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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I'm assuming this means all summons including the ones that didn't appear in Ultimate Assist Trophies Tiki Shovel Knight Alucard Zero (Megaman X) Knuckles Poke Ball Eevee Scizor Blastoise Zoroark Alolan Raichu
  2. First summon of the year was a 3 star Azama aka 150 feathers. Yep, that's pretty much what I was expecting to start the new year off. Tickets though was much more generous as I got NY!Velouria and NY!Peony. Both have less than ideal natures so Velouria gets to be fodder though I think I will keep Peony since she doesn't care what her nature is because she has crazy dancing abilities.
  3. @Alexmender It's interesting to see someone start from the left side. I think I have seen most people tackle the map from the right side. Tsubasa seems to be the star this time as she flew around, knocking enemies out and inflicted big damage on Lilina. Nowi is pretty tanky with her new prf weapon and Kaden's support. I was actually kind of surprised to see her take little damage from most foes. Great clears! @Unknown Gamer11 Nice Binding Blade team clear! That was a close one for Lugh when he got attacked by the axe flier but he was good at fending off and distracting the staff units. Guinevere is pretty powerful too. The music I used is called 'The Morning After the Storm' from a game called YS: Memories of Celceta.
  4. I'm glad I got my +10 NY!Anna back in January because it would have sucked to see her get thrown in the new New Year banner and not see Renewed Spirit get rerun. I think I will take the free Keaton and wait to see what is on the New Heroes banner next week. I'm curious to see if it is going to be Echoes or one the Jugdral games since those are the likely games to get a New Heroes banner. One thing I am kind of surprised of is that we didn't get a Male Byleth alt for Christmas or New Years. Maybe Valentines will have Three Houses characters with him and Jeralt appearing there?
  5. Heroes is the only gacha game I have played and only because it's a Fire Emblem game. I have thought about playing Pokemon Masters once but for whatever reason I couldn't get it to play on my phone (probably for the better that way). Though as of late I have been losing interest in Heroes. PvP modes are just too much of a toxic wasteland these days that I try not to play those modes anymore than I have to. The majority of my favorites are also in the game now so I don't really need to summon anymore outside of fodder skills. I mostly just stick around to play new Abyssal maps that come at the end of the map and from Limited Hero Battles.
  6. @SatsumaFSoysoy I guess Celica with never have to worry about HP being an issue with both her prf and mystic boost healing her. Nice clear! I may have used Deadeye on NY!Anna once before though I think Glacies usually does more damage in most matchups. I just went with Deadeye because I wanted to deal big damage to the axe flier for being a nuisance with their rally the entire time. @Maaka The whole Bartre family came this time. Shame normal Fir didn't do much this time around. I liked seeing the big numbers Bartre did the the sword armor at the end. Great one turn clear! @Landmaster Nowi is great at tanking things. Those were some close calls halfway through the battle but it was nice to see the Elise team pull through. Great clear!
  7. I only have Eirika and Felix for bonus units. I think I will start on Eirika since she is likely to be team multipliers and when/if she loses I will join Felix if he is still around.
  8. I was pulling green earlier today and managed to finish both of my Archanean axe units today. It's nice to build units that are not red or blue for once. This brings me up to 29 merged units now. I put together a graph to keep track of all of my merged units.
  9. Eldigan got cool looking resplendent art. Looks very nice. Unfortunately I will probably keep using Ares over him since I already have Ares fully merged up.
  10. @daisy jane No fair, you brought in two dancers. JK. Caeda was definitely the best unit to bring into this map. Norne is just as good as ever too. I was surprised to see Phina survive after getting into three consecutive battles. Nice clear. Good luck pulling for Young Merric next year.
  11. I didn't really need to do much. This Abyssal map was much tamer than some of the other ones we had this year but Legendary Hero Battles also seems to end up being easier than Mythic Hero Battles, at least it seems that way to me. @GuiltyLove Byleth put in a lot of work this time around. Claude's healing abilities helped keep him alive. Nice clear!
  12. Blue is looking like it might be Freyr but man do I wish it actually ends up being Gotoh with Starlight or maybe even Athos if he ends up not having Forblaze especially since Lilina stole it from him twice now. Can't really think of any other good alternatives outside of dragons like Medeus (unlikely to be blue) or Anankos. I'm kind of more curious who the Legendary Hero will be in February since it can't be red which already drops a lot of obvious candidates. I forgot which season it will be late February/early March but maybe Micaiah if it's earth season or Caeda if its water season is my guess. Joshua and Brigid appearing on the next double special hero banner might make me want to spend orbs for them since they both have interesting bows I could use as fodder but I don't know if they are just as good or good alternatives to Spendthrift Bow. Maybe I will wait and see if January's New Heroes banner is Echoes or not first before deciding. I guess I will also have to consider if we are getting a second New Heroes banner or if they are going to make up a new Special Heroes banner (Hot Springs 2.0 incoming) but I am leaning on the latter happening, preferably with a new theme like a cooking banner or even based one of the categories from the Voting Jubilee event we did earlier this year.
  13. Since Hilda gave us tickets I figured I could spend some orbs on the legendary banner and see if I get at least one five star unit while using up the freebie summons and this is what I get. Gifts of Winter didn't offer me anything of note but one of the tickets for Glorious Gifts gave me a Yarne. Maybe I will use him for Resonant Battles are maybe he will just be fodder since I already use Cordelia and Cherche to deal with that mode for me.
  14. Never played Binding Blade so I don't really have any attachments to Lilina. Seeing her get a legendary alt makes me hope characters like Caeda might get a legendary alt in the future. Probably going to skip the banner. There's nothing I'm really looking for here. I would rather spend orbs on the upcoming Luna Skills banner if it has Mareeta, Ced and either Sirius or Perceval on it. Plus New Years units might get datamined after the update tonight and someone there might have fodder that I would like to have.
  15. @GuiltyLove Caeda put in a lot of work. She's really good for this map. Nice flying team clear! @Maaka Nice one turn clear using all swords! I think this is my first time seeing someone use kid Marth as a Galeforce user. @Landmaster The kids all looked like they had fun taking down Hrid's map. Nice clear!
  16. Hrid Abyssal wasn't too bad. Had plenty of options since it was SD/MotE and it's the game that I have to most units built up from for Heroes. Spendthrift builds are once again my favorite way to deal with Abyssal maps. Really need to stock up on more copies of Midori whenever she becomes a focus unit again since I passed up her banner back in November or just give it to Ashe or Ignatz whenever they get added to the game.
  17. The seals this time looks great. Felix is also looking good. I think I will make him a merge project after I do Ninja Hana. There has been some good TT units as of late. It's going to put a dent in my Grail supply since TT units takes 2700 grails compared to GHB units. Makes me kind of hoping the NY freebie unit ends up being someone I don't care about.
  18. Super Mario Bros- Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Yoshi, Wario Donkey Kong- DK, Diddy Kong, King K Rool Legend of Zelda- Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa Metroid- Samus, Ridley Kirby- Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede Star Fox- Fox, Wolf Pokemon- Pikachu, Eevee, Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard), Scizor, Blaziken, Lucario, Greninja, Lycanroc Fire Emblem- Marth, Anna, Robin, Azura, Byleth Kid Icarus- Pit, Palutena, Hades Animal Crossing- Villager, Isabelle Other Nintendo Properties- Captain Falcon, Ness, Ice Climbers, Mr Game and Watch, Olimar, ROB, Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac, Shulk, Duck Hunt, Inkling, Min Min Sega- Sonic, Joker (Persona 5), Kiryu (Yakuza) Capcom- Mega Man, Ryu (Street Fighter), Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) Bandai Namco- Pac Man, KOS-MOS (Xenosaga), Nightmare (Soulcalibur) Square Enix- Dragon Quest Hero, Cloud (FFVII), Sephiroth (FFVII), Terra (FFVI) Falcom- Adol (YS), Estelle (Trails in the Sky) Castlevania- Simon Ninja Gaiden- Ryu Hayabusa Fatal Fury- Terry Blazblue- Ragna
  19. Nothing too interesting here for me. I was kind of hoping there would be some great fodder here since they hyped up the whole three sparks thing but I don't think I'm even going to do one. Hilda and Felix look nice though. Felix might be a merge project depending on his stats though I am kind of disappointed Hilda is an armored lance since B!Hector exists. Also, I knew they would start repeating games for Harmonic Heroes before each game got a representative. Though I think doing PoR and RD for a Harmonic Hero is silly though.
  20. There's not really many characters left that I'm looking forward to seeing get added to Heroes at this point. Just about everyone I like has already been added to Heroes already. "Brave" Marth Nyna (Infantry Blue Tome) Wolf (Cavalry Bow) Gotoh (Infantry Green Tome) Medeus (Armored Red Dragon) Luthier (Infantry Green Tome) Zeke (Cavalry Lance) Tatiana (Infantry Staff) Tine (Infantry Blue Tome) Arthur FE4 (Infantry Green Tome) Athos (Infantry Red Tome) Gilliam (Armored Axe) Artur (Infantry Blue Tome) Moulder (Infantry Staff) "Harmonic" Anna (doesn't matter which two variants of Anna they use) for Halloween, Christmas or a new seasonal theme Fates Anna (Infantry Bow) Three Houses Anna (Infantry Dagger) Ashe (Infantry Bow) Non-Seasonal Felix (Infantry Sword) Non-Seasonal Ingrid (Flier Lance)
  21. I'm not good at guessing who would look good in what so I will just list which characters I would like to see get resplendent art. Awakening Tiki Lonqu Cherche Palla Catria Est Lukas Clair Celica Frederick Mae Boey Nowi Raven Sheena Klein Reinhardt Chrom F!Corrin Cecilia Elise Leo Felicia Barst
  22. S- Cordelia, Eliwood, Olwen, Marth A- Sophia, Linde, Caeda, Delthea B- Lyn, Ike, Hector, Sanaki, Roy, Minerva, Takumi, Niles C- Robin, Eirika, Julia D- Azura, Alm F- Lucina I'm of the opinion that Askr attire looks the best with Eliwood, Marth and Cordelia have my top 3 favorite resplendent art.
  23. For a second I thought Delthea was dressing up for Halloween and then realized it was Dokkalfheimr attire. She looks younger every time she gets new art. I'm kind of surprised Delthea got resplendent art before Celica. Though I'm fine with that since my Delthea is currently at +7 merges and I was waiting to see if she would actually get resplendent art before I attempted to get the last few merges for her.
  24. For me 8/20 characters I wanted managed to get into Heroes this year: Julian, Lena, Heath, Awakening Anna, Seteth, Ingrid, Annette and Ferdinand.
  25. Only BHBs have heavily hinted which game was the focus for New Hero banners and only when the New Hero banner was in the latter half of the month. When New Hero Banners are at the beginning of the month it is always a mystery which game is going to be the focus since the two characters for the new BHB isn't known yet. Personally I think the January New Hero Banner will be Echoes or Thracia, maybe even Genealogy.
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