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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Also, give your own reasoning for the Walrein vote. Any new info I didn't dig up? @SatsumaFSoysoy
  2. there is literally no other player besides zeus who was townread -- but zeus was at least shaded once or twice, then defended because the mafia believe it was a wagon that would happen, and wanted towncred off the mislynch. You were never a wagon and got townread literally in the first post of all the flipped players. This is not a good Mafia move IMO.
  3. @Snike Thoughts on if Walrein flips scum, why the entire scumteam town read you without reasoning? Not looking for a maybe, I want what you think happened.
  4. i mean you can do it to catch scum just don't do it to be like "heres my thought process as I read because that's cancer i hate rehashing the same questions see: lg's catchup posts that he got scumread for
  5. Hence "reread" first time reading and catch up as a sub is bad enough without me literally having almost 30 pages in iso
  6. e.g. don't ask questions that have already been asked. reread arguments only work if you have read everything else and know whether someone has challenged them on it
  7. please don't that's always a bad idea you can read but don't comment unless it brings up new information
  8. independent third party. aka 3p. aka sk see my arguments regarding his defense post's slip about his role and marth claiming
  9. Unfortunately, yes. I read like their first five posts and they were so village sounding that I didn't bother with associatives. Never again.
  10. I have changed my mind about Walrein. See my case re: Wal/Snike. omega is itp i can buy not lynching him if you want to lynch mafia, but he is the itp. its all but modconfirmed
  11. Your argument re: LG/Walrein is legitimate, but are you thinking Walrein or LG is more scummy? Without waiting, that is.
  12. lmao you're waiting you wouldn't need to wait if you weren't struggling to come to a conclusion without new info
  13. Here's the thing, I think you had plenty enough info to find mafia without waiting we have 3 flips you don't strike me as the type of player who would struggle this hard in a game with only 3 mafia and only 2 have flipped
  14. I agree, Marth is bad. I can see a world where he just does it on a whim, though. If his intention is to never get targeted by investigation OR killed, it makes perfect sense. It's just bad strategy. Sorry, man. You subbed into someone who fucked you over. You made a good show of it along the way, and I applaud you. I hope I play with you again, hopefully as same alignment, so we can thunderdome each other for towncred.
  15. i know this is a contradiction lol i read it aloud. by their tone being bad I meant they are emulating their scum game with unnecessary emphasis and theatrical read questioning their non-associative posts are great and list lategame posts hold up on their own because everyone they have to avoid lynching is dead. they can just ride their snike read from first post to endgame with no problem see my case
  16. Snike has a lot of content that could be town and while he has been wrong, his defense is tonally strong. There is a lot more info because he has been more active. I think the bad content per post ratio is higher for walrein. their tone is also very bad i think they are both mafia though, and we have no idea what walrein's role is Also Snike is apparently not a popular lynch choice, according to others. If Walrein flips them 4/4 mafia have towncleared him without reasoning. He is confirmed after that. I don't see the risk.
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