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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Yeah, definetly. However i think it's SS that needed the most changes. First one being making Rhea playable and the lord of the route. She really got the short end of the stick for being also a central part of the conflict. I wrote a 're-imagination' of SS on reddit a few days ago, i shall copy it here. to add to my copied post, i think a Claude who has lost all his friends and fallen to the deep end would make a cool final boss for SS.
  2. ...except VW is the only route where the player finds out the truth and deal with Fodlan's lore. Not to mention Claude mirrors Edelgard a bit as one who has ideals close to hers, but absolutely disagrees with her methods. Not to mention it gives an insight into what happens outside Fodlan (even if it's a small one), how Fodlandians and others view each other, how people believe in religious stuff that isn't mentioned in said religion at all... And how people can come to an understanding. Other Routes are all kinda absolute. Sothis gave Humans knowledge. Humans being humans used that knowledge to war against each other and then against Sothis (to the point they sunk islands with Nukes, as DLC points out). Sothis & Dragons won the war and defeated humans were driven underground. Sothis spends time and all her power to heal Fodlan from nuclear fallout, and then goes to sleep... Then Nemesis & 10 Elites happen. Except the part in the brackets, it's all mentioned in VW. Their methods being different. Also, it quite plainly shows Edelgards hypocrisy when she calls Claude an outsider even though she says she wants a world where blood doesn't matter. It's a mirror, as i said above. And with Claude it shows how he grows to trust his friends and become close to people. From the beginning Claude didn't trust anyone. He developed into ''Yet we have the stregth to scale the walls between us. To reach out our hands in friendship so we can open our true hearts to one another. That's how we win!'' That's a massive development. SS serves a different purpose. It shows Nabateans working with humans, with Seteth and Flayn as the 'lord + retainer', and it deals with Byleth's backstory. If anything, SS is undermined by VW. Claude wanted to find the truth, that's why he deals with the lore. SS is Byleth wanting to find out who he is.
  3. Wasn't that one of the rumors back then, along with Castlevania Emblem for FE16?
  4. Yup, Abyssian exam seals. You get 4 when you recruit the Wolves, and you buy it with Renown
  5. And a new Wallpaper for my collection Thanks^^ Illya is about to spike Jeritza's Ass 😄
  6. For my next 3H run i am doing a fatigue run (unit in battle have to rest for the next one) and let people from reddit and rng decide the classes of my units: Let's do dis
  7. Dw, soon enough Spring won't exist anymore and we will have only Winter and summer
  8. yeaaaaah, spring is filled with games xD And i will be going to visit my parents, which means i probably won't play anything xD
  9. They have fans that will pay for anything. Why should they bother then?
  10. Having a Mage with huge range spell access (imagine Meteor/Bolting, every turn) in what is akin to a defence map is amazing.... Especially when said Mage get's double turns pretty often thanks to her high JDG (Imagine Speed in Trails. High JDG = faster turns). Well, casting Magic also works akin to Trails (Cast time and stuff), but it's usually pretty low cast time. Sure, you can't move and cast at the same turn, and it hurts on big maps, but on mid size ones like this it's good. Really good.
  11. Would surely be delighted if Nepgya actually did watch him sleep
  12. Wait i did? *checks* Brainfart XD i am abit tired OOF. Yeah, fanbases can be the worst.
  13. ERADICATE EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM old meme is old
  14. Why do i have to protect this ugly lazy dude lol no i am not talking about myself I will leave Sadie to you, so the normal version. You deal with Sadie 😉
  15. strange. Because i am in the same one... are you perhaps a ghost?
  16. We are sharing the same Glass house! Which room?
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