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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. but your cordelia cant tank Reinhardt or Nino ;)
  2. Clair can take on Ayra Ryoma and Ike in most cases!
  3. 7. Clearly not running Clair with a Berkuts Lance!
  4. shutting down 80% of the ranged units with a weapon upgrade isnt balancing its just bullshit imho. I do agree that ranged units were out of line, but this was the wrong way to go at it. When Units like Deirdra and Julia have difficulty killing non blue Dragon units, which they should excell at, you know something went borderline wrong. I do get that they shouldnt be oneshotting Tiki but when Faye or Myrrh one shots Deirdra and Julia on the counterattack something terribly went wrong in the Lightning Breath update (ok Myrrh was running Distant Counter and her original breath so i can live with that). The fixing to ranged units being opressiv should have been via Team-Synergy, skills inherited and map layout. We are at the point where its not feasable to run ranged units anymore unless they run a Firesweep bow, Dazzling/wrath staff combo, Watersweep or have the stat spread to run a desperation litrblade built or desperation + brash assault built. This hurts the game because its not feasable to go anymore for interesting skill combos, because your units are guaranteed to underperform otherwise. The time has come that IS introduces a Dragonstone breaker skill imho.
  5. imho they should be compared directly because they run DC in the weapon. As I allready said weeks ago, The refinement to Lightning brath was allready beyond broken. They should have never let that unique effect on a DC weapon, However i could live with that because of the lower might and +1 charge on specials(still doesnt make it fine). Robins weapon is beyond broken tough. Breath or Weapon, they are operating on the same base skill and yes i do believe DC weapons are inferior to refined Lightning breath
  6. This is by no means exactly the same as other weapons. We are talking here about a Distant counter weapon. Last i checked Zelgius and Vike just got a regular DC weapon. So why make an ecxeption for Robin? Same with Hardin, his DC weapon doesnt have anything added. Please take of the Lolidragon-Tinted glasses. Everyone can see how opressiv and OP robins weapon is. Couple that with the skills of his class and you get the Idea
  7. this pretty much. I would have been fine with the legendary DC breath if it didnt have the 2. additional effect of targeting the weaker stat of ranged units. Both is just overkill on an armored unit that will run prolly 175 BST makeing him basicly untouchable by ranged units unless you run firesweep bow or watersweep skill... yaie....
  8. ummm they target 2 different units. Chilling Seal target the unit with the lowest Def and Chill Spd target the unit with the highest Spd. It could affect the same unit and not stack but chances are if you are running somethign like Nino and Ayra in the same team, Ayra will get debuffed by Chill Spd (due to her prolly higher spd then Nino) and Nino by Chilling Seal (due to her low def). Resulting in 2 units of your Team constantly being debuffed. which is delicious :D
  9. I am not really fond of this banner, all we have been getting lately is armored units. Wouldnt be surprised if Takumi GHB is also an Armored unit with a Bow or so Also they went overboard with Armored Robin. Dragon with a DC breath built in + higher might + no penalty on special charges.... He will run 175 BST prolly. This is scary like fuck. Slap Steady Breath Bold Fighter 3 and Quick Riposte 3 Seal on to him and you have an all around Bulky unit no ranged unit can even touch. Its just dumb. Cant even attack with Julia or Deirdra because they will get killed in the Counter attack. Myrrh was allready pushing it. Not sure why anyone would even run anything else besides Dragon units anymore...
  10. Tupsimati and Tupsmati+ (Staff): During Attack unit Gains "effectivness" depending on movement type of adjacent allies. Only applies if 2 or less of same movement type are in the Team. Example: Healer with Tupsimati is adjacent to an armor ally while initiating attack. The Healer gets the effectiv+ attack bonus against armored units. Only applies to movement types not weapon types Litrshatter and Litrshatter+: Same as Tupsimati but for the 3 tome-colors Fuma Shuriken and Fuma Shuriken+: Same as Tupsimati but for Dagger users, also inflicts -7RES and -7DEF goal: ==> more incentiv to build mixed teams
  11. this pretty much, or unique Heroes characters like Fjorm and Gunnthra. L!Ike was a copy and a pretty shitty one to be honest.
  12. This is the case. If you have a unit with activated Miracle sitting at 2 HP and a full health unit, the AI wont attack the unit with Miracle (unless the enemy can double) but instead will charge for the unit it can deal the most dmg against (if 2 are in range). (There is an example of this in my video of BHB Cecilia against Healer emblem, where Cecilia opts to attack Wrys instead of Azama because Azama has miracle ready and thus would only take lik 5 dmg compared to wrys taking 20 or so) The AI also will target the unit that wont kill it in the counterattack if there are multiple in range. The AI also will opt to attack units that cant counter, you can easy check this when running stuff with weaponless dancers and healers. Even if the AI deal 0 dmg they will opt to attack those weaponless units, unless they can kill the other weaponed unit. The AI also prioritizes killing over healing, you can see that in autobattle on tempest trial if you run it with healers as support. sometimes your healers wont heal your units in the mid of the battle if they can opt to kill another unit (they will allways heal at start of turn 1 because no enemy is in range though), this is important to know, because wrathfull staff actually puts healing "on the lower priority" list, because the healer can kill more enemys easy.
  13. Need in weapon upgrade: Askrtrio Roy Ryoma Camus Xander Hector Leo Vanilla Ike LLoyd Eirika Lyon (even tough he was just released but his personal weapon is underwhelming) Valter (get rid of the Fury hurting effect or bumpb +spd and +atk to 6 either one of those) Arvis Dont get me wrong i dont want to OP Distant Counter weapons, but the vanilla DC units need an upgrade, even if its in the Form of just +4 or 5 HP, it has become a glareing issue in that they cant use any form of HP based skill (Panic ploy etc) because the other units have higher HP due to the weapon refinement. Units that are in dire need of a Personal weapon added: The lower desirable healers: Azama, Wrys, Lachesis, Sakura, Lissa and Lucius Kagero: her Poison dagger doesnt cut it anymore Hawkeye: seriously i have no idea why he even exists anymore Karel: well basicly everyone that was in the game since release... Everyone that was added after the CYL banner is currently fine or has their niche.
  14. I am not sure how Brash Assault 3 works on thsi built, because when the opponent cant counterattack then Brash Assault also takes no effect... soooo? Confused over here. The Seal should have no effect whatever
  15. The Askrtrio & Fjorm take on Corrin & Azura in this intense battle!
  16. Cleared with the F2P Askrunits and Fjorm so it should be very possible
  17. One day i will accomplish to make Team "Weirdo" consistent of: Arden - "I am strong and you're toast" Henry - "Its curse'o'clock" Odin - "Poweroverfloooowing" Azama - "Death comes for everyone!"
  18. And Ursula Infernal refined, this time with all Infantery Units The Askrtrio and Fjorm take on Ursula! Enjoy!
  19. Clair - she is the most omnipotent ultimate mage & dragon tank! Azama - most physicsl bulky healer and he has his way with melee units Boey uuuuh wreck armorers into oblivion all of them are 5star +10
  20. for anyone my old vid with teh Askrtrio and Ursula I will try out an inanftery all setup at the evening after work with Fjorm replacing Cecilia if possible
  21. Legion maybe, but I could do Berkut with the Askrtrio + Fjorm so it shouldnt be a problem for your Team. Maria and Minerva is easy, done with Askrtrio + Wrys without any Skill inheritance.
  22. @ZeoI need to get myself some Rogue daggers on my Saizo... EDIT: mmm or not, Saizo kinda lacks the magical bulk
  23. And as usual, i finally get around to do Robin F Infernal, which wraps up all GHB done with the Askrtrio as units. BTW Harsh command found its first use in a GHB lol Enjoy
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