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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. At this point i would be happy if they just slap a if units HP>25% grants +5 to all stats effect at the old refines across the board ¬.¬
  2. And again non 5 Star Season 1 Infantry and Cav Healers are left in the dust makeing them obsolete and unusable outside of PVE. Distant Counter weapon users from Season 1 are also left in the dust... yeah i am really not amused anymore how they keep treating those units like shit. I am ok with them giving seasonals with personal weapons a refine, but seriously IS needs to revisit the pace of those refines and consider rerefines on old refines, because i am loosing all interest due to the powercreep that is rendering old units useless even in combat outside of PVE All new units have 15 more BST at least and an effect on their weapon that gives them another 20 in combat stats makeing the gap 35 just in stats. thats not even considering the 2 effects they run on their weapon simultanously. A maxed merge full Dragon flower book1 unit will match the current unmerged units... in stats that is... I get the they want us to keep pulling but it has gone overboard.
  3. If this chapter would have come 2-3 months earlier, Dagr would have jumped to the top 2 of CYL prolly. She is fun!
  4. they will, they have to fill up the 5k seals slot with something worthless or else they fire out too many good/decent skills as seals.
  5. which is exactly the reason why Push skills will probably come very soon as seals, because the they are worthless as a skill.
  6. hm lets see seals i could see be released and want: A: Fury Form skill line (after the solo line is finished Push skill line after the Form line is finished Def Smoke Bonus Doubler B: Link skills Dull close Dull ranged Guard Double Seal Atk/Def etc skills Shield Pulse Could see Wrathfull and Dazzling staff as seals C : Order skills from flyers Opening skills And thats pretty much it. I really dont think they will give out any form of Shield as a Seal and WoM and Escape Route will never happen as a seal. Vantage wont happen either. I could see Desperation happening, but i wouldnt hold my breath. and I dont think all those seals will be released. But i really think Guard and Fury is happening very soon.
  7. Great... lets nerf Healer as a support even more. Couldnt they designt it so that Deep Wounds prevents healing from Special/passive skills and building but leave healing from assists in effect. If this becomes a prominent skill then there is no reason to bring a non-offensiv healer (aka basicly almost all healers ecxept for a few). Even Offensiv Healers have a hard time now killing of units due to mystic boost seal... Meanwhile Dancers are barely effected since there is no AoE Isolation smoke!
  8. How is that stat spread possible? My Avatar and other peoples avatar has 49 atk (with weapon) 35 spd 28 def and 28 res. Unless its mjollnir strikes bonuses Nevermind its Mjollnir strikes bonuses
  9. While remixed legendary heroes is a step in the right direction considering the skill update on those Legendaries... They still are in need of a weapon refine. Like desperately. An additional weapon refine on top of it would have been perfect.
  10. The result was as expected. Stopped caring for CYL after CYL3 and after Bruno didnt make it in as a farfetched hero. People voted results are here, lets get on with it. Just curious what they do with Gatekeeper
  11. Ok I am really confused what they are gonna do with the 8 original Legendary heroes (and DC weapon heroes). Whats going on IS!?!
  12. Dunno, I can see this work on Legendary F!Grima with her Dragon Skin and Spd/Res Rein. Now limited, but if she gets a good weapon refine it could work for her even better.
  13. Men: 1. Bruno 2. Marth Female: 1. Sharena 2. Henriette yeah i really dont care about 3 Houses representations (even though i played and liked the game and characters) and Fates is kinda over for me :/. Still Salty that Regular Bruno didnt make it into the game because Farfetched Heroes was ditched that year!!!! I actually would replace Marth with Alfonse, but Marth really kinda needs to get a CYL version at this point.
  14. they will come and money was allways the answer. 70% of the Resplendant units are popular units that have won either CYL or have placed very high (or are currently placing high). They have just thrown out a bone here and there for other people with some less popular units.
  15. Ima go with Henriette, because the CYLs are a farce to begin with lol
  16. From which game is the song that plays during the Intro of the 1. Chapter?
  17. what challenge? you just place Mila and block Azura from Dancing (if you have one), Although i think SoV has the least amount of given out free units that arent lets say olde?
  18. i know that, but it would be nice if they started to refine 3-4 Star healers too ._.
  19. or you know they could actually start doing 12 refines per update... Just an Idea to catch up and then go back to 4 per update. We should have hit Book 2 End now with refines, but we are nowhere near it lol
  20. Not all GHB units can be fantastic, otherwise there would be no incentiv to summon units. I think we got a good amount of good GHB units even in the past 2 years. Aversa Joerge Iago Gangrel Kronya Naesala Astram Petrin List goes on. And just recent some GHB units got excellent refines with Saias Arvis Valter and Legion. I dont see your point. I think they are doing an excellent job of providing usefull units through GHB.
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