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Stephen the Great

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Posts posted by Stephen the Great

  1. 18 minutes ago, Randoman said:

    Who is the most sympathetic villain in fiction, in your opinion? You can list more than one if you want.

    Sympathetic villains in fiction? I would say Camus and Rudolf are among my top 2. But it's a hard question for me to answer since I land up sympathizing with so many of them.

    Your favorite sympathetic villains?

  2. 28 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    Two gold stars in one day. I am one very lucky girl! 

    Thank you~

    As if that wasn't enough, you are now a Hero of the Soviet Union, decorated for your arts! How do you feel, Comrade Nataliya?

    (The Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest Soviet honorific - it was the medal thereof which I sent to you.)

  3. 10 hours ago, Randoman said:

    How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

    My Myers-Briggs result is ENTP ("debater"). 

    Personality wise? Without going into too much detail, let us say that I am extroverted, eccentric, a seeker of knowledge, somewhat judgmental, and multifaceted.

    10 hours ago, Randoman said:

    But from what I've seen and heard, it seemed like a cool idea to pay tribute to the entirety of FE's games and history...

    ...at least, that's what I thought at first. Then IS decides to go full on Awakening/Fates bias and add 2 extra versions of Lucina, multiple versions of the Nohr siblings, shafts certain FE games greatly like FE5 and FE10... I've gotten beyond sick of IS shoving Awakening and Fates down our throats.

    ...erm, I hope you aren't too annoyed at my rant.

    I do agree with you on many of those counts. And given that I am prone to ranting myself, I am disinclined to show annoyance toward other ranters.

    Strategy games (outside of FE) played?

  4. 6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Your examples in subsequent posts are not English. They are languages that happen to share the same character set as English, and those words are subject to the pronunciation rules of the origin language and not to the rules of English.

    At this point, Mr. Editor, we're just joking.

  5. 1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Did something fail to post and/or my computer freak? I can't see the examples :(

    I've got the examples up now. My  computer freaked.

    1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    That's correct, Faye is pronounced "Fie"!

    Fie! For shame!

  6. 7 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Well that would certainly explain that. Looking at a map of Eastern Europe, I'm leaning toward the northern section, so Poland, Ukraine, and up. It's not Russia, and all I know about any of the countries included in there that I haven't mentioned is that I went to school with someone who was Lithuanian and had what at the time I thought was a more normal spelling of the name Alex and a last name that gave a lot of people trouble. Don't really want to post it because even if I haven't in any way interacted with him in 11 years, I don't really want to infringe on his privacy.

    Anyway, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia would be my three most likely candidates, and Russia's out, so Poland or Ukraine.

    I'll give you examples.

    Ukraine: Khmelnytskyi, Kryvyi Rih

    Lithuania: Mažeikiai, Palanga

    Poland: Bydgoszcz, Łódź
    Latvia: Jūrmala, Sēbruciems

    (Estonia doesn't use a Slavonic language, so I can assure you it is not the country you're looking for.)

  7. 1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Guessing Russian, and second one I'm not real sure on, but if I really had to guess, Russian as well. But that's probably based on me being tired and the really shoddy logic of it starting with a p.

    For the record, Welsh is, in my opinion, the single greatest language in the world and more than just about anything I'd love to become fluent in it.

    For the first one, you're close. It's a Slavic name. But for the second one, I'm afraid you're a bit off.

    I agree with you on Welsh.

  8. 1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Anyway, my point still stands. Hell, if she'd said her name was spelled Pbzidyn she's still be right.

    If her name was spelled Pbzidyn, it would be pronounced "pb-zih-din". 

    I know an argument that kills my own argument: it's a fantasy situation - the character and the author dictate pronunciation. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:
    1. If you make fun of Feh's name again, she'll stop bringing you your daily login rewards.

    To quote Rastapopoulos:


    Wait, why's Feh a girl to begin with?

    10 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Geez, people will find any reason to hate Feh. And people say I'm a monster for wanting to pluck her feathers.

    I already disliked her before I knew what I knew about the name. To be honest, her name sounds ridiculous even without the Yiddish meaning.


    ... did you just call me (worse than or equal to) a monster? @Glennstavosyou have attacked my honour. I throw down the gauntlet!

    5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The English voice grates my ears so much that I don't actually hear any of what she says so I would not know.

    Hear, hear!

    3 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

    To be fair, eh can be pronounced "aye," so feh could be faye.


    Not in this context. The pronunciation of feh is clear. Besides, to our understanding, there are no Canadian influences in Askr.

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