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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. Would prefer Awakening-centric over Fates for sure. Awakening did have the best results from CYL so I don't think it'd be too unexpected. Chrom being the first character shown gives me a good feeling about that. Also Donny's great. He just wants to help out!
  2. We're comparing PoR to every game in the series to see if it's really an outlier for exceptional luck (and briefly touched on the idealistic major characters that seemingly enable them). Every single game in this series uses the kidz vs. tons of professionals/monsters trope that we've seen in every medium for ages now. Furthermore, every game with a sequel outright states that every single recruitable character in a previous game not only joined, but made it through the entire campaign without death or injury. Even the character endings lean more towards "they led their country to a golden age" rather than "died in snowstorm, RIP." All of that falls under exceptional. Mind you, this is without getting into the specific story examples beyond what other people have posted (we could be here for a while), nor making a distinction between fortune (Ike has connections to competent people) and luck (Ike discovers a shack full o' gold), or deciding whether those moments are really a big deal (finding gold is a silly contrivance) or not (war spoils are a thing and who cares, Volke's gonna lay some heavy). Good things happen to good people in the stories of Fire Emblem -- aside from Sigurd -- and they always get away with their mistakes. You can't say Ike is an exception unless you're getting stories wrong or you hold him to a double standard. Of course, you could just say "nah, Ike sucks" and leave it at that. No one's gonna begrudge you for not liking something. Or maybe they will, I dunno, but fuck 'em.
  3. @Bartozio See, that's what I get for jumping into a conversation @Lushen Any given dagger user shouldn't be any different than any mage or archer who just can't ORKO anyone towards the end, and low HP is just low HP. You either have a means to heal (staff or otherwise) or your dudes are built around staying messed up (DC Vantage, Desperation, Escape/WoM, etc.). Not that I would force myself to use non-bonus infantry units when turn count is a factor, but yeah.
  4. I insist non-Poison daggers aren't as bad as people say. Chip damage and/or debuffs allow your other units to survive or win matchups they can't otherwise, Vantage/WoM aren't automatically dangerous, there's still plenty of popular skills that require high health to activate (QR, Breakers, Ragnarok, etc.), and they're not so powerless that they're completely incapable of finishing someone off. Definitely harder to use than monster nukes though, I won't argue against that. Maybe less so in Infernal GHB or Lunatic TT.
  5. Let's not act like the games don't expect you to keep everyone alive (even without Casual). It's entirely extraordinary and really shouldn't be ignored in the context of extremely lucky protagonists. Anywho, I'm not seeing how all these other FE examples are totally fine and anything with Ike goes too far unless you just plain don't like Ike/Tellius or can't remember the story as it is. Either one's fine, but you're definitely putting up a double standard with the arguments you've presented.
  6. Debating whether to go to Elise for effort-free 500 feathers or Priscilla in hopes that I'm actually around for a bonus. Ah fuck it, Elise.
  7. But Chrom hangs dong, what zany adventure does Lucina find herself in this week?
  8. Bear in mind this is a series where every game more or less expects zero casualties for your new recruits vs. armies of trained soldiers (par for RPGs in general, but whatever). Combine that with the countless examples of plot armor and any complaints of exceptional luck from a single title or character seems kinda silly. Also I just remembered Percy exists, bless him and his Pit voice all day long.
  9. How big was the last Mist jump? I wanna say 600m but I forgot what they had before the boost.
  10. Good luck finding eight characters that share a theme, come from different titles, and are actually close to each other in popularity every month. I prefer our zany Blue Shell rules to the inevitable nature of every previous gauntlet. Even Chrom vs. Ephraim wasn't unpredictable like this.
  11. I won't hear any more words against Mario Kart
  12. Did Infernal with Xander, Camus, 4* Cecilia, and WoM Olivia. Getting Xander onto the defense tile above the breakable wall with a Rally Resistance was enough for him to tank everything in range and take out the horsies, after which Camus and Cecilia were safe to clean up everything else on the 2nd turn.
  13. Mt values are 14 for melee, 12 for the bow, 10 for the seashell. Think the stats are from the first two fights, Fred's being an apparent outlier. Here's what someone's estimating for actual stats: Tiki: 35/38/30/30/24 Robin: 35/32/35/28/29 Gaius: 34/30/39/18/28 Frederick: 40/33/31/28/17
  14. Granted these are supposed to be Lunatic stats, but we've got a good ballpark. I'm surprised we haven't seen forced pulls to show true stats.
  15. The second rude-to-the-Apostle part was the explanation of the Serenes Massacre. She's completely disarmed the moment she realizes what Ike's asking her about. Nasir also lays into her and she excuses him as well. Guilt's a powerful thing.
  16. They're great is why. Also beaches are covered in seashells waiting to fuck up the feet of you and everyone you love. Summer Fred is a goddamn hero fighting the eternal struggle.
  17. Do YOOOU have any siblings? Thank. I should be good on quests for this round at least, and I'm cheesing it level 1 style so anything is fine. I just swapped out Goad Cavalry for Threaten Spd, do let me know if ye need anything on my end.
  18. Have it be a little grey alien dude with a ray gun that makes people spin around like in Mario Kart. He'll mostly be conquering lands to get magic crystals to activate the Fire Emblem, which is actually his spaceship. Dude just wants to go home but noooo, your self-righteous ass won't have that. The main characters imagine a vicious monster like Ashnard. He never talks and only ever makes this face Actually shit, this is just Starky from Chrono Cross. Well, make it work, I want it.
  19. Nuts to this, I need Lissa friends. 3682385057 Got Camus as my lead for now, will change for true friendship that never dies.
  20. I like that none of the seasonal units have been red thus far. That plus sea specimens and buttcrack.
  21. Team Lissa grunt signing in. My first 4* healer that I've been using since February, and a few nights ago I pulled her at 5* from the banner. And she was +HP/-Atk, just like her brother! It was meant to be.
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