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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Get the updated Script SB.
  2. I also doubt this will become a problem because I think my soft claim is getting me killed, which is why I'm saying everything.
  3. Realistically you are probably right, but I don't think I would risk losing the game when I am already consensus town read to out an extra partner in this situation. Bussing only makes sense if it's to gain towncred, even in my legendary bussing game. (Sample case of one, lol.) If I were Mafia I think you'd be able to read me because there would at least be something bad about my reasoning. Even if you assume that I am Mafia, I am going to have to make bad cases at some point when all of the town are left, and it doesn't make sense to put myself in that position when it would essentially be the as starting a 13 man (assuming there are three anti-town) as the only mafia. That's ridiculous.
  4. yeah sorry for waking you just making sure i get everyone to weigh in on time
  5. You're right. I'm just jumpy. @Kaoz Hasn't really said that much this game and when he had something that bugged me I wanted to address it in case I die and he pulls out a tryhard to take my place as town soapbox.
  6. I'm trying to cover all of my bases. The way he questioned me there looked really weird because I'm not sure what the answer would mean to him. I'm still waiting on an answer. It only matters in an Arcanite!town world though and I don't think that's going to happen
  7. If someone wants to prove me wrong go ahead, I'm just not seeing my PoE changing at this point. I'm locked in. Lynch me if I'm wrong on Sully.
  8. In other words I think we have solved it because I think my list is complete and there are now no contradictions. Rereads won't help. I've vetted every other read.
  9. When Kill had good defenses it was seriously bugging me that my PoE was blowing up. I think this explains it and it makes everything make sense for me.
  10. Alternatively, you or the Mafia could NK me. I still haven't claimed. I don't plan to do so unless a wagon on me makes it necessary.
  11. Your best bet is to catch Mafia. Your tone isn't doing it. Better find another way to prove you're trying to win as town. (Trying to survive != trying to win. That was my case against LG.)
  12. I was just thinking too too. But at this point, I think if they do hammer it will lock in the game, so there's no risk really.
  13. I'm trying to get him lynched after Arc, but i am fully open to lynching him instead. Sully is the one I'm sure about. @Baldrick I'd also like your opinion since you're the mayor and on the counter wagon to mine.
  14. My Current PoE: athena_57Baldrick (replacing eclipse)Fable Mackc2 (replacing Nightmare)Refa ViaWalrein Killthestory (replacing Zkirsche) SatsumaFSoySoy + Snike (replacing Polydeuces) - Possible ITP... Omega (replacing Marth) - I have a lot of mixed feelings about his content. He is definitely more opportunistic than Kills to me. If there is an ITP left I think this could be it... Role based especially. But no way to prove it. Alette (replacing Fenrir Aesir (replacing Anime27Arts)) - Somewhat suspect for not really contributing despite the dayvig -- this is a possible world Kaoz (replacing Bibbon) - Suspect if Arc is town and he doesn't lynch Sully Lord Gaius (replacing EƤrendil) - Looks much better if Arc is scum. Clear if I am right about both Arc and Sully. Arcanite (replacing Weapons)SullyMcGully (replacing Elieson)
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