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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. While they are at it could they finally put Quick Riposte 3 into the 3/4 star pool. I feel like that's long overdue at this point.
  2. I mostly float between tiers 19-20 in Arena. Sometimes I can sneak into Tier 21 if there is a bonus unit I have high merges on. I try to play at least two Arena matches a day for the 100 feathers. Arena Assault however, I'm on the verge of giving up on that mode. 7 rounds of having to put up with L!Azura, L!Chrom and every other annoying Legendary/Duo/etc. every week is just too much for me at this point. If a unit gets knocked out I just deal with the penalty score because I do not want to play that mode more than I need to. I wish they would shorten it to five round just so it is a little bit more bearable.
  3. Celica and FH!Delthea stacking brazen skills for offense and Spendthrift Bow builds for defense.
  4. One of the tickets gave me a Guinivere. Neat, now I have a mage killer for Arena Assault.
  5. I only did the games I played or have some knowledge of.
  6. I'm guessing Shadows of Valentia. If they plan on introducing the Book 5 OC on the banner itself again I would rather have them slip one into a Valentia banner instead of Sacred Stones since Valentia has most of their cast already in the game. I could see the banner being Luthier, Tatiana, Zeke and the Book 5 OC with Fernand or Nuibaba being the GHB unit.
  7. Fire Emblem kind of have a lot of options with this since you could technically pick anyone from Awakening, Fates and Three Houses do to the nature of Robin, Corrin and Byleth. My answer would still be Anna since she wouldn't be just another sword wielding lord. Would be interesting to have more FE classes represented in Smash and due to being a Trickster she could be a magic wielding thief using daggers and staves. For a non-FE example I guess Makoto Niijima from Persona 5. A fist punching female fighter with a motorcycle shaped Persona would be interesting to see.
  8. Galle having Guard Lance is nice since now I don't have to sacrifice my only Fiora for that. Hopefully he has at least one other good skill for fodder.
  9. Nothing too interesting here for me though I do entertain the idea of making a merchant team out of Anna, Jorge and Merlinus. Seeing Aureola being a magic effective weapon makes me wonder if Starlight will also be a tome that is strong against magic once they decide to add Gotoh (or maybe they will just give it to Nyna just cuz) to the game. I wonder which game will start off Book 5. Echoes or Sacred Stones looks the most likely to me
  10. @Unknown Gamer11 Nice Bantu and Cecilia builds. Tiki is powerful even without a special. Great clear! The song I used in my video is Endure Grief from Trails of Cold Steel 4. Pretty much all the music I edit in is from one of the Trails games.
  11. Aaaand the fun time with this mode is over. I was wondering how long it was going to take IS to ruin PoL for everyone. Not a fan of it turning into another annoying PvP mode to slog through.
  12. Eirika Abyssal wasn't too bad. Though, you let me bring in NY!Anna and of course I won't have problems clearing it. @Maaka Nice one turn clear! I wasn't expecting a galeforcing Hel or be the one who knocks out Eirika.
  13. I have no idea if I have been playing this mode right. I played two rounds and have mostly been using speedy melee units and dragons and got around 9k points both times. Mostly I have been trying to kill everything before the enemy does anything and it seems to be working out so far.
  14. I used pretty much one unit on each of the Limited Hero Battles. Apotheosis Anna solo'd Rutger GHB, Brave Hector crushed M&S BHB, Ares took care of Haar GHB and I used Clair to beat R&I BHB with FH!Delthea providing some assist by distracting the bow unit. I think I should have too much trouble with Eirika's LHB tomorrow either.
  15. I'm biased but I would say New Years Anna or Apotheosis Anna has the best art. Though I would say my top 10 favorite art are... News Years Anna Apotheosis Anna Legendary Eirika Legendary Eliwood Resplendent Eliwood Brave Lysithea Delthea Celica Fiora Sirius Honorable mentions to L'Arachel, Marisa, Elise, Norne, and Jill.
  16. Echoes, Sacred Stones and Binding Blade have all went a long time without a new banner but I think this month will be Binding Blade because of the BHB. I never played that game so if it Binding Blade I could probably skip it unless there is very good fodder available. If November is Binding Blade I'm guessing December will be Echoes and then Sacred Stones will either get a banner in January or February (I think they could still squeeze one more Three Houses new heroes banner out before CYL5 starts). Regardless, outside of an Echoes banner I can hopefully skip everything else for the next few months. I would like to have 1000 orbs saved up by the time the new year starts for whenever Fates gets a new banner.
  17. I thought the resplendent art was starting to look good again since both Caeda and Marth looked nice but then we get to Lucina and her resplendent art looks uh...not good in my opinion.
  18. Free summoned Lysithea off the revival banner. I'm happy I didn't have to spend any orbs on the banner. Also got another Norne so she is up to +7 now. Only need three more copies of her now.
  19. Hmmm...could be. I also noticed that a lot of current events are squished over on the left side.
  20. New Heroes banners on 11/17 and 12/8. I see a Lugh and Raigh BHB so maybe that means Book 4 is going to end with a Binding Blade banner. If it is I am going to guess the December banner will be Echoes or Sacred Stones. Also, is it just me or does the calendar looks sparse this month?
  21. If we are talking about which games has most of their characters in Heroes then yeah its either Awakening or Echoes that filled out most of their roster. I was saying of the 586 units in Heroes (so including alts) right now Fates has more representation than any other game, followed by Awakening and then Blazing Blade/Archanea.
  22. Actually, Fates has the highest character representation with 100 different units. Awakening is only the second highest with 68 different units and both Blazing Blade and SD/MotE/NMofE are not that far behind with both having 52 different units.
  23. Looks like a good selections of limitations this time around. Only one that might give me trouble is Reinhardt and Ishtar BHB with Echoes units.
  24. I'm hoping the new calendar comes out later tonight along with the next resplendent art. People are right that the next new BHB will probably give away which game will be featured on the next new hero banner. I'm not sure who the next resplendent character will be. It will probably be a five star character like Ephraim, Delthea, Ninian or Leo since the last two where characters from the 3/4 star pool.
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