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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I am an evil person i introduced someone to the cult of Nep and pointed him towards Conquest His words:
  2. Nintendo tried to play clean with Mario Run, but failed spectacularly. Then FEH gacha money happened Tsunako OP i agree Here's more Umu. I stopped gacha'ing, too. Gacha is a mistake. There's no good gacha. Perfect description.
  3. I used to play the Trails gacha... It's like any other gacha, meh. Sure, it's fun when you love Trails gameplay and all (which i do), but after a while it gets stale like every other gacha due to gacha grind. Not to mention me not speaking japanese means i didn't understand anything about the story.
  4. *laughs in victory* speaking about games, Bloodstained is really fun tbh. The music is also top notch. I should be halfway through it. Also, my thesis is heading into the last phase.... Documentation and Experiments. If Experiments don't fuck me over, everything should work out fine 😄 And then it's FE16 time^^
  5. Yes! Here's something that will make you bow down to your superior Emperor! source: https://www.deviantart.com/neppedwaifu/art/Happy-New-Year-Wedding-Purple-654547789 The last 'normal' song i listened to probably came out in 2011 or something xD This game sure has alot of people that dance like me
  6. There are other games & genres out there. Not to mention you chose an image that barely has any fanservice to complain about fanservice.
  7. The seven seas :3 Serious talk tho, i don't like to pirate except if there's no other way (unlocalized games for example) and/or i am not playing anything else. Or i don't want to support a certain company
  8. Series i consider to be Day 1 atm Ys Neptunia Valkyria Chronicles Fire Emblem... If i didn't lack a switch, that is xD Platinum games
  9. Nepu was extremly worth it for me. Iirc i bough the 4 games for like 16€, which is a super good Price, and after playing them i wouldn't have minded if i paid 16€ for each one. Next mainline Neps is Day 1, whenever we get it, that is (and if i am not totally broke xD).
  10. 40€ is a steep Price for trying a game imo. I wish Games had demos like back then. The amout of demos is way too low. Would help alot with my Puchases
  11. it depends for me tbh. I am kinda ok with it in Neps for example because it's fun, unserious, Parodies & stuff. In serious stuff i usually hate it though (example: Fates with it's thong shots, Camilla, etc.). Fanservice has it moments, and when it disturbs serious moments it's annoying. here's the thing: shelling out 90€ for a series i want to get into/don't know if i will enjoy is kinda much. And outside of the bundle they are 40€ each (atleast on steam). I have no problem paying that much for a series i know i will enjoy (example, i got Sky FC for 7€ on sale iirc, bought SC outside Sale, then bought the rest of Trails games Day 1). Even Atelier Sophie, their oldest game on steam, rarely goes on sale, and when it does, it's a measly 30 %. that never happened on steam so far xD
  12. I hope it will be priced decently. Then again, knowing Kemco... Tbf, what jrpg doesn't have atleast one of these nowdays (especially the latter)? It's annoying imo, but it's genre wide and i won't just put it on Neps.
  13. You won't know until you try 😉 Also, Platinum is very generous with their save points, from my experience. So generous, they put em between boss forms
  14. try to play Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising. These are older Platinum games that are usually pretty cheap. You can try them to get a taste of Platinum's gameplay^^ Btw, Atelier Ryza's Steam Page is up! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121560/Atelier_Ryza_Ever_Darkness__the_Secret_Hideout/
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