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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. My Amelia +10 basicly handled everything herself lol, BK Zephiel and Effie were just Goad foddering her while she sweped everything away with Aithir double attackes etc.
  2. i went with +DEF/-Atk, i dont think his speed can be salvaged because there are no SPD passives for the A Slot on healers. And his attack is beyond repair soooo i went with DEF+/-Atk his main damage comes from Pain + and double Savage blow anyway the new healing spells will heal for 1 or 2 more HP if you go +Atk boon if you go -Atk the difference is like 3 HP healed. I dont think that breaks or makes a healing spell, besides i only use Martyr+ and Recover+ on him (occasionally rehabilitate) which is more then enough most of the time
  3. My Azama is tehoicing because he now runs 45 Res and 39 Def with the new seal!
  4. 3x +10 Myrrh and 1 +10 Faye. I give up, my Team was overwhelmed by the fact i couldnt deal quick enough with all those super merged Myrrhs... screw this ¬.¬
  5. oh you mean like now? where its a massive pain now for 80% of the roster to deal with Dragons?
  6. Sry for the late upload, but work anyway Askrtrio & Fjorm vs Narcian infernal Only Skill inheritance used: 3x Reciprocal Aid Seals: most comon ones, Atk+2 on Alfonse, Smoke Atk 3 on Fjorm, Spd +3 on Anna and Drive def 1 on Sharena Enjoy!
  7. The AA limit needs to be adjust the upper 1k and 5k are cramped as fuck No Legendary unit with +10 merges & 3 units +10 and blessings = you auto drop from top 1k, its insane
  8. I am hoping Karel gets a personal Weapon too with +10 Hp +10 Damage on specials and „Skills and Specials based on HP calculation are calculated as if Max HP is 50% higher“ Make that Vengeance work! (Also this means he drops out of QR instantly but enters Desperation Vantage instantly and brash assault @ 75% HP)
  9. 5020 here and droping out of T20 i had obe death and used Anna. I may try out Raven maybe i can score higher. Also 5206 AA and i might drop out... from 1k
  10. expecting a wrath seal just so New Hector gets even more busted ...
  11. @Zeoomg how tanky is Mathew oO Ryoma couldnt take a hit from that Red sword unit with charged up Bonfire lol anyway i am chiming in on the Hoshido vs Xander them! Ryoma, Azura, Sakura and Takumi. Sry i have no Spare Hinoka left. Also those were units are still usign builts from like the olde launch inherit skill days lol. Takumi running Vantage and Vengeance, Ryoma runnign Vantage, and Sakura has barely any skill lol, still effectiv tough!
  12. Xander Infernal vs Askrtrio & Fjorm Skill Inheritance and Seals: Alfonse: Reposition, Sword Breaker 3 ,Seal: Distand Def 3 Anna: Seal: Spd +3 Fjorm: Swap, Seal: Quick Riposte 3 Sharena: Remove: Fortify Def 3, Seal: Close Def 3 Ally support: Anna & Sharena S Alfonse & Fjorm C Everything else is their Vanilla Skill set Enjoy!
  13. ah more coins, 4 battles every 2days. Thats all that VG is to me because its a dumb mode imho
  14. i went with bride Lyn Fjorm Raven and Axezura in... Bride Lyns quote on those battles fit perfectly XD "This wasnt my Idea!" "Give me my Sword" "Where is my Sword"
  15. I love slaughtering Dragonlolis with Raven... ecxept for Myrrh... that Breath preventing double attacks is -_-
  16. I dont mind the blessing Infact i am building Teams around Legendary Heroes that synergyze well and can make use of their blessing, its just that their blessings are too limited. If they fix the limited amount of blessings available and rotate the Legendary Heroes on Arena i wont have an issue with it. For example my Fjorm Team revovles around units that can capitalize on her SPD blessing with Desperation etc. my Gunnthra Team is a Team that revolves around debuffs and bulky units my L!Ike Team revolves around very high attack units or brave weapon units.
  17. did you think of pairing up your Sanaki with Hinoka now? given how both their weapons synergize well with each other? They can give each other so much attack ._. Sanaki with refined weapon + Atk/res bond + drive atk 2 Hinoka with refined weapon + Atk/Spd bond + drive atk 2 basicly Hinoka give Sanaki +5res +13 atk when close to her and Sanaki gives Hinoka +9spd and +12 atk when close to her then add someone into the mix with Atk Tactics and welp we are living in crazy times!!! the Askr weapon refinement (if it ever comes) better be godlike!
  18. Anyone tried to pair up Hinoka with Sanaki? Both their Refined weapons seem to be the perfect support for each other lol Hinoka offers Sanaki Guidance and activates Sanakis refined weapon buff And Sanaki activates Hinokas refined weapon buff and gives her additional +3 Atk. give Sanaki Drive Atk 2 and welp
  19. well the new icon looks like a gigantic battle field or a giant door to a portal/dungeon. My guess is that will be either some form of boss battle mode (not GHB) or some sort of Dungeon crawling.
  20. i mean he just... ignores the weapon triangle with double life and death luna and heavy blade seal lol its insane! you just need to watch out that no red unit initiates combat first on you (well some red units) he one shots almost everything when in desperation range. He is running 48 (including Fjorms waterblessing) spd on 0 merges... with 63 attack pre buffs is... I dont know what to call that ¬.¬
  21. ok double Life and death Basilikos Desperation Raven with Heavy Blade Seal is fucking nuts
  22. omg all those Felicias i send down the drain ._., all those Ravens i send down the drain ._., all those Caedas i send down the drain ._.
  23. i needmore coins. i cant keep up with the current seal output lol and my „uncomplete“ OCD is starting to kick in lol
  24. we need more drastic measures. Dragons are getting peskier by every week in Arena and to be frank its worse then Horse emblem. The dragon breath buff should have never happened in this way, at least not on Lightning breath. It would have been fine on every non DC breath (that way they would have needed to actually inherit DC onto them into the A-Slot) Also Bold Fighter was a huge oversight, the double attack is fine, the further reduce cooldown not so much. It basicly broke Black Knight with Steady Breath and Bold Fighter and only a select few units can take him on with special builds (like a Lukas with Guard in his B slot!) Anyway only encountering Dragonstone users and Armorers in Arena and AA is takeing the fun out for me. I allways liked it when i stumbled upon a unique built/teams, but thats not anymore a thing because everyone and their mother is using inflated BST to push their score.
  25. seems like 5148 points isnt enough for Top 1k in AA... I miss my Gunnthra stat boosts that pushed the points of my main Team ._.
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