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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. not really we went from 3 skill seals in tempest trial to 2. For new players the 1200 coins make a big impact in terms of getting instantly 2-3 old seal skills.
  2. About time i was wondering when ww would get additional Abyssal maps!
  3. For being the first mythic/leg Healer she iscreally tame. They should have included wrathfull skill into the weapon or C skill
  4. in all honesty i believe canto should cost a move too. Not suggesting you shouldnt be able to move after canto but if you do it should cost you 2 move points. Most units are auto-invalidated if they dont have some form of canto. You have literally no fighting chance with favourite units/chars no matter the investment unless you use canto/dancers/duo skills Also Duo skills sigh… I would really like to use some fav units i have invested in for fun but its just not feasable
  5. Interesring. Ill wait on midterm results. If there is a meme char in top10 ima go for that, otherwise i guess its gonna be Azura
  6. I for myself am gonna vote for Bruno or one of the Askr trios to finally get a Brave alt. On midterm results if i see there is no chance ima switch my votes to something weird that has a chance at winning like Gatekeeper or some other unpopular Char. I just think the potential and freedom on those characters to create something weird/fun is much bigger then on some fixed lord/char. I am really kinda tired of seeing 3H or Lords getting the Brave treatment. Besides with Ascendet Forms being a thing, there is potential for those popular characters to return anyway so pass.
  7. With the recent introduction of seasonald brave mage cavs, i do believe that Reinhardt and co will get a refine early next year. Hector prolly wont get a refine since he technically allready has one. I wish the Healers and Dancers would get one but not gonna get my hopes up… which is imho bad. My +10 Wrys and Azama are waiting for one since forever… I also do believe we will get our first Mythic remix on February
  8. only took them 5 years for whatever reason, whens Desperation?
  9. Now if they would let you ascend a stat of your captain leader once you reach max that would be an incentivvto play this mode alot, and repeat with a different leader!
  10. i see a big weakspot on Lysithea. Just equip Deflect Magic on your tank (or far save tank). If she activates desperation the 2. hit deals only 20% damage. If she activates brave the same thing happens you better just kill her on retalliation before hit 3 and 4 come out.
  11. the mode is fun but need fine tuning. Either limit the groups to one canto or one dancer or change canto to count as a move meaning it follows the same rule as galeforce and therefore you cant attack and move back to safety (or repo and move back to safety) you are immidiatly at a huge disadvantage if you dont have a unit with super canto built in their weapon or personal skill. I enjoied the mode the most with the book 3 restriction on.
  12. Soooo will IS ever just slap +4 to all stats during combat if health is above 25% to all refines that happened before Book 5? I mean at this point thats just a bandaid but better then nothing lol
  13. I could see them give Legendary Lucinas Future Vision II enhanced movement for her and the unit she used the assist on and on her Weapon unconditional Canto after she attacks, just so you know she can F*** everyone and has basicly double canto!
  14. i am not even sure if we are getting a legendary or a mythic, sincevthe Thorr Eitri banner confused everything. Well i believebits a legendary because Ash will be on the December banner?(I guess) But who knows
  15. I am happy this book focuses on my fav char Veronica. I am a bit confused about the Vessel part. Especially when compared to Muspell and Nifl. We know that Fjorm and Laegjarn are their respectiv Champions. We also can bet that Alfonse and Veronica are the Champions of Askr and Embla. But who were the Vessels of Muspell and Nifl? In any case I expect Bruno to apear mid Book6. I also expect an Ascended Version of Alfonse and Veronica towards the end of book 6. Book 3 focused alot on follow up atracks, either by preventing them orcallowing them Book4 was focused on bringing us Dancers Book5 was focused on movement enhancement Book6 will bring us alot of Teleport shenanigans in terms of units.
  16. i have been running leg.Hector leg.Ephraim Thrasir Lif and Brave Veronica as a captain with null follow up havent lost so far. Ephraim does the leg work for positioning, Hector gives pules vibe support and tanks, and the rest kills stuff tough i am currently only at 260ish points
  17. february looks like a Mythic remix with Eir Sothis Naga and Yune. Maybe in combination with a focus banner 5% or so Maybe we get every 4-6 Months a mythic remix considering we only got a mythic every 2. Month At least thats my bet if you consider they started with Book 3 refines (Naila).
  18. Maybe theyll surprise us and it will be Eitri and Freyr. or Fafnir and a total new Mythic from another game! Who am i kidding. Theyll go Eitri Fafnir the same route as a Freya and Tiandra
  19. i would allready be glad if we had all the Book 1 and Book 2 skills in the 4 Star pool... i mean 5 years and we still dont have all those skills in the 4. Star pool lol (its sad really...)
  20. Book 5 was a pile of horsesh** as was book 4. Book3 was the best and i was hoping then they would go that route an increase the quality. My last srtaw of hope is Tempest trials. Thats at least getting interesting. And i really really wish they would stop witch filler stuff. Goddamn progress the story and give solid background instead 5 parts of a chapter and only 2 of them have dialogue..,
  21. I am not sure if Thorr will be Mythic at all. Kinda hard to shoehorn her into Mythic when we have Loki as a regular unit. Unless they make some ascended form/true form Loki as a counterpart. I guess we will find out one day. But then again IS wasnt consistent with this stuff anyway considering none of Muspell was a Legendary and neither Nifl nor Muspell had a Mythic status. They might not even release her. We are still missing Freyr from book4 and dont let me get started at Bruno Veronica and Gustav (Regular Version)
  22. we skipped Xander Sothe Caeda Leo Elise Hinoka Takumi Sakura Ninian as Legendarys for the Chicken?!?!?
  23. Unless starts to give out exclusiv weapons to 3-4* infantry healers wirh interesting effects, then this wont do much. I gave up on investing in infantry healers with no exclusiv staves (last was Silque). The hassle isnt worth it and even if you fully invest into them, their performance is supbar compared to cav healers or healers wirh exclusiv weapons. Its just not worth it
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