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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Uh dude The question has been answered. I ignored you. I didn't ignore others when they asked it. Read my answers. If you still struggle to see how I came to my conclusions, come up with questions that won't leave me quoting old posts as the answer. I'm hoping specific members reading this can see what I'm saying here at least Perhaps @Rapier has some questions for me
  2. Those things weren't specific! Do you have any specific questions that have been answered by my other posts about my read on you?
  3. What exactly are you expecting to happen if you keep mentioning me in the third person instead of asking me things? Do you have any specific questions for me?
  4. On what I never responded to: This post was his only read, he posted it only after I prodded him, and the content is cautious. He is specifically avoiding anything approaching a strong stance and while it is not fun to read around, I can see this level of caution coming from town, and didn't see any questions that would help until he had a strong opinion he was sure about. I am still scum leaning on this slot because the caution is extremely tilting, but I am trying not to read into what I can't read instead of what I can, since that was my goal going into this game.
  5. I do care, I just believe it's Mafia. Asking me to explain my read on you isn't helpful, and I have explained it to others. If you have any further questions, you can ask them, but I am not going to get into a broad thunderdome conversation when it looks like you just want a chance to defend yourself and aren't actually trying to understand why I am saying what I am saying for the sake of understanding. i.e. you have the information you wanted, what is it you still want
  6. On Mackc2: There is no way for me to read someone who says things like "I don't have anything strong enough to claim anyone is scum or town at the moment." That response makes me go WTF and I have no way to get a read off it, since it leaves no room for engagement. I eventually just gave up on trying to make him say something indicative because I felt that my questions would go in circles and decided to wait for him to do something on his own. I thought that would have been obvious when the last thing I said on the topic was: "Beginning to think Mackc2 is just that bad at getting to the point and asking the right questions. Or even answered the right questions..." I realized just now I never explicitly said I was frustrated or dropping it, so sorry for leaving that out. My stance on Mack is that I am frustrated that I can't get rise out of him and he is being lawyer like in his responses which would make me think he is being coached, but then I realized this is a mentor game so everyone is coaching. In short, I tried to rattle him into doing something, but after failing, I am frustrated at his lack of reads. I am going to wait for him to generate them because I cannot read him tonally with the way he is going. Rapier is town based on this post, I am getting strong vibes of actual thought process and solving from a "what are they doing and why" perspective.
  7. Eeeeh. I'm not sure "Why are you so obsessed with me?" and "It's interesting that Makaze is voting random people to see what happens" counts as trying to engage with me. Trying to undermine my influence, yes, but that is not the same thing as engaging. Even now, you haven't asked me anything specific about my reads on others or tried to understand my thought process. If you want to engage with me, you're going to have to show investigative spirit, or I'm going to ignore it, and get right to the heart of it. I don't think there is a heart of it when your questions themselves are dismissive. See: My response to Mackc2's useless questions and athena's counter question to me. Those were at least hinting at something that I could engage about. Put some effort in. This post pings me as outright waffling and it is not possible to tell why he even mentioned athena other than athena has been a topic of discussion. He hasn't mentioned most other plays he has no reads on, so why mention this one that he explicitly has no reads on? I don't like it tonally or for the content. I think what you are doing is plenty alignment indicative. If you don't like the reads it is getting, you need to improve your game on your own, preferably by finding mafia and outing your feelings in a way that is hard to retract.
  8. I think you have misread my intentions if you think my votes were random. I did post a meme but I am serious about my reads.
  9. Why would you phrase an intentional misrep at all? Bad question. Why did you phrase an intentional misrep as a question? You will deny it was intentional, but I don't believe that. If you have a town reason, I'm open to hearing it.
  10. Noting that this is a misrepresentation and that the answer simply restated the original post.
  11. Xnadroj is town. Don't think I said anything about them yet.
  12. I don't think it's necessary to undercut my alarm bells and instincts.
  13. I suppose you could be right if I had initial pings early in his ISO and then changed my mind that game, but I didn't get any tonally off pings from him at all. Context and better tonal posts are not going to change whether the tone is genuine in the past or not.
  14. Let's just say I have seen Junk as scum and their posting here seems a bit more like they are actually working through posts and digesting them. My Fable read is not on him being uncooperative. I was in the last game with him, and I had a very strong town read of him on tone alone after ISOing him from the start of the game. I had no logical reasons for my town read, and others had logical reasons for their scum reads -- but I persisted, even betting I would reveal my name name if I was wrong. I was apparently the only one who saw he was town, and he ragequit by self-hammering. This is a very different Fable. The vibes I am getting are incredibly different and they are not good. What he is literally doing may not be indicative, but the way he is doing it, and his "this thread makes my head hurt" comments are not in his town character.
  15. Going to drop that line since Fable doesn't want to play, but Fable remains my desired lynch for today. @Zeonth Aren't you in this game? Where are you at?
  16. People will perceive it as such as consider both of our posts NAI when concerned with each other. I don't want that to happen.
  17. I think we should lynch him. I am not kidding. Hoping people don't just ignore our exchange as a meaningless thunderdome.
  18. RAD is town. For @Fenrir Aesir in case it's STILL not clear: He's saying it makes no sense for athena to be trying to pocket someone by voting for them. Whether the vote is town clearing or not isn't the issue: Your STATED REASON for the scum read was a contradiction of the facts. In other words, even if he believes you made a mistake, he'd like to know what your actual reasons are, in light of that fact.
  19. Not sure if mentioning your salt or someone else's.
  20. Unrelated: For what it's worth, Fenrir is striking me as town leaning for how consistent and progressive their content is. They aren't making stuff up and actually are reading athena from a different perspective.
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