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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Well, I managed to get the bronze throne despite my awful performance yesterday. Just to see that I can’t place it :/ I think I’m going to create 2 of the new decorative structures, just for having dew for upgrading the O Fortress and to stall a bit more turns
  2. Nevermind, only could do 2 runs today with one death and 2 missed aether stores. Why should have I said anything?
  3. Rank #2605 today, which means that I’m going up in the ranking even if I lose a unit yesterday. As long as I don’t make many mistakes, it could be easier than expected to end in top 3K (watch me now lose a complete match or something like that)
  4. Rank #3287 minutes before the daily reset. Still high for the many mistakes I’ve got, though
  5. I can say that I'm getting many, many kills with minizura, even against reds. Currently running her with: Book of Shadows/Sing/Blazing Flame/Spd-Res Bond/Wings of Mercy/Atk Smoke/Atk-Def Bond She lowers my score due to 140 BST, though
  6. Currently rank #754 with 2440 points, which means that people is making lots of mistakes (deaths or not getting the aether)
  7. So in my 2 defenses of today, I got one death in the first and two in the second. Neither of the players could approach to my aether stores. I can consider this a good result.
  8. Yes, but even then, and B!Ike +10, Roy +9 and M!Marth+7, I've only been able to score 3698, which is too low...
  9. I'm running 4* Lv1 Lolizura too! Only with Sing and Hone Atk 3 Sacred Seal. The rest of the team are L!Tiki, BB!Cordelia and Aversa
  10. It’s just me or battles are getting harder every day? I’ve lost 2 units today (1 in 2 of my 3 battles) and missed 1 aether structure. On the other hand, I’ve got my first kill (altough still a loss) in defense, and the other player couldn’t even reach my aether structures.
  11. Hey guys, could you help me to improve this map? Veronica has her default set plus ATK+3 in A and ATK+1 in S, and +1 merge Mia has Pain+ Double Savage Blow Rein has QP Moonbow Lancebreaker Axura has the standar dancer set Their ranges are: Veronica reaches the tile next to the fortress, Mia reaches the next one and Rein the following one and the last one (only not covered the one under the breakable wall). I'm not sure were to place the tactic room, but I'd like it to be in the middle it's now (or swap its half of the map with the panic building). Right now I have too many defense loses and not a single win :(
  12. I know this won’t last, but right now I’m rank #1 in this mode :’) I’d upooad a capture, but I don’t have my computer near :(
  13. Is there any way to make your defense team rush to the enemy?
  14. Guys, now that they can be +10'ed, how would you build LA!Eliwood and Black Knight? Since BK has innate DC, I was considering if giving him double Distant Defense would be useful. Double Close Defense is another option I've been thinking about. Since Black Luna has 3 CD, I don't think Steady Breath is necesary. Would you give them Bold Fighter, Vengeful Fighter or Wary Fighter (this one for babysitting in Arena)? And how would you build Eliwood? Maybe with Heavy Spear?
  15. Congrats @DLNarshen! You must be super happy between this and shanna’s lance! I’ll +10 Eliwood, BK, Dorcas and Masked Marth. She’s currently +7 and is part of my Arena core. The order of the armors will be that; I don’t have blue merged units in my core (and I like Eliwood and was happy to see him getting an alt), then BK (innate DC armor) and finally Dorcas (since green is my least priority having B!Ike +10). @Ice Dragon, do you think it is worth investing in said armors, as a F2P, rather than in Draug/Wendy/Effie/Sheena?
  16. Lol Because regular Hinoka was too mainstream :/
  17. Maybe the 3 units left are the askr trio? Nice seals and nice fodder. Will we get Torrent Dance SS on next TT so we can get 3 “useful” seals again after it?
  18. My opinion of the Channel: + Now it’s possible to +10 F2P units! + New mode - 8 minutes talking about the new mode - Get/Need Grail ratio seems like the Sacred Coins one, which is underwelming to say the best - 1 minute from the start of the video to the moment when the Channel really starts - New currencies Following the Niconico system I’d vote 3/5 or 4/5. Not a completely mess, but still pretty disappointing
  19. Now that the Channel is in a few hours, and that the banner has been announced, here are my last predictions. The channel will be a 4 orbs channel. - First orb will be a quick look at the new heroes. Something quick, without the trailer, just pointing the new anti follow-up skill and showing us TT Azura, with bonus points if Feh says “woooooaaaah, why are they all dressing up like Asiura (Trying to write with Feh voice)” - Second orb will be about the new refines. - Third orb will be a new feature or QoL improvements. Bonus points if its a mass demotion or a mass inyection. - Four and last orb will be a preview of Book 3. It will have a cinematic, hopefully more like the style of Awakening/Fates than the Book 1 and Book 2 ones.
  20. What I'd like to see in the FEH Channel: - Book 3 preview - Either a mass demotion or a mass injection - Skill shop / manuals shop - Next banner (because it has to be) What I think we'll see: - Next banner - New refines - Minor QoL upgrades
  21. My ingame notification board showed this morning Banner v02011 or something like that, but they’ve fixed it
  22. I didn't had the feathers and next week will be easy up to T20, so I don't think I'll make him 5*. Although I'd do if I could. Thx anyway!
  23. So, I can’t kill anything with 4*+10 Hawkeye, and Sharena/Aversa lower my score...time to drop to T19 after a few weeks :(
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