP, 500 Arena Medals, 200 Divine Dew Regular Evolution cost: 300 SP, 200 Arena Medals, 20 Refining Stones Special Evolution cost: 400 SP, 375 Arena Medals, 150 Divine Dew Candlelight to Candlelight+: 300 SP, 100 Arena Medals, 10 Refining Stones
  2. Only thing I'm hoping for: repeat Sacred Seals give coins instead of 300 feathers
  3. VG got 99 problems, Shanna winning ain't one of em Gotta decide which one to 5* and how to build
  4. Learned last round not to save too many flags for the final few hours because there's usually a stalemate right about now. Still got 400 in case of last minute Shannanigans.
  5. "Oh whoops, oh... I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong." Heavy Blade allows him to build Aether on player phase as well as enemy phase, although Steady Breath would be amazing for dealing with archers. Swordbreaker is pretty uncommon on other swords (except Eirika and some Ikes) and his Atk is so high that it's basically a free Aether charge. Handles any non-blue melee no problem and can often stall for recovery when necessary. Also sometimes he just kills Ninian right through TA3 without a special, it's pretty convenient for when I don't wanna have a green do it. Deflect Missile maths: can survive 72 effective Atk from a regular double (48 from Poison Dagger) at full HP, 70 effective Atk when Moonbow activates (47 on Poison Dagger). From a Brave Bow, it's 62 Atk normally, 60 Atk with Moonbow, and 59 Atk with Draconic Aura or Luna. Also I paired him with Charlotte, they good.
  6. Pulled Charlotte on what would've been a free pull on the Bride banner when she was the only one I wanted. What a gal!
  7. Yeah, 42 Atk with a Brave weapon is still solid, worst case scenario is she's a much faster Palla with less HP. On that note, the one true Queen delivers: +Spd/-HP Elincia +HP/-Def Delthea
  8. @MrSmokestack @Ice Dragon @XRay Power creep is new options outclassing old ones. That's the objective definition. I honestly have no idea how you guys are coming to the conclusion that it has to break the ceiling in all categories. That's not a requirement, never has been. And we say it's a creep because it's a gradual process; it's about raising the standard over time. Ayra is just one of many. Saying "oh, well she doesn't replace everyone" or "she's infantry sword so whatever" or "still not as good as Reinhardt" doesn't mean she isn't a case of power creep, it just means she's not dominant in today's meta. It's like saying Fates isn't art because its writing isn't good. Anyway, she's just the representation of the direction this game is heading. A lot of people just aren't happy with arbitrary buffs on select new units. I don't care about Ayra in either FE4 or FEH, so her being the figurehead of all of it is whatever to me.
  9. Going to agree with @Rezzy on her definition of power creep. It's power creep, not power stomp. Ayra firmly establishes a shitty precedent of invalidating an entire class thanks to an optimized stat spread with arbitrary BST and skill lovin' thrown in for good measure. It's all about the new standard, not Ayra herself.
  10. If it's good enough for Hey Arnold, it's good enough for me.
  11. Game gave me a free Takumi, but I'm going with Hinoka. Sorry kid. 3682385057 (Otto) For leads, I'm going with one of these: Merric (+Atk/-Res) with Excalibur, Fury, Bowbreaker, Distant Def 3 seal; handles Rein, Lyn, and most fliers including Shanna Cherche (+Atk/-Def) with Brave Axe+ and the usual fixins' with Goad Fliers for teammies Olivia (+Atk/-HP) with Ruby Sword+, Fury, WoM3 for red dancer goodness Takumi (+Def/-Res) default kit with Vantage+Draw Back Brave Lyn (+HP/-Spd) default kit with Draw Back #BonkersForHonkers
  12. Pretty well sums up my thoughts on why it's the best. Volke's storytime to Ike is one of those ultra rare legitimately intriguing exposition dumps as well.
  13. Team Big Tiki, gonna be leading with an Atk+ Julia. Not sure who I'll bounce to after she's out but I have everyone other than Ninian, so I'm open to recruitment. 3682385057
  14. I don't think it's a problem that she sort of gets away with letting Jarod go. It's the build-up to what's basically Daein's only real triumph between both games and it foreshadows her fallibility. Also it'd be kinda strange to end this big "Daein = good guys" arc with some blatant unresolved tension before jumping into Crimea for a long while. If anything, more consequences for stuff in Part 3, although frankly I think her flaws are more visible than almost every main character in the series.
  15. This. Also Micaiah's response is fair enough, she says it herself: he's not hers to judge. She figured she shouldn't be playing vigilante. She's wrong of course and quick to realize it after the fact, but that's consistent with her character as we later see her in Part 3.
  16. Ah, but 33.3% garbage is worse than 25% garbage and everyone's imagination dictates that Character #4 would've been 35/35 Atk/Spd Kieran with Cavalry Pulse or some such.
  17. Brave Palla is a big slap to those who built her. I can't imagine what would possess someone to do that other than a love for Palla or a compulsion to force a red flier into a role that those two characters aren't really suited for.
  18. Flier Formation would be amazing on a heron for sure
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