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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. welp Zephiel infernal vs Askrtrio & Legendary Ike This one was easy, especially with Armorbreaker weapons ¬.¬, Alfonse even one shot Zephiel and for once Alfonse was very very usefull lol
  2. I like the pace of the current GHB and BHB battles, you have everytime a rerun or a new one! Lets hope they keep it that way unlike last year where we got one every 2 months or so...
  3. I like personal weapons and some personal skills (albeit Black Moon and Regnal Astra are OP) they give characters a very unique niche, feal otherweise the game would be kinda bland. Besides they are adding inheritable weapons with seasonal units and now we just started to get the LitrSerpent line of Tomes.
  4. Glad my Lukas was of help: I'll place my +10 Azama, Pain shenanigans and most bulky healer evar if you want!
  5. I guess those colorless Dragons run reduced BST, at most 155 to 156 BST, tops 158 otherwise Lightning Breath+, Steady Breath, Cancel Affinity + QR Seal will be a horrible sight to behold! but then again with no color advantage Falchion users and Naga users can oneshot them pretty easy.
  6. I am loving Ephraims legendary effect <3. Nothing beats a +10 Azama on a Fort tile with 50Hp, 43 def and 40 RES, Guard, Martyr + and Miracle. Especially when Soren debuffs the unit with the highest Atk by -7ATK and fastest unit by -7SPD!
  7. I think the idea for trenches was to give Infantery units a fighting chances against cavalrys... which it did. i mean some old maps were just straight up almost brutal autoloss if you faced a Cavalry Team with Rein BLyn Blade tome Cecilia. Its supposed to nerf defense teams running Cavalry only. In any case the Askr trio is in dire need of an upgrade... I hope Alfonse gets a reversed Dragon Breath upgrade for his Folkvangr: When calculating damage recieved from foes with 2 range attack, allways the higher stat of DEF/RES is being used, coupled with a Brazen Atk/Def 3 or something like that. He is like beyond trash even for PVE content.
  8. I like the base concept of this mode, but at the moment it is... more of chaos and a mess then anything else!? I hope future maps and updates make more interesting maps then a chaos like this and involve more tactic then just flooding everything with units. The best concept is useing your friends units Would like some GHB where your brigade is restricted to 8 units and 4 of them have to be from your friend list :D
  9. i cant even play it because the update isnt happening for me...
  10. update not happening on my phone....
  11. Its time for some new staff users IS plox.... preferable with new skills exclusiv to healers and fucking finally the first legendary staff...
  12. mmm depends allways have at least one green unit (Nowi and Rein and others) usually i ran redless but lately i have been incorporating 1 red unit at least or bride Lyn to deal with Grima Myrrh and double wrath Hector
  13. <3 another Arvis merge for me! 7 more and I can ship Gunnthra and Arvis into Arena! Infernal Arvis 2.0 all quests done, ecxept for Arvis killign Arvis, because Alfonse is killing Arvis! This was i think one of the first GHB when i started doing kills with all Askrtrio, i remember back then they all lacked skills, now the Askrtrio is all fully decked out with all skills lol. For a more F2P friendly video of the Askrtrio refer to my olde Infernal/Lunatic Video
  14. Ryoma sends his Assassin squad out to deal with his insane gone brother! Of course only with best wishes!
  15. Bold Fighter is the best skill for Grima/fallen Robin. steady breath Bold Fighter and Quick riposte seal and you have a killer machine on enemy and player phase... not sure who told you bold fighter would be silly on him.
  16. A dagger unit with a brave effect that allways targets the weaker stat of DEF or RES and debuffs all stats by 4 on enemys and surrounding enemys the new benchmark for Reinhardt and BLyn (I really hope not....)
  17. I encountered a Lyn Emblem. Regular Lyn with refined brash assault Sol Katti +10 Brave Lyn +10 Bride Lyn +10 and Valentine Lyn +10. I guess someone really likes Lyn!
  18. what we lack atm: A: Parrying Blade: the Def variant of Flashing and Heavy Blade Spirit Blade: The Res variant of Flashing and Heavy Blade B: Earth Sweep: If Unit Def - Unit Spd is 15 or greater, then Unit recieves SPD buff during combat equal to 50% of units Def. Fire Sweep: If Unit Res - Unit Spd is 15 or greater, then Unit recieves SPD buff during combat equal to 50% of units Res. Dragonstone breaker Blood for Blood: If Special Skill damage or Healing Skill is affected by HP stat, then Max HP is 50% higher during damage/healing calculations. C: Def Smoke Res Smoke Phalanx [Infantery, Melees (Axe, Sword, Lance) only, Dragonstone Tomes ranged excluded]: When 1 or more Infantery ally with Axe, Sword or Lance are adjacent to this unit grants +6 Def during combat to all Infantery units on Team within 2 Spaces. (including unit itself). Each additional adjacent Infantery unit with Axe, Sword or Lance grants another +2 Def. Spirit Ward: Same as Phalanx but grants RES and is restricted to Infantery Tome users only. Steal: Adds Special cooldown charge by +1 to enemys within 2 spaces.
  19. @mcsilasI use a def+ -Res boon. But i stoped useing Boey that much due to the current Meta. If i am up against only armorers BLyn its Fine usually( watch for zelgius) Ayra tough... atm he suffers from being destroyed by the Dragon refine and the strong red units that got added :(. I use him occasionally in AA but thats it
  20. well my Tesms will be: Team Gunnthra: Clair, Saizo, Bike, Gunnthra. Mymain Team that can crush almost anything, all +10 Team Fjorm: Fjorm +8, Bride Lyn + 10, AXEzura +10, Raven +4 Refined. This Team is an offensiv powerhouse with Raven (refined)and bride Lyn benefiting fromzhe blessing Team LIke: Leg. Like +5, Sanaki +5 )refined), Spring Camilla +10(raventome), CYLyn +8 with Firesweep bow and double poison strikes. This Team is the „gonna hit you so hard“. Ike runs Atk Tactisc, and evrryone else runs atk spurs Team Ephraim: undecided but i think i go with Sigurd, Micaiah and Deirdra
  21. actually its not Brazen Skills are far superior then Life and Death. its a matter of using 1 ardent sacriface or get hit with like 6-8 Aoe dmg to get into Brazen range. While this is hardly doable in Arena without Ardent Sacriface, its very much doable in PVE content. The Brazen skills offer alot of bulk. 2 Spd can be the matter of being doubled or not and 5 def and 5 res can be the matter of being killed in that one nuke/attack.
  22. i think they start with the halloween ones. but will later on shift towards „Refined/upgraded weapon“ note how the refined weapons are well balanced in terms of colour. red: all falchion users, Leo, Seliph Eldigan, Caeda etc blue: Hinoka, Linde etc green: Soren, Merric colorless: Felicia they might start this
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