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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Just about every Nintendo series (besides Pokemon and Xenoblade) I got into was because they had a playable character in Smash Bros. So Smash introduced me to Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Earthbond and Fire Emblem (funny enough because of Corrin since I was curious about what the noise was all about at the time).
  2. Technically Naga is treated as an Archanean Mythic Hero despite her art being based on her Awakening appearance. Still another Mythic from Archanea would be nice.
  3. @LordFrigid I never comment on your videos often but seeing a one turn clear with double Caeda is always a treat to see. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice clear with the Celica and Kagero duo team. I liked how you had Corrin dance around the map before finishing her off. Lookin forward to Brave Celica's refine coming out in a couple weeks? @Alexmender Hilda looks fast with all those speed skills on her not to mention how she zips about the map with Escape Route. Nice clear with setting Corrin and the axe armor up in such a way that they both got hit by Blazing Thunder. @GuiltyLove Another great flying team clear. Flier Formation is a fun skill to play around with on Flier teams. @daisy jane Great clear. Alm and Sophia both are good and tanking damage.
  4. Almost forgot to do Resonant Battles this week. Thankfully Awakening was one of the bonus titles this season so I just had Cordelia and Cherche get rid of all the thieves for me.
  5. I will pretty much echo what I just said in the other topic and say Plumeria or Triandra might be likely if one of them gets defeated for good in the next story chapter. Personally I would like to see a proper Archanean Mythic such as Medeus or Anri though Athos from Blazing Sword would be nice to see as well. All three of them have good chances to be red as well which would be good for September since the other two are Distant Counter fodder Lif and L!Seliph. Edit: Would like to mention Gotoh as another Mythic Hero possibility from Archanea. Someone needs to bring Starlight into Heroes after all.
  6. I suppose Heroes is a collection game so I can see why people would want to get them all and show off everyone they have. Personally I am only interested in characters I like so in a way I guess I feel lucky that most of my favorites ended up in the 3/4 star pool and were released in the first two years of the game so I had plenty of time to get, build and merge them up. Really the only reason I need at least 60-70 units built up is to do Arena Assault which lately I am getting to a point where I don't even care about playing that mode seriously with all the annoying Legendary archer units I see in that mode. At the moment I have everyone I like so I got nothing to use my orbs on. Well except PA!Azura, but after spending so many orbs trying and failing to get her I gave up. Same for L!Eliwood, L!Eirika and L!Celica. I would like to try and get them but Legendary banners have never really been kind to me so I am kind of fine not having them. I'm satisfied with what I have been able to get. Also, three away from having all the launch units huh. I wish you good luck on getting whichever ones are still missing for you.
  7. Here's a clearer picture of the Legendary/Mythic reruns. I wonder if we will get one of the evil fairies next. I believe we got Thrasir in September last year but I guess that will depend on if Plumeria or Triandra are defeated for good in the next story chapter. I'm personally still waiting for an Archanean Mythic such as Medeus or Anri to appear. Athos from Blazing Sword would also be neat to see eventually. Regardless, red looks likes the best color in September just for fodder alone (two units with Distant Counter is good in my book). For October, while it looks like the next Legendary is going to be blue (and people really want it to be Dimitri that month) I think it would be funny if IS went and surprised everyone again by making it a different character and a green unit. They did go and moved some of the green units around but that might not mean anything either. People are probably right though that it is going to be Dimitri but I can't help seeing people's reactions when their expectations and predictions are completely wrong.
  8. I looked back a few pages and saw that there was a discussion about barrack space and it made me realize that I never once expanded my own barracks. Never really saw the point to waste orbs to expand since I can turn any unwanted units into combat manuals and I only ever use the same 60 some units I built up over the years. I value great quality in the units I do use over the quantity of having a bunch of units I might use once or twice and then use again while they rot away in the barracks.
  9. I have everyone except Berkut and Edelgard. Since I usually like being on the team that is likely to get more multipliers I will start with FH!Celica's team or FH!Tiki's team. Leaning more towards Celica's team since Edelgard will probably have the biggest team in the gauntlet.
  10. Got to bust out the Brave Bow for this one, it was fun nuking things with Glacies. Chill skills was a blessing for debuffing certain enemies as well as spur/drive skills for jacking up my attack stat just to deal with the Lance Fighter on the left at the beginning. @Maaka Looks like Fir is enjoying those new Rein skills. I guess Azura didn't want to fight Corrin since she didn't have a weapon equipped but still had to come and sing. Great one turn clear!
  11. I think dragons are fine as is. Though I also like the idea of there being a skill that negates dragon weakness since there are a lot of units these days with weapons that are strong against dragons.
  12. In no particular order... Dimitri Felix Ingrid Annette Ashe Ferdinand Lysithea Ignatz Seteth Sothis
  13. Personally I never really had a problem with the current roster of the game other than I wished there were less sword units. I would at least kept Rowan and Lianna as an axe and lance user like they originially planned and then give Darios the sword moveset. Though if I got to pick the roster I suppose I would go with something like this... Roster (Bold means DLC character): Movesets (Again bold means moveset was introduced via DLC):
  14. My favorite game has always changed over the years. I would say my personal favorites are Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Persona 4, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Megaman X1, Megaman Battle Network 5, Zero no Kiseki and The Messenger.
  15. If you mean the last time Fates got a Legendary Hero it was Azura back in December 2018, so about a little over a year and a half ago.
  16. Kind of thought they would go outside people's expectations and throw a random character as a wind hero just like they did with Eliwood. It doesn't really bother me though since Corrin was long overdue for a Legendary alt. I just kind of wish they made her a tome unit instead of dragon since there is already a colorless dragon Corrin in the normal summoning pool which I still haven't summoned yet but wished I had one. Would have loved a red tome just so people could have all four colors for a F!Corrin team especially since L!Corrin is dressed in her Nohrian Noble attire. I don't think I will be summoning for this version of Corrin, at least not right now. I don't really have the orbs at the moment for her and the rest of this banner don't really have any enticing that interests me at the moment either. Hopefully it also indirectly means M!Robin could get a Legendary alt in the future as well.
  17. Adding on to my post from yesterday since I didn't say what weapon types and colors I wanted my CYL winners to be. Female 1st Place- Fates Anna: Brave Merchant. Wears her Adventurer outfit and wielding Bifrost as a infantry staff unit (lets just ignore Bifrost could only be used by Maids/Butlers in Fates). Female 2nd Place- Heroes Anna: Brave Commander. I imagine her as a 'Great Commander' if promotions was a thing in Heroes. Probably wearing a more sophisticated version of her normal outfit with white and gold armor. I would like her to be an cavalry axe unit with a new variant of Noatun. Male 1st Place- Marth: Brave Hero. Flying lance unit wielding Wing Spear. Rides a wyvern while while a male variant of Caeda's outfit. Male 2nd Place- Chrom: Brave Exalt. Wears his Great Lord outfit and is a red bow infantry unit with a new variant of Randgrior.
  18. @Diovani Bressan Great clear with Nowi and honorary member Mia with Brady as backup support. @Maaka Nice one turn clear! Frederick cleared the way while leading everyone to victory. @GuiltyLove Nice dragon theme clear! Nowi is pretty good at tanking even against green units. I'm surprised Lucina didn't use Future Visions on turn 4 to swap places with the red tome cavalry unit since she could have knocked out Cherche there. @Landmaster Great Nowi team clear! I'm kind of surprised they haven't released another Nowi alt that has 180+ bst yet since she seems to be one of the more popular dragon characters though I am also waiting for another alt of Awakening Tiki.
  19. I finally got around to summoning on the Brave banner. I decided to do at least one spark and got some good stuff along the way. Dimitri and Claude came from tickets 2 and 3 respectively and then towards the end I got Nailah and Ophelia via pitybreaks. I used my spark summon on Lysithea and will also use my freebie on her later. So yeah I ended up using 135 orbs but at least I walked out satisfied. Nailah will be stored for later when I want to sacrifice her good fodder on someone I like in the future, Ophelia will either get a merge or foddered for her Rally skill, I'm thinking of foddering Claude off to Cordelia so she gets Fury 4 and the Rein skill. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Dimitri yet. I guess he can just hang out in the barracks for now.
  20. @Maaka Nice clear with Bartre and Azura. It would funny seeing a Bartre alt using a tome or a bow despite the muscles he has though a dagger thrown by him would hurt pretty badly. Yep, first IV Fruit I get is going to the Commander herself. Haven't quite settled on what boon or bane I'm going to go for yet. @Landmaster Couldn't help but laugh since I didn't think I was going to hear music from Sonic Unleashed today. Didn't look too difficult for the Elise team. I'm still surprised by how much of a wall Mirabilis is. I have a bunch of specials I run on Anna though I usually swap around between Moonbow, Luna, Noontime or Aether depending on the build I'm using. I don't think Anna has a good Atk stat to use Glimmer so I usually just use Moonbow when I want to use a cheap 2 cooldown special. It probably doesn't matter either way since she is getting most of the extra damage from Wo Gun/Wrath anyways.
  21. If is was just me since they consider each version of her a different person Anna would take both top 2 spots on the female side because I'm selfish like that and to make up what happened during CYL3. Doesn't matter to me if it's Anna from Awakening, Fates, Heroes, Three Houses or even Warriors if that game has allowed in CYL. If two Annas isn't an acceptable answer than I would say Tiki (Awakening) since she is my second favorite and it would be interesting to see what they would do with a dragon character for a Brave alt. For males I am not really sure who I would pick since I am usually never really interested on what happens on the male side during CYL but I guess I will say Marth and Chrom even if that is likely to actually happen next year though seeing Reinhardt win CYL would also would interesting just because Reinhardt Emblem would actually be possible. So my final answer is... Female: 1st Place- Fates Anna, 2nd Place- Heroes Anna (or Awakening Tiki) Males: 1st Place- Marth, 2nd Place- Chrom (or Reinhardt)
  22. Probably the easiest Abyssal Limited Hero Battle for me so far. Helps that it was Awakening units this time and I have a harem of beautiful women from that game all merged up with good builds ready to go. Too bad it doesn't count as beating it the normal way and I will have to beat the Abyssal version of this map again when Lucina shows up on a Legendary/Mythic map again for the accessory.
  23. Congrats on getting Lilith even if she eat a decent amount of your orbs. About Apotheosis Anna, if want to use her I would say wait until you pull another one and merge them to remove that Spd bane or you could just use her base kit in the meantime as a Rally/Ruse bot if you are into those kinds of strategies. But if you don't want to use her or already have a fast infantry lance unit built up you could always fodder her Rally and Joint skill onto another unit not that I would ever that since I never see her as fodder.
  24. I think I remember it was possible to vote for the Ashen Wolves members in that Voting Jubilee event so there is reason to believe people will be able to vote for them in CYL5 as well.
  25. I didn't even consider Rhea as a potential contender until people brought her name up but looking back at this year's results I'm starting to see it now. Though personally I think Sothis is being slept on (no pun intended) as someone who could win CYL5 or at the very least get into the top 10. People seem to like her despite her limited role in the story and also scored well in CYL4 despite getting her regular self and a Winter alt beforehand. While I don't want it to happen I wouldn't be surprised if Three Houses took all the top spots again, at least on the female side it looks like the Three Houses gals could easily take up the top 2 spots. Is Eirika really the only non-TH girl who has a chance next year? But I guess it can't be helped that people really like the women of Three Houses. At least on the male side Marth, Chrom, Robin and a few other guys look like they have a good chance in CYL5. Felix is probably biggest competition from TH if he is not added by then (but then again I must admit Mortal Savant Felix for CYL5 could be interesting). Personally I would be happy if the results end up being Marth/Chrom/F!Byleth/Sothis or Marth/Felix/F!Byleth/Eirika. I'm fine with two winners being from Three Houses. Anymore than that would feel excessive to me.
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