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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I am allways impressed by how much Bulk Mathew provides to your Team and how much hits he can take. Nice catch on the Mega Man X theme at the end when Genny was blasting everything away with her Genny-Blaster!!
  2. their passion for each other melt them together perfectly!
  3. Arvis doesnt need to lift a finger when his wife Gunnthra is with him. He just sits on his throne and watches everyone get rekt by his wife due to his fourfold debuff mastery. Occasionally he hugs Gunnthra and gives her his affection in the form of Reciprocal Aid, or burns the enemys alive if they dare to outlive his waifu Gunnthra!
  4. Lyon vs the Askrtrio and Fjorm on their way to Nifl!!! Enjoy. (this was quite a tough one with only Infantery units and no Dancer or Healer lol)
  5. My main Arena Team (also Defense Team) takeing on Lyon with the same skills as in Arena. Team SICK i mean SICG ftw
  6. how did Camilla make it to spot number 2?!? Dont we have enough copys of Camilla allready?!?! (or Azura!)
  7. cleared lunatic on first try with clair BIke Saizo and Gunthra infernal took 3 trys only but managed everything Now after work with Askrtrio Lunatic was done after turn2 surprisingly
  8. Easier then Arvis. The GHB difficulty hasnt increased while we got Weapon Rifenements and lots of Sacred Seals and boasted BST units. So it will be easy with top tier units and dancers and all those shenanigens, ecxept if you run the Askrtrio like I do for a challenge XD
  9. wait what?! I need to build a new Teammate for my Gunnthra!? I can actually debuff the enemys and buff gunnthra before she attacks! but Sothe is shit at takeing physical hits compared to my +10 Saizo :/, but he does alot more dmg ._. I dont know what to do!!! Saizo also gives the higher dmg potential with smoke dagger giving Gunnthra +24 attack (30 if you count -6 RES twice) while Sothe only provides 16 attack (20 with -4 res technically) and with the buffs 24... but he also deals more damage compared to saizo
  10. I am a bit scared by Myrrh... usually my Clair can take Manaketes very easy (even Fae) due to her high RES Berkuts lance Guard etc... but Myrrh has insane high attack and color advantage... I am not sure if she will take the same dmg like against Fae... + the battle will last longer because Clair cant double her back :/. Sorry but Manaketes are seriously busted atm...
  11. I am confused all Naglfar has going for itself is being basicly a Raventome with higher might... that is very dissapointing to say the least. they should have given it a secondary effect to make it on par with other weapons that synergizes well with his stats, like Quick Riposte are innate Triangle adept advantage or something different! Seriously since Oliver the GHB Unit power has been nerfed down to oblivion. Oliver had a shitty Weapon with Shine and now this!?!
  12. you can give him berkuts lance with res refinement and close def sesl & distant counter with guard or QR and make him annyoing to take out. especially wirh cavalry buffs
  13. ok its really hight Time to release a Dragonstone breaker skill IS. This Loli-Dragonsituation just got out of hand...
  14. i need to rerun AA because i had one loss -_-
  15. Sadly i had to swap out Gunnthra with Micaiah lol anyway i get enough wins with that Team, especially with Gunnthra in the Team
  16. 1. vote went to Bruno 2. vote went to Alfonse 3. and 4. vote will go to Anna and Sharena respectivly undecided yet for 5. 6. and 7. vote
  17. My 1. vote went to Bruno. Them Abs need some new(less) clothing!
  18. I really hope they remove the reset on pairs. I dont mind that you can pair up only 2, but it shouldnt reset everytime you switch the pair ¬.¬
  19. Healers are currently in a good place. Annoying to deal with and great utility. They are in my eyes now fairly balanced/on par with Dancers. IMHO a good nukeing healer with dazzling + wrathfull + double savage + pain is more usefull then a DNC, depending on the other Team. but the BST of Healers is just beyond repair :/
  20. I cant wait for the Lyon GHB and Valter GHB. Gonna try the Askrs on them! Especially on Valter!
  21. not Camilla not Chrom not Lucina not Azura not Lyn not Xander not Leo not Elise i forgot to mention: not FCorrin, not Tharja just pick anything besides those!
  22. actually the tiles make horsies verybad as a defense team. vouple that with the fact that micaiah abolishes them and yeah. you can safely bait now one horse unit after another and kill them np. thats due to the new tiles
  23. i can see where your 2 prefences are. why dont you also add Kagero to the list!
  24. no chrom no camilla no lyn no lucins mskr it happen pls FEH community, dont let them dominate the game!!!
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