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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. blew out all my 200 orbs and got 1 Ephraim and 1 PA Olivia, so i am kinda on the same boat as you ._.
  2. blew out 200 orbs for 1 Ephraim and 1 PA Olivia... those Legendary banners are arse ._.. At least i got what i was looking for: Ephraim, altough he seems to be +Atk adn -Def -_-
  3. I am not sure why one would moan about Infantery skills that were needed for Infantery units. The problem happened when they forgot to restrict Steady Breath on Dragon Emblems imho. I think Armorers are on a far better spot then Infantery with their new ***Fighter skills and new movement seal/skills and are on equal footing with the other Emblem Teams in my opinong
  4. i think what we need for Daggers are SPD based Specials (not as broken as Regnal Astra) or in general, but on the line of Bonfire/Iceberg and Ignus/Glacies. They usually have high speed but lack in the attack department mostly, some have mixed bulks and some have high res or high def. Or Specials that are based on the amount of debuffs the enemy has (similar to gunnthras weapon, but instead as weapon as a special), for example adds the amount of debuffs as raw dmg when the special activates. This makes daggers excellent support units, not only do they cripple the enemy/buff allies, but they also buff the allies special damage, when they run this special (or with a dancer their own special) The only problem with SPD specials is that they might open a total other can of worms with Desperation builds ¬.¬, but in the age of Bold/Vengefull Fighter with Black Luna and Regnal Astra, Brash Assault Desperation Reinhardt and Refined broken Dragon breath it seems only fair lol
  5. Found this gem online. Similar approach as my aproache with the Askr trio, but less heavy exclusiv SI, aside from Aether and Galeforce, Speed Smoke and Swift sparrow none of the other skills all locked behind 5 star skills i believe (mind had addtional to those Brazen atk/def and Brazen atk/spd). The run is pretty identical on the first half.
  6. guess ill put Deirdra on the front sear for this one or Clair. mmm prolly Clair since i run for Takumi
  7. Guess ill run my +10 Lukas! that covers all melees. Now i think ischould bring also +10 Deirdra to cover Dragons, best counter for grima and Nowi. Just have to give her deathblow and attack seal desperation and brash assault
  8. you have no Idea how much i smashed my head into the wall on this one ._. i changed the Team composition 3 times. 1. tried with Askrtrio + Fjorm 2. Askrtrio + wrys 3. Azama + Askrtrio and in the end i swaped back to Fjorm + Askrtrio. In the end the healing from the healers just wasnt enough to survived the onslought of the attacks, so i swaped back to Fjorm for more Firepower. Basicly i had to start everytime from 0 ¬.¬
  9. On their run from Laegjarn our team of heroes seeks refugee in a supposedly abandoned castle to rest and tend to their wounds. Little did they know they were walking right into Loki's trap and would face their biggest challenge yet... Can our Askr-heroes overcome this obstacle! @SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoidAll Askrunits, no Brave-Weapons. all using their original weapons, no dancer shenanigans. also i am bad at editing Videos lol Please note, Anna and Sharena need S ally support. Alfonse and Fjorm had B ally support at this battle. Only a WinterChrom had to die for the recording for this battle (because all the other skills they had allready learned!) I needed 20 Potions to figure this one out.... I am spent, beaten and exchaustet and have no more potions left. But it was worth it!!!! Most intense battle ever @Zeo as allways impressed by Mathews bulk, also nice use of Gwennys Gravity on the Red Sword user lol
  10. I am getting the oceans grey hair trying to clear this with the askrtrio lol This is fucking harder then Valter or Arvis ._.
  11. This GHB is so painful hard on Infernal with the Askr Trio. I am haveing a blast :D
  12. i cant believe i am having a blast with the Healer squad in Arena assaults lol Azama with 39 Def and 40 Res can take hits like a champ from those slow dragon units and mages lulz, thx to Guard 3 he also has evolved into a Reinhardt Bait. I need to make a compilation of 3 Angels for Azama!!! this is just to delicious seeing full Dragon Emblem with Grima Robin, Myrrh, Nowi and Tiki loose to a Healer squad. Problems arise when a Gronnblade mage rises up (depends on the buffs the PT can give out) and its nearly impossible win against a Triangle adept Litrraven unit. But they are few and far inbetween, but thinking about giving someone Cancel Affinity.
  13. @mampfoid Azama without his 5 star skills (martyr+)needs to run rehabilitate and imbue to get some healing potency. His offense is kinda arsed without pain+ In general all Healers are underwhelming for Arena if they dont run their 5 Star skills. For PvE their 4 Star skillz can do the job
  14. So i swapedoutmy def team after they got somebonus wins with Azama healer squad. +9 Elise +2 Priscilla +10 Bride Lyn and + 10 Azama obliterated 8 Teams with their weath dazzling, savage blow& multiple stat effect debuufs lol I guessmodt are loosing to Elise or to Bride Lyn while Azama is just annoying with 39 def and 40 res
  15. we need more dew, i have so many weapons that want to be refined but there is no dew!!!
  16. thats kinda nifty, send in the Litrblade army and watch them get burned!!! The best part its a spur effect, slap on flier buffs and yeah +18 to each stat lol?!?! very unique and interesting sword. Some slow units could benefit from a unique weapon refine that works similar, but only affects their SPD stat or ATK stat , like giving 200% of the buffs an opponent has to their speed stat. For example Hawkeye (altough that wouldnt save him). Its very good but the trade off is that its not consistent.
  17. who would you fodder it off anyway? there are like 5 candidates that can run CC effectively (not including W!Tharja that has it by default)
  18. hmm: I paired: Gunnthra/Saizo Brave Ike/Clair (those babys would be beautifull) Lukas/Micaiha Sigurd/Deirdra Raven/Bride Lyn Sanaki/Spring Camilla Vanguard Ike/Brave Lyn Those were more conincidences because they run allways in the same Team together. Ah yeah i almost forgot Azama/Wrys, best pari to exist.
  19. I really need to start investing into red units... i have neglected them for too long ._. (6 months +)
  20. its on turn 3 NOT every third turn. so its a one shot oppurtunity in Turn 3, after that the effect will never fire off again.
  21. Its nice, but the effect only triggers once on Turn 3. Thats it. Dont get me wrong letting it trigger every 3. turn with the full effect would be a bit OP because you could just kite around with a Dancer in your pocket. But the weapon would be more interesting and usefull if the added Panic Ploy effect would be permanent for the remaining match. Basicly ala: get your horses and fliers out of the space before turn 3 lulz
  22. I think P!Takumi is a very interesting unit. His unique weapon grants free damage and panic ploy on 3 colums which is basicly unavoidable to take (1 or 2 units will be hit with it). I think this is a very interesting concept and Arena battles definitly last more then 2 turns. Very interesting utility unit in my opinion, just like Arvis The only problem i see is that it only activates on Turn 3, not every 3. turn (unless that is a false translation), So its one shot or nothing lol
  23. yeah, melees with triangle advantage or a high RES built can deal with them fine (Clair for example takes 0 dmg from Nowi and Tiki and on Fort tiles even from Fae and Myrrh).
  24. my Clair doesnt have a problem killing dragons either!
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