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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Well, I'm off to go watch Bleach! Good night buddy!

  2. Come on.. Me? I'm not being a "fan boy" She's a friend and I haven't seen her in a while, that's all.
  3. Damn! I was on last night and didn't see her. :(
  4. Lol, awesome reply! BTW, what happened to Songbird? I haven't seen her in ages.
  5. BTW, I gots more dan 200 posts nao! Sea?

  6. Unnessacery stupidity. *EDIT* Sometimes..
  7. Muahahaha! AWESOME TIMING!

  8. You bet it was! Another nice chapter! It's almost like a new beginning!
  9. :o Even more story! I'm lucky tonight!
  10. Yay! I came to the rescue! ^_^ Nice chapter!
  11. Hmm, sounds fun. I should tell Princess about this.
  12. I have tried all 3 and Matthew was over all better. Legault had a very bad str and never dodged a thing, even with his high speed. Matthew was had to keep alive until he promoted, I know he's only a thief but he died alot. Jaffer comes with high stats, but has a limit to high good he can get. Jaffar may be good, but Matthew is better.
  13. I think Zihark is overlooked because of Stefan. I know Zihark has better luck and Res.
  14. Haar and Tibarn. Don't really have favorate Pegasus knight.
  15. I don't use her every play through, but I should. She's a great unit.
  16. Well I'm going to go get me some shut eye, for real this time. Night!

  17. Wow, Thx! That also means alot. =D

  18. Um, I may I ask you think I'm skilled at? ^_^

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