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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I really have been into building units that can stack tons of true damage into their specials with their weapon and skills recently. Barst is one of my favorites from Shadow Dragon so I'm happy he got a powerful prf weapon. I wish I use Linde more often but even after getting a resplendent I more often than not find myself still using my +10 Tailtiu and FH!Delthea. I couldn't help but LOL at Python's quote in your video. Of course Elise had a reason to cry after you shot her with an arrow.
  2. As for my clear I decided to host a mock battle between Archanea and Valentia. Archanea won by a landslide though.
  3. Seasonal banner is kicking off early September huh...at least that makes it easier for me to save orbs. Hoping Tellius or Genealogy gets the New Heroes banner in September just so it is another banner I can ignore. I guess that means November will have two New Heroes banners to finish up Book 4 because we are not getting Chapter 10 until late September. As for CYL I hope the FEH Channel for it is on the 14th so we can at least get an early look at the Brave Heroes as well as get some information about September stuff (I think they said they were going to talk about something in September). Don't really care if there is a spark system in place or not. I just want my guaranteed free summon like previous years and then I'm bolting out. Still trying to decide between Dimitri or Lysithea but if their art is bad or if they end up not being very good units my free summon will probably just be whoever gives the best fodder to one of my other favorite units. Other than that I'm just glad every banner is looking like a skip banner for me. Don't really need anyone from the Pirate, Brave, Double Special Heroes, Beyond Blood revival and whatever the September Seasonal banner ends up being. I would like to have a huge stack of orbs piled up by the end of the year.
  4. Haven't seen anyone make a thread for the recent BHB so I guess I will be the one who puts it up, even if this one is another rather easy and simple map to clear. Infernal Map: Lunatic/Hard Map:
  5. I was just merely pointing out that most of the characters who would have shown up on a Farfetched banner back in November 2019 has since been added to the game not long afterwards on banners in the first half of 2020 or have already been added beforehand via seasonal alts (which I am assuming at this point if you are introduced from a seasonal banner IS counts you as being added to the game).
  6. Except they have...? Almost everyone who would have appeared on Farfetched Heroes 3.0 last November have since been put in the game. Nils and Rath were on the Dread Isle banner back in February, Lif was January's Mythic Hero, Louise and Rinea and Bruno were added on seasonal banners in 2019 and Awakening Anna was added on the Book 4 Midpoint banner back in June. The only Farfetched 3.0 missing candidates are Jill and Shinon and there is still plenty of time left this year for a Tellius new hero banner to appear (or even be added on a seasonal banner).
  7. I like Eirika but I'm not really of fan of this resplendent art, probably my least favorite along with Robin and Roy. Her face and eyes look off to me plus I never really was a fan of the fairies or their outfits. As for my favorite Resplendent arts so far it's still Eliwood, Cordelia and Linde (funny enough all my favorites all decided to dress up in Askr garb).
  8. inb4 she gets added and takes a spot in a normal new heroes banner like Peony and Mirabilis did.
  9. I think they are done with Farfetched Heroes. While I liked them I understand why they stopped last year since it was getting to the point where if they wanted to add the highest ranking male not yet in the game they would have needed to go all the way down into the eighties (if you ignore Heroes OCs) and pass up plenty of female characters in the process. Plus they kind of made up for it by making sure their normal new heroes banner started having at least 2-3 of the top 5 most popular characters on whatever game is the focus on them now. Besides, even if we had a Farfetched Heroes banner this year it will just be like the CYL4 Brave banner and be full of Three Houses characters anyway minus less orbs because it would be a paralogue instead of a New Heroes banner.
  10. Hmmm...maybe. Even though CYL4 ended up being all Three Houses characters I can still see that game getting another proper New Heroes banner in November or December even just for the sole purpose of having a banner full of popular characters to bait people before the Christmas/New Year seasonal banners.
  11. Trying to look ahead and predict which games might be on New Heroes banners in the future, especially since the banners after August should start being influenced by CYL4 results. Personally I hope the next few new heroes banners end up going to Tellius, Three Houses, Genealogy's Gen 1 cast or even Tokyo Mirage Session since they could all use an opportunity for more of their characters to get added. The New Heroes banners of June, July and potentially this month has drained me of my orbs and I am hoping for banners that I can safely ignore so I can save up orbs again. Really the only game that can threaten my orb saving plan is Echoes (also Fates but they are unlikely to get another new banner this year) since it is currently the second game behind Tellius that has gone the longest without a New Heroes banner and there are still plenty of characters from that game that I like that they could still add (Luthier, Zeke, Tatiana, even a Valentian Palla if they wanted to). Though hopefully they hold off on the next Echoes new heroes banner and dedicate some of their characters already in the game to other banners like Halloween perhaps.
  12. We still got dancers (both on New Heroes banners and Special Heroes banners) after Legendary Azura came out. Just because the Book 4 OC Dancers technically offer better support with their exclusive skills doesn't mean they will stop releasing other dancers on new banners. Unlike the Hot Springs and Picnic seasonal banner I was under the impression people liked the dancer seasonal especially since we got one every year and I expect we will see one sometime before the end of this year.
  13. Seals look interesting this time around. Phantom Res looks like it would be good for units that use Temari and Fortune Bow. Surprised to see we are getting seals for Hone/Fortify of specific units now. Can't wait to see if we ever get Foritify Fliers for someone like NY!Azura are a Hone/Fortify Cavalry seal and then being able to buff a bladetome cavalry units like L'Arachel and SM!Eirika with one unit. Since I got pitybroken by Tibarn a few weeks ago I will use him plus three self healing dragon and just cruise my way through this.
  14. Caved in and took one last shot on the Archanean banner before it leaves. Spent 20 orbs and got Male Kris so I finally have Spurn fodder now and I know exactly who I'm giving it too once I get the feathers and flowers off of him. Can finally leave the banner satisfied now. Hopefully the CYL4 banner won't have anything interesting so I can build up my orb stash again.
  15. The last game I played and recently finished was Trails of Cold Steel 3 so...Falcom. I know they are known for making RPGs but I don't know if they ever made a SRPG game. At the very least the music, writing and the lore/world building should be great.
  16. @Landmaster Looks like some of the Elises are using weapons I'm not used to seeing them wielding though Witchy Wand and Temari are both great weapons. Great clear!. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice clear. Everyone was flip-flopping Mae all over the place. Your video reminded me that Mae actually got a prf weapon.
  17. I think it would be hard to narrow it down to just 10 units as essential in a game where you can make any unit fulfill a specifc role (support, nuke, tank etc.) especially with skill inheritance as a thing. I guess for myself the top 10 essential units I use in most gamemodes are NY!Anna with a Spendthrift Bow build for enemy phase tanking (though Norne would probably be better and more FTP friendly), Apotheosis Anna as a speed tank, FH!Tiki as a mixed defense tank, FH!Delthea to nuke things, Eliwood, Cordelia and Raven as my Galeforce units, L!Azura as my refresher and finally Reinhardt and Cherche can hit hard on player phase with their brave prf weapons. Extra mentions to Catria (Flier team Galeforcer), Nagi (Colorless counter), Klein (another brave prf user) Celica (red nuke) and Elise (Wrathful Dazzle Pain Healer)
  18. Haven't used my Tiki team in quite some time and this looked like a nice opportunity to do so. Besides, my manaketes are not afraid of dragon effective weapons.
  19. Hero Fest banner actually looks kind of tempting to pull on now since if you summon a hero that wasn't suppose to appear on the banner you get compensated with the focus hero of the same color. Would be nice for me to get Sothis and Nagi for their fodder skills but unfortunately I don't have any orbs to take advantage of the situation. The fact that all I got from my tickets was three star garbage units tells me not to bother with it either.
  20. Thanks, such generosity to inflict me with. He would go perfectly well with my +5 Xander while sitting in the bench barracks.
  21. Would you like any of the three I pulled? I only ever needed one for Sword Valor. Funny enough I have never summoned a single Siegbert.
  22. I like free stuff. Probably the enticing thing for me that I got out of this channel. It's a shame some of the Book 2 characters will no longer be pitybreakers since there were quite a few I did not mind pitybreaking me. Farewell Mage Eirika, Horse Chrom, Fallen Celica, Swordhardt, Green Tome Olwen, Brave Hector, Sumia, Ishtar, Flying Olivia, Flying Nino and Female Morgan. If nothing else at least I don't have to worry about seeing Karla, Leif and Lene as often anymore.
  23. I'm very proud of my NY!Anna build. I watched your video and that was a nice clear with Nino and the rest of the green haired magic wielding gang. Me too. I hope they add a way to merge up Commander Anna and the rest of the Askr Trio someday.
  24. Finally got this one cleared once I got the Axe Fighter on the left to move where I wanted him to. @GuiltyLove Great clear! Catria is one of my favorite Galeforce lance flier.
  25. Yep, it helps that I finally have a team I'm happy using to motivate me to clear these high difficulty maps.
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