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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. And I survive and town wins. Kill can't win here but he can be kingmaker.
  2. Best game for you: block Evan shoot kill. Kill never kills me instead of you or evan. And you don't die. So it ends up me and Evan vs you next day. And you get lynched. There's no way you're winning unless kill fucks himself.
  3. Damn. Can't type on phone. If you don't block him he always shoots you. Because if he doesn't and it's you two left then you can rb kill next phase. And he loses. So lose lose you always die this cycle. Even if you try to pull a "it's a x1 block" bluff here that's his best game.
  4. Best case for kill you block Evan and shoot me or evan. and kill shoots you If you live then you bad vloxkhim again and you win every time. You have to die for him to win. So you have to RB him. Period. Or you. Otherwise die and I or evan lives
  5. But then it would be a potential draw of who shoots who. I think Kill would rather lynch you and end hi suffering. Also you could block gom and he'd not want that either thanks for revealing lol.
  6. Have to echo here. I would have convinced town to Lynch baldrick
  7. I would have lost us the game if Omega didn't die anyway so... Shrug I blame omega for this though
  8. Setip spexxinf that strong-willed and mayor too op...but also plausible i guess.
  9. ... i am speechless gg Same thing, but Evan, you're the town, and Kill is ITP. Goddamn. I have to go for the night, Avengers to be seen. I will respond later.
  10. @Refa / @Killthestory / @EvanManManMan DO NOT VOTE! Here's how I see it: Both anti-town cannot win, so they have incentive to lynch each other. However, the other one will then end up going into night with 2:1, and then they kill someone, and we end up in a day phase at 1:1. That means the town cannot win this scenario. We have lost. Baldrick has to be Mafia. If we lynch Omega, that leaves Mafia!Baldrick. Baldrick deserves this win more than Omega for optimal play, so I vote we lynch Omega if the mods haven't called the game after Evan died. On the off chance Evan is alive instead and correctly bet last night (it would be more ridiculous if he was wrong), then we can win. We would have to lynch Omega since he cannot be NK'd, and you would have to shoot Baldrick tonight, leaving one of you or me alive the next Day as the only survivor.
  11. ... welp i misread those times sb didn't update the links in OP so i went to start of day 5 post and the timer says 15 hours we're still in day 5, guys
  12. ##Extension @Killthestory you failed me... make it up tomorrow please i think we need to request an extension since we only appear to have 15 hours left right now. That's not enough time based on the two main suspects' existing content/busy schedules.
  13. In that case, it's not mechanically clearing. But yeah, a world where town has no KP at all here is unbelievable in itself, on top of Evan just being towny as hell.
  14. That's because it's possible the two anti-town factions haven't learned who each other are yet, and you'd be starting the Day lynching people with essentially 4 people actually trying to read the others.
  15. I was asking if he did and never got an answer. Where did he say this? Yeah then I can't mechanically clear it then, but I'll clear him for my other reasons. Just trying to make it easier on people who disagree.
  16. Now that *YLO has been brought up, I've talked to the mods and confirmed that it's based on whether or not town mechanically can win in this scenario. Since we are not in *YLO, we can confirm that the numbers are 5/1/1 at 7 alive. If they were 4/2/1, we would be at *YLO even without extra anti-town KP. That means we can mechanically confirm Evan is not anti-town. If the numbers are 5/1/1 at 7 alive and anti-town had another KP, we would be in *YLO right now. So, purely mechanically, if EvanManManMan has an extra shot, he is cleared as town. If he is lying about it, we can easily confirm this, and lynch him tomorrow for lying, when we are actually in *YLO. So please get off of his case, for the last time.
  17. P.S. MYLO and LYLO are announced? So we might be in potential YLO, but it wasn't called that I noticed. @Iris @SB.
  18. actually i think fable correctly knows omega is itp and omega knows i am cleared so it literally is throwing, hes not even arguing im not cleared. hes saying lynch me in spite of literal mod clears because "my pool sucks". thats throwing the game
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