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Eltosian Kadath

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Everything posted by Eltosian Kadath

  1. Oof, good luck, the lightning unicorns in the snowstorm are really obnoxious. I ended caving and going with the cheese strat of using the crush move on the Dragon Tooth to stun lock those jerks...
  2. Good Luck! Still looking for the Lorce knights to help with the Ivory King fight? Or are you facing the misery of the Co-op section at this point?
  3. Time to out myself as one of the older members of this thread, but it was a Sega Genesis, as my best friend at the time was upgrading to the brand new N64, he offered to give me his old Genesis. Best games on it were the Sonic games (had basically all of them, even the oddballs like Sonic 3D Blast, or Sonic Spinball). Plugging Sonic 2 or 3 into that weird Sonic & Knuckles cart was always such an amusing experience. I remember Kid Chameleon being fairly fun as well. I think I got my GBC after that, but there is a small chance I got that classic see-through purple Game Boy Color before the Genesis, with some of my favorites on that being the old school Pokemon games (even completed the Yellow dex with an official Mew), Link's Awakening DX was another fav, who could forget the oddball pokemon ones as well like Pokemon Pinball and the Pokemon Trading Card game (both of which are great), I think Final Fantasy Legends (2?) was another of the old GBC games I had as well. This is a bit of a blast (....a 3D BLAST...sorry) from the past. Also wanted to add that it is interesting to see some Ghost Trick Phantom Detective love from the Tee Hee-ers, that little gem is far more obscure than it should be, and deserves all the love it can get (Plus Missie the Ace Pomeranian is the best character in that game by far !)
  4. None of those existing is about as likely as These unseen 0 stat runs, which seemed to be the whole ludicrous premise of your scenario. Plus seeing as 4 of the games (FE1,3,11,&12) with the Throne softlocks don't have Rescue/shove mechanics, and no lord having flight (until they separated seizing from Lords entirely) still leaves a lot of 1 Mov softlocks on the table. The answer is very clearly yes, as basically every early game flyer (barring Caede in FE11), has stats that would make them terrible without their move. While not an S to F drop, the otherwise mediocre Christmas cavaliers get carried by their extra Mov into the tiers they get. etc. Depends on the unit, but some certainly would. I mean Ping's coy mention of Meg is a great example of one that would (well perhaps not S-tier simply due to the weird structure of RD, but of the DB she would jump into one of the top two or three...) The fact that you think a few points of move are comparable to 10 points in every stat (or Minimum/Maximum Mov being compared to Maximum/Minimum in every other stat) says a lot about how powerful you know Mov is, despite your argument... Part of the reason I said Fates might be one of the games where Mov isn't the best stat is the way the interplay between Pair-up, Switch, Transfer, and Separate mechanics give your low movement units a way to work around their low move... Almost forgot about this, but HP is the one stat that I don't think has a real defined diminishing return point. There are always new # of hits you can take thresholds to reach. Strength has two clear diminishing return points, one where you one-round everything, and the more extreme one where you one-shot everything. Magic has the same two as Strength, plus ones for staff where they hit the fully heal every unit threshold, and another for the all status staves hit max accuracy threshold. Skill has two as well, the max accuracy against all enemies, and max crit against all enemies threashold. Speed's two are double every enemy, and enough evasion that all enemies hit minimum accuracy threshold. Luck has a few depending on the formula used in the game, but all enemies have minimum hit, minimum crit, and you have maximum hit are fairly normal. Defense and Resistance hit the enemies deal minimum damage threshold at some point (Res might even have a enemies have minimum status staff accuracy threshold depending on the game). CHA has a wierd one where it hits the minimum/maximum enemy/own gambit accuracy point, and an much more difficult to reach gambits can one-shot enemies threshold. Even Move has the theoretical can reach every point possible on the map from starting position, and reach every point on the map from every other point on the map thresholds. Most of these wont be reached, but HP not really having one is one of its more interesting features.
  5. ...Did you mean to post this in the unpopular opinion post? Mov is the best stats hands down in almost every game in the franchise. Even without any other stats, high move gives you greater control over AI's behavior, let's you more easily block enemy reinforcements, and complete objectives faster (and thus often with less risk) than lower move units. More Mov gives you more control over how many (and which) enemies you face on enemy phase, as well as arranging better terrain positions (whether that is gaining the advantages yourself, or denying the enemy them when they advance) letting you use their other stats to their fullest, whether that is killing more enemies than they otherwise would each turn, or being able to reach a situation where they can survive better than they otherwise would. That is a cute way to add Meg to the discussion. Which is almost always too valuable to squander all willy nilly, barring perhaps FE11 (which doesn't have the rescue mechanic, hence not one of the games he was talking about...) Both have clear softlock potential, as 1 Mov softlocks any map with terrain (some even have extra throne movement costs making all seize objectives unobtainable...). Although with weapons having stats of their own \you could probably pull off quite a few with the infinite move party (perhapse with some RNG abuse help), so depending on the game (and difficulty) it could easily go either way. Although if you are less hyperbolic with the "not a single stat point to their name", I will point out that 0% growth rate runs of basically every Fire Emblem game and difficulty is achievable, and Mov tends to play a massive role in the success of those runs. Heck, even negative growth rates are achievable on some...
  6. Speed is in an odd position here, as it is one of the most powerful stats in the series, but also one of the most context specific ones as well. If there is a weight reducing stats, what the doubling threshold is, how impactful it is in the avoidance/accuracy formula will all have a major impact on how powerful it is in a given game. The other top contenders, Strength, Defense, and Magic all have much more static value over the series (magic is the most variable of the three mostly thanks to staff) with s single points translating to one more damage taken/reduced. Overall I think Speed is the top stat, but there are certainly games where it play second fiddle to Strength or Magic (I can't think of a game where I would put Defense above it, and the only one where I think magic overtakes it is Thracia 776). Admittedly if we add Mov to the equation, it takes the top spots in most games (Fates is one of the few I would consider speed beating it). Admittedly there is only one game where it is a growth stat, but I could say the same about charm... This whole question is very game specific, although I think I could make a few tiers High tier: Speed, Strength, Magic, (Mov) Upper-Mid tier: Defense, Hit Points Lower-Mid tier: Resistance, (charm) Low tier: Luck, Skill Honestly I am not confident in my Charm position, and a better list would probably need a specific game to look at.
  7. Could be worse, a lot of games don't even bother to sprinkle those bonuses throughout the game, and just give you them all at the start for nothing. Admittedly the issue of DLC/preorder bonuses ruining a game's balance is an under-discussed topic, and as someone that generally doesn't buy DLCs I am not the best person to comment on the trend... Having this arbitrary inconsistency pointed out makes it kinda annoys me.
  8. In Firefox you can just right click what the image would be and open image in new tab, at least that is what I do... Side note, will we end up getting some npcs like Leila, or some of the villains like the Reeds in this project?
  9. Isn't that literally what made FF7 so famous, killing off the Waifu for dramatic effect...
  10. Hope you like the words light, darkness, friendship, heart, and memories (after the first game for that last one...), as they will be said so much that they will lose all meaning.
  11. The series has sorta dissolved into gibberish, and relies a lot on Disney nostalgia, but I remember liking the early games back in the day. Its a bit menu clunky, plus the gummi ships are straight up an entirely different game (that you can thankfully almost ignore...), and again the story turns into utter mush quickly, but you might have fun with those early game.
  12. I feel like the way @lenticular and @Dark Holy Elf are describing separating units is missing an important part of the dynamic in the original game, that you can use the transfer and switch mechanics to move that burden of turns onto other units. If you have a pair that needs separating you can move them to a location you want to attack, and transfer the partner (or even switch first to have the one in the back get the attack) over to an unpaired unit to then get an attack with an attack stance off with them, if the one unit that transferred to had yet to act, you could use a switch and transfer to do the same thing with them. Eventually you have to have someone transfer and separate which ever units ended up paired after your maneuvers, but you have a lot of control over who has to spend their turns when separating. Now you do have to incorporate these kinda maneuvers into your tactics, and if you have too many of you units trapped in pairs, or have spread your forces too thin, you might not be able to pull it off. Overall I think @AnonymousSpeed did a good job of summing up what I like about the Fates system, I almost wrote something much more detailed, but essentially the same early on in this thread.One minor things I would add is that I think Revelations works well as long as you set yourself some kind of challenge run that lets you play around with Fate's systems.
  13. And that is a big part of the problem. The other part is that they don't try to display much emotion with them... for example the CG where Marth and his sister are finally reunited, or The sorta image they link to the script describing Marth shaking with anger and grief... or this one showing him greeting his people...after the famously well written bit of dialogue he has about the incredibly complex emotions he is feeling... Gharnef has the best of them, With some intimating displays of magic, but compare that to New Mystery actually using the CGs to give scenes some emotions like the helplessness Marth feels at the death of Lorenz The direness of Minerva's captivity, and the how very low she has fallen. The malevolence, and terrifying power of Hardin when he pursuits them to the bridge. or the way they very visibly portray the way Hardin has turned his back upon all of his responsibilities with the darkening of his heart.
  14. FE7 deserves a lot of credit for how expressive it made those faces, and is a part of the reason I placed it a fair bit higher than its peers in the presentation department (back when that was a ranking category...). To be fair, the Tellius games knew how to use its CGs to add emotion to a scene a scene painted like that can carry the emotions the faces aren't delivering. Shadow Dragon is one of the games I point at for doing both of these utterly wrong, and I really think the game suffers for it. As has been mentioned a bit, sorta with genealogy, with some requiring a certain number of love points, or being married. Honestly, I think its an interesting idea that I hope they come back to in latter games...
  15. Sad but true, I remember once time trying to listen through for memorable songs from FE6, this was one of my top entries...
  16. Since we are doing some music summoning let me go with this little pair
  17. Fun fact, that is lower than her base strength would be if I skipped Lyn mode...needless to say I dropped her after getting her sister.
  18. The sword doesn't chose anything, again this isn't Fates. Alm wouldn't have the sword unless he acted. That requirement for action is more than just blood. He doesn't know because he refuses to learn. Even if you ignore all of the moments where he denies all of the strange sign Alm knows that Clive has figured out a dark secret about him, and it is a very willful act to let him keep that secret. If Alm is clueless it is willfully so. Halycon's prophecy doesn't talk about freeing Valentia from the gods or slaying Duma, only that the branded will save Valencia. Celica asks Halycon herself about the prophecy, and ends up sacrificing herself to Duma, fully believing she is fulfilling the prophecy by returning power to the gods. Perhaps she is right, and both brand bearers being consumed by Duma could let Duma blessing fill Valencia, hence saving it from starvation like the prophecy predicted. Perhaps Rudolph is right and the only way for the branded to save Valencia is to kill the mad gods, saving Valentia from their madness. Alm has a moment where he has to chose what he believes is right, and its his choice to end Duma. Alm isn't the king of Rigel, he founds a new kingdom, a greater one than his "birthright", the One Kingdom of Valentia.
  19. That is kinda adorable. What is with the Nano (?) watermark on it?
  20. If you are posting a patch that can be applied to a rom, it wouldn't constitute piracy, but uploading the modified rom probably would. If nothing else you can try sending a message to one of the mods to help you get something started in the fan project section.
  21. And before he kills his father, he makes a very clear point that he doesn't want the throne, multiple time. It is only at the end, after he and Celica are reunited that he becomes King. I am referencing a lot of scenes around Act 3, where there is a plethora of evidence of his heritage, and he even has an argument with Clive about the fact the Alm knows that Clive has discovered some dark secret about Alms origin, and Alm goes out of his way to say that he wont press him on the matter. Until his willful ignorance kills his own father, he actively remains in the dark about his lineage. Indeed, the punishment Alm receives is far worse because it is permanent, while Celica's are transitory, made right before the game even ends. It mattered to Alm. When he first hears of the prophecy he doesn't believe it, and even after he learns it is his father's dying wish, Alm doesn't talk about it like its destiny, he talks about fulfilling that promise to the dead, and rescuing Celica. Alm earns the Royal Sword after he slays Desaix, pursuing him to his last defensive point. It wasn't simply his blood, but also his own actions that let him wield the Royal Sword. Even with the Falchion he had to pass through a set of trials to reach make it his to wield. If the Yato wasn't conveniently passed on to Corrin's kid in heirs of Fate I might actually believe you. Corrin is a royal of Valla, and even claims that throne at the end of Revelations, and every other legendary weapon associated with the Yato, that power it up, are all wielded by royals too, even in Heirs of Fate.
  22. Looks like there isn't much space left, how about add New IP ?!? Adorable new Kirby gimmick
  23. I don't think its that unusual, there is a local lake/reservoir in my area that regularly plants trout to give the fisherman more variety, and the monastery doing the same for these variety of Fodlan fish to encourage fishing in the lake (especially in this bizzaro world where fishing makes you better at teaching) doesn't seem that unreasonable.
  24. It isn't. You yourself brought up the quote where the developers said Berkut is what Alm would have been if he was raised in Rigel, and Berkut is not a good leader. If Alm's royal blood is what makes him a good leader, than Berkut would be a good leader too. Its more than just his lineage that lets him wield the royal sword, unlike Fates his swords don't magically fly into his hand, Alm has to earn it through his actions. He repeatedly rejects the idea of him becoming king. He willfully refuses to even learn the secret of his birth. He literally kills every other member of his lineage he meets. How much more fighting against his royal lineage does he need to do before you are satisfied? Alm is very explicit about not believing he is destined, even when he finally hears about the prophecy. While Celica's actions are guided by her belief in her destiny, Alm's are not. You could even interpret Alm pushing his destined partner Celica away in their argument when she confronts him with the idea of him becoming king as another moment where he defies his destiny. Outside of Alm trying to actively destroy the world, how else would he defy it? Clive almost betraying him after discovering his secret origin, Nuibaba trying to entrap him with magic thanks to his destiny, Rudolph setting up his elaborate plan to manipulate Alm to his misery, Berkut willingly embracing Duma's power because of Alm's lineage, Jedah trying to get Celica to feed Alm to Duma because of his brand. If none of these challenges hinder him, what would something that hinders him look like?
  25. Serenes Forest's Hint's and Secret's page for Genealogy of the Holy War (https://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/hints-and-secrets/) talks about the Valkyrie Staff glitch a little in their entry about getting the Balmung onto Holyblood versions of Ayra's kids
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