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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. @Eridras No kiddin. My wife pulled a +Def/-Res Charlotte on her second orb of the banner the day after I got mine (first orb was Lukas, both characters were her two most wanted). I'm looking at my wall of not great Cecilias and Olivias to remind myself not to bet against the odds. Grats on Lukas, pretty sure that's his best nature too.
  2. All of this for the most part: Having them involved in the main plot is fine as supporting characters who aren't explicitly amazing or special. Frederick/Sothe levels of involvement and talent, give or take. Other minor characters should be appearing regularly as well to avoid same-four-character syndrome anyway. On the other hand, having extra conversations or content unique to avatars isn't explicitly a bad thing if the game properly considers them to be viewpoint characters. A silent avatar whose supports are entirely about letting the other character pour their heart out is fine. At one point I thought starting class should determine personality, but I think I prefer the idea that they're separate. I DO think it should decide an avatar's backstory, and both class and personality should be what unlock support conversations (e.g. you can support Sally the bookworm archer if you're shy or a pegasus knight). Personality could also decide alt class(es) if reclassing is a thing. More design options forever. I think different outfits might be my biggest hope at this point, but honestly the more the merrier. Another thought I had was to allow the player to freely select their own viewpoint character from a large selection of the cast. We're talking like 10 or 15 characters at minimum and not tying them to specific paths like in other games. The story wouldn't necessarily need to change much, but it would change dialogue around and should feature some viewpoint scenes to emphasize the fact that this character is your protagonist.
  3. I'm a completionist and legitimately liked doing fetch quests, exploring, and fighting every single enemy I came across before advancing the story. It's a common sentiment I've seen on other sites among people who played the same way. The codes were easy to implement and adjust, so it wasn't a big deal. Didn't care for Beyond the Sky, but even without vocals the songs in X just aren't as memorable to me. I likes me tunes to be catchy and I haven't found myself singing along with anything yet.
  4. Hark Loved the original. Almost always had Reyn + Sharla + Melia as my team. Had to start using codes to reduce EXP or enforce level caps as overleveling became a huge problem. Can't stand Riki's voice so I never touched him, Shulk and Fiora are kinda boring (although I love their voices), everyone else is amazing. Amazing soundtrack and best RPG I've played in a long ass time. I got X for Christmas one year as a digital code and put it on my brother's Wii U. Only problem is I only visit him once a week and we're usually doing something other than watching the other play a single-player game, so I'm at uh... Chapter 5 I think? Still on Primordia. The songs with vocals are atrocious and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to most of the faces, but I'm diggin everything else. Too cheap and lazy to buy another Wii U and copy of the game just to finish in a timely manner, so slow burn I guess. 2 looks okay. Faces look good, main boy looks lame as shit. High hopes for the soundtrack given the return to most of the XC music team at least. Still not sure why Corrin made it into Smash over Elma. I mean I know why, but ugh.
  5. Got Charlotte on my first pull (first orb picked even) which is amazing considering she's the only character I wanted out of the batch. She's Def+/HP-, so she's basically a slightly more offensive Sharena with a way better voice. Tempted to keep spending orbs for another with Atk+ and for a Lyn to feed someone else. Someone convince me to wait for the next banner announcement.
  6. I might be biased because my hair naturally curls to look exactly like Xander's, but I think it fits. Prince Charming, perfect teeth, nice smell, class act all the way.
  7. Xander's hair is great and I'm super surprised some people think it looks bad. Next you're gonna tell me Narcian has dumb hair too, it's lunacy. Best designs off the top of my head: Kaze, Hana, Oboro, Shiro, Gunter, Effie, Charlotte, Xander, Ignatius, Scarlet The worst design for me that I never see mentioned is Beruka. She looks like Bronto Burt or some other Kirby character with a body.
  8. Would you feel better if they wrote "hype gone" or some such? The roster is basically the entire game in 99% of people's heads right now, I think any variation of "fuck this game" is entirely acceptable at present. New guy's design appeals to me, but fuck another sword argh
  9. The reason all the protagonists from the Fire Emblem games are not being included is because if they did that, everyone would be using a sword. And then they make two new sword characters anyway. I think the only redeeming news in the SD+3DS limited roster is that a sequel would maybe maybe focus on the other -- let's be real here, better -- casts in the series. Still gonna buy because dumb.
  10. @Ice Dragon I figured most don't use GHB units in high tiers anyway specifically because of merge limits and forced neutrals. 45 Spd is pretty excessive for +0 Land anyway, not too often you see a unit with over 40 Spd other than Nino, Tharja, or Celica.
  11. We'll see about that once the Fighting Polygon Team shows up
  12. Hone Cavalry would make it comparable to a neutral Ryoma or Spd+ Ike with Hone Speed (39). He'd probably be a decent candidate for Charlotte's new A skill to bump up to 45 on most enemies, and if he gets Goad at 4* then you might see more Goad stacking outside of Rein Time. Then again I personally think Spd and QR are overrated in general, so eh.
  13. Fan translation I think, pretty sure no official English source has mentioned the mode by name. Not even sure what else you'd call it based on the JP name, I was using Classic Mode beforehand on account of permadeath.
  14. Almost makes me reconsider making him 5* +1! Almost.
  15. Woo, no 10th Stratum Armor quests Watch those orb things be some sort of "you can't use this color" restriction in Vortex
  16. Yeah, I know it was a force-pulled Camus and we've seen other GHBs' stats not line up due to natures. However! If you compare Camus' stats in 9-1 Lunatic with these and contrast them with Michalis 9-1, 4*, and 5*, everything matches in a way that suggests those actually are his neutral stats. Also fair to assume he gets Goad Cavalry at 5* and Grani's Shield at 4* considering Sheena and Michalis.
  17. Those stats should be neutral too: 42 HP 32 Atk 33 Spd 31 Def 17 Res Also I like that they stuck a couple trees in the middle of a cavalry GHB map
  18. "Inheritor" of both swords maybe. Alondite becomes his to give away, after all. Really curious to see the Zelgius one.
  19. Definitely fucked up. Kept getting single death runs all week, telling myself I'd just get the deathless run in on Monday, no rush. Fast forward to one hour ago where I just realized I still haven't done it yet. Well haste makes waste, and I kept getting single deaths because of stupid mistakes instead of taking my time. Made it to the last fight in a deathless streak with like three minutes until the cutoff, and finished it in what felt like two. Apparently not. Game said it was time for maintenance and immediately slammed the door on my face. Pretty sure I would've promoted to Rank 18 with a score of about 4820-ish, but I guess I'm a Deadlord again. Lesson learned I guess, fuck Mondays, where the Garfield gifs at, etc.
  20. Will orb for Charlotte and her big ass spoon
  21. I remember before Fates came out thinking it'd be neat if postgame Corrin (and maybe another character) would be allowed to return to the Branch of Fate with their memories of the previous path(s) intact. Corrin's character grows across multiple playthroughs and gets some good ol' dramatic irony all over the place. Could work with all sorts of paths or choices too. I'm sure this idea has been done in a multiple paths game before, but whatever. Also Groundhog Day is my favorite movie.
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