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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Last Solve Attemtp, I Promise II: The Reckoning Snike/Walrein Mafia. Walrein even more likely. Omega is the ITP. Game over.
  2. I don't see how Snike could realistically tell Mack to save Kaoz and then hijack him off of him and onto Kirsche as town the coincidence is astounding
  3. The main point of this: Snike's hijack and case based on it looks very bad when you consider that the scum team would have known that Kaoz wasn't dying and that they wanted Kaoz to get the item in the first place I believe they were setting up both a strongman kill on Kaoz and a lynch on Mackc2 for the following day and killed BBM for his Shinori case they only made slight adjustments when Shinori flipped
  4. well, not really nevermind the latter part it doesn't work because they clearly succeeded in killing bbm n2 and the mack argument isnt applicable to n1 the rest is good though. replace eclipse with bbm
  5. oh wait nvm that was the night bbm died wasn't it? sigh let me recheck when this happened
  6. hot take: Snike proposed the setup clear in scumchat and everyone agreed to make him deep starting from d1 Correct me if I'm wrong (yes actually please someone check): Kaoz jailed eclipse night 1 Snike moved Mack to Kirsche thinking that he would save eclipse. scum team would never kill AND give an item to the same person. The reason we didn't have two flips was because Kaoz successfully saved eclipse. they thought that Mack would be on eclipse while kaoz would focus elsewhere, so their intent was to hit kill eclipse, case mack (which Snike actually did), and set up a strongman kill on Kaoz in case the Mack case failed. I don't think I am wrong.
  7. On to Shinori assocs from Shinori's end, which someone brought up. This progression looks extremely bad: This post seems extremely defensive in my eyes. Don't really like it tonally. The last post reads defensive because he's been caught on associations. He wouldn't have denied it if he was actually going to case Walrein here.
  8. i am still not certain we should lynch them but if the town is convinced we should leave the itp i am down for it my tone read on walrein is gone and i should have kept reading their iso for associations
  9. either pocket on snike or w/w pre-remptive defense walrein/athena never w/w they're responding to jb here. literally the only interaction they have with jb, where jb asks them why they townread it based on meta. i think this makes snike/walrein/jb look very possible more athena shading waffles only very slightly at meta doesn't change vote the way they emphasized here plays into their prepared rhetoric style from the game Refa linked. this isn't a genuine read. they're playing it up already said why this is bad more snike/wal interacts. could go either way imo explicitly townreads shinori without citing anything. they have literally quoted or commented on bosts by all the other townleans. shinori read comes out of nowhere. this is the worst thing so far this post is bad im not sure why the entire scumteam decided to conspicuously townread snike if walrein flips scum that will be 4/4 flipped scum town reading him without real reasons out of the gate too. this is a definite intentional move by the mafia, whether he's town or not scummy af the "gotta rethink" stuff is always a terrible buffer for "let me think of how this can possible still be cased". if they were town theyd just townread it immediately. this is lazy walrein this is an attempt to pocket and tmi if they were mafia he'd be suspecting me for the same thing says they'd LIKE to case jb we know they never will because this is lazy rein they were obviously going to sheep someone else they have been shading this slot the whole game but seems to have forgotten about it and the opportunism hurts snike/walrein is my final read if there are 5 mafia
  10. Been searching all posts that mention Shinori and this came up this post looks very bad on Walrein @Refa found some evidence. this is scum walrein, based on their weird questioning of their own athena read and they never go on to directly interact with ANY of the three people still looking if i am actually wrong about them i am going to apologize to everyone, i am very sorry for wasting your time
  11. On that note anyone who ever shaded Shinori should be hardclear, especially because all of the flipped scum townread him, and they killed,, janitored and shaded BBM in thread the instant he cased Shinori I think the only person who did that was BBM and Omega And that just means Omega is not mafia, which we know gg
  12. In particular, mafia had shinori shinori had not only his own personal strongman kill but any person he gave an item to could be strongman'd at once. he was mafia strongman plus unstoppable arsonist that is way too much kp for a 5 man team, even with an itp
  13. Based on the known powers of this town (incredibly weak) and the known powers of the scum I believe we are in a 4/1/17 game, and snike is the last one so im confident
  14. If you haven't noticed my paranoia has reached god levels with that Arc lynch Going to hard veto myself and say that I am sticking to my reads until the flip. Omega/Snike (Kill ITP strategically?) > Kirsche/Athena (depending on his flip. if snike is town athena looks worse. if snike is scum kirsche does) i was so shook by that weapons post that i argued with the mods about death godfather i am never trusting his slot again, vig every time
  15. My read of that post being bad. It didn't overrule the role reasoning and other stuff but I called out the ping because it pinged me. I think it was just word choice now. You can't post that kind of list as Mafia.
  16. I take back what I said that logic is perfect and theres no way you would make it as mafia same argument as me re: restrictive PoE and clear objectives
  17. Fair. Your shot on Omega would be delayed though EvilManManMan is back to EvanManManMan
  18. i just want to point out how ridiculous it is that no one caught this including me this claim is patently anti-town
  19. @Killthestory care to comment on Omega's recent content and how you read it?
  20. Realistically I think that Walrein is not solving the game they're just town and nothing can sway me on that lynching there also does not help solve the game in any way vigging them would be acceptable if there were no better targets, so you'd be fine to shoot there if you had bet correctly another potential good point for leaving omega is it gives you more chances to predict and a better vig kill and there are no protectives left so id like to hear who you'd vig before that happens
  21. technically i was hoping there was a vig to explain what is happening and they could be on Snike but forgoing that i think lowering kill power is more important lynching snike makes the most sense for solving i am willing to go with my confirmed village if they prefer to lynch mafia, but we will 100% not see a kill within this PoE if omega is itp hes not that stupid
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