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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. no it doesnt. just cleared it with full askrtrio and Fjorm with minor 4 star skill inheritance
  2. This Tempest Trial is tedious because i am draggin a stupid Armor unit behind me...
  3. Actually now that i think about it Gunnthras B-Slot skill would have been a perfect line of exclusiv debuff passives for Dagger users
  4. but Fjorm wasnt all about SPD. I mean seriously her SPD isnt somethign you remember ¬.¬
  5. They are throwing 5 star units around every month with 8%. Well i guess 6star units arent far away, i give them 6 months and then they will introduce 6 Star units...
  6. Gunthra looks very unique with her Bslot and weapon. She will have boosted BST so good by Cecilia! (I guess). I hope we get 1 Gunnthra for free
  7. @Kadentbh by the time Xander and Camus get a rerun of their GHB they will be outclassed by the powercreep. Hell Xander is allready outclassed by a refined Elidgan that has more merges available lol
  8. This pretty much, my main Team only encounters slightly soem Reinharts/Horsies when i am entering Arena with an Askar-Trio unit for bonus unit. And even then they are scarce. Literally everythign is plattered with Armorers/Infantery/Dragon-Lolis, hence why that Ayra built is beyond disgusting lol
  9. Siegbert has the better offensiv stats (atk+spd) then B.Roy and better physical bulk as a trade of for poor magical bulks. And B.Roys magical bulks wasnt there to begin with either. So yeah Siegbert wins with this Seal in his S.Seal slot, no matter how you turn it around. At the designated task of a player phase unit with Galeforce Siegbert wins against B.Roy. But you can built a +RES B.Roy and turn him into a magical tank with Distant Def Seal if you desire so much!
  10. well on player hands the skills are great, on AI hands... mmm not so much, ecxept if you are stuck on a shitty Arena map with 2 bridges as the only crosspath lol
  11. @ArcanitePanic Ploy usually isnt an issue ecxept for some maps. I was just pointing out the benefit of a Litrowl.
  12. 1. of all i dont run cavalry Team because it makes the game too easy (and their Arena score isnt the best even if +10 merged) 2. I also dont run Reinfart (see above) 3. this was on the map with the 2 seperate bridges. The Armors were constantly buffing Ayra with +Atk/Def and my Sigurd couldnt avoid Def Ploy from C!Tharja or Panic Ploy fro Effie daaaahhh. 4. I won the match deathless but it was a serious pita to deal with this Ayra 5. I have no Idea why you are bringing Reinhardt up, because i said i have no problems dealing with Reinfart. This Ayra was on a total different scale for my Team. Neither Sigurd who is designed to destroy Sword units nor Clair with color advantage could handle her alone because of the built she was running. 6. lets please not start again a wall-o-text debate about mobility. thanks!
  13. I have run owl on my +10 Boey in AA Tempest and Aerna, its a blast and underrated. You can annihilate any match up even the ones less favourable, ecxept if they run Triangle Adept. But alas my Boey got replaced, not because Litrowl is weak, but because he cant function in a Dragon-Loli infected world... However considering i only ran up against Armored units on this season i am questioning if i should swap BIke out for him and let him slaughter all the Armorers, because Armors and Panic Ploy have no effect on a +10 owl Boey that runs +6 Atk +6 Spd +18 Res and +18 Def in Spur effects! However with the new Bold Fighter 3 addition, it has gotten a bit tricky to bait out Armorers with Close Counter :/
  14. New highscore for AA 5210 As for Arena i had 1 death, but thats i think still enough to remain in Tier 20 with points of 5000ish-something Most disgusting units faced: Regnal Astra ready at the start of the battle lulz. My Sword breaker Sigurd coulnd take her out with her Special ready and would die. There was no option for Sigurd to attack or get attacked by her at all with this built, even with Sword Breaker. Windsweep would negate all forms of countering with Sword Breaker and recharge her special. So i need the streangth and specials of 2 units to take her out. A special charged Clair would bait her Regnal Astra attack and then i would finish her off in the player phase... Really really really disgusting built. Encountered a same built but with Wrath instead of Windsweep. This was easier to manage, because you actually can counter attack. Also Hector with Bold Fighter 3 and Aether transformed him from piss easy bait for my B!Ike to "The fuck let Sigurd handle this". I have an easier time faceing as many Reinhardts and BLyns as you want, but i rather not face Ayras again with such builts!!!
  15. I really dont think Grani's Shield will be available. the omnipotent presence of cavalry is to big to warrant it. Flyers getting Iote's Shield is justified, because BLyn presence is almost everywhere. As in other news, Beruka can now punch BLyn in the face with this seal.
  16. If i ask for an opinion or how i should built a character, I am asking for the honest opinion. Meaning i want people to point out what is not optimal and what is more optimal on that specific character. If that bothers you, why even ask for their opinion?! Whats the point of that then. You might as well not ask at all. And this game is not really balanced lol
  17. this is a very bad idea, you are giving up the ability to win matches against Effie and Hector and some other green units that have higher attack. Effie will have more Atk, especially since she will prolly run a refined weapon. It might maybe work against Hector, depending on his nature and skill Consistency > Randomness. A refined Weapon Elidgan will benefit alot more from this or a Soleil with a Firesweep Sword.
  18. its not limited to initiating, it works on enemy and player phase
  19. My new favourite quote is from Arden: "I am strong and you are toast" hahahahah i cant stop laughing, especiall with the voice its said XD
  20. I couldnt stop laughing at this hahaha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3IEVS1NpmI
  21. this pretty much. I didnt enjoy Echoes at all. I hope they go back to the modern route with the Switch title
  22. Navarra the scarlet sword meets Azama the white oak! Azama Healer Squad vs Navarre Infernal.
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