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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. This was kinda a waste since very few people have unlocked and or used these guys (and Petrine). I havent used them but i can theorize. Ashnard would be a 10. Invincible, 10 movement, flight. Everyone else would be similar to units of the sames classes. Bryce-Tauroneo Oliver-Rhys Petrine-Titania (Stats wise) Shisharam-Haar
  2. With Seth being used to his fullest potential it will take Franz a long time to promote. In a draft where Franz killed 75% of all enemies he was LV 18 when he promoted withe the CHP 7 Knight Crest. Rewjeo having Franz at LV 16 would suggest Seth was not used. Or he had really high turncounts... Joshua kinda sucks because of his being sword-locked. I personally think Gerik is much better. Well at least on Eirika's route.
  3. I would be willing to participate and test this out. Its been a while since I've played FF tactics. I have a couple questions/issues tho. 1 - You can keep characters at low levels while gaining JPs by having one of your characters use Steal Exp on the low leveled characters in random encounters, and then just not use that one high leveled Thief in the story fights. 2 - There is a glitch that can be used to get 9999 JPs for more than half of the Jobs without ever doing a single battle. 3 - 18x3= 54. How will that work? You could either make dancers, bards, and mimes also free or just leave squires and chemists draftable. Characters gain 10% (iirc) of eachothers JPs when they are on a map together so squire JPs can be gained for others by using Ramza and the other unique character's "squire classes" and im assuming squires and chemist would be free in the 1st map anyway. So having them draftable shouldnt be a problem. 4 - What about monsters/chocobos and Boco???
  4. Due to the fact that i think the character availability is retarded in FE10, I think having reverse recruitment would make me hate the game more. On a less negative note, it would be somewhat interesting. 2-P would have issues though. To solve the 2-P problem, you could have all the flying units reversed separately from non-fliers. Also, Lords should stay where they are to avoid the Sephiran issue.
  5. Personally, I took Titania's availability into account when I rated her. I gave Titania a 10, Marcia a 9.75, and Jill a 9.5 pretty much based off their availability. Titania can make a significant contribution in every single Chapter except for Chapter 25. No other unit in the game can say this. The fact that I gave Marcia and Jill nearly perfect scores despite having 9 and 11, respectively, fewer Chapters of availability just goes to show how good I think they are. If Marcia joined after Chapter 2 she would be a 10 and Titania's score would probably go down a half point. Also, if Jill had joined after Chapter 11 instead of the middle of Chapter 12, She would also get a 10 from me. As far as Oscar and Kieran go, same reason. Titania kicks ass for the 1st 10 Chapters. They dont.
  6. I voted for you Yellow because you are the only Folgore Ranger in this draft, and you must defeat the evil Horita! You are our only hope!
  7. Resolve/Wrath Ike will have Ashnard dead before the Laguz Kings can get to him. If Ike has Aether though, they will have a good chance to get a hit or two in. Naesala: 0.25/10 - He can kill normal enemies but not Ashnard; yeah the one enemy he is SUPPOSED to help you kill. Tibarn: 0.5/10 - He is my favorite FE character ever. He is just a tougher slower Naesala. Giffca: 0.75/10 - He is the best of the 3, but realistically, he isnt doing much.
  8. @ apocalypseArisen Youre gonna need to justify that 1.5 We are an angry mob, and that score is too high.
  9. I think Nasir > Rolf is pretty stupid too... Ena blows harder than Nasir. I gave Nasir .25 so Ena gets.... 0/10 - You get her for losing/running away. She is a useless consolation prize.
  10. And Barte has a "Super Karla" incentive to use him now. As it stands I would use Bartre over the other 3 every time. Like I said, its your call. If no one else thinks it too much then it shouldn't be a problem.
  11. Thats cause Lowen has 30% STR and SPD growths. I honestly think Bartre would be too good. Definitly the best non-mounted combat unit. Its your balance hack though so in the end its your call.
  12. That Pent Nerf is pretty extreme... Dart could use a tiny buff to his SKL growth. 7 base SPD for Bartre is kinda too high. He has a 40% growth. I think he might be too good with a 7 base SPD. A 5 or 6 would be better. I really like what you plan to do with Marcus and a CON buff is definitely a good idea for those anorexic units. Stupid Guy... edit: HOLY SHIT! 26 LUCK for Karla?? Is that a typo? Her base stats will all be fucking insane...
  13. Im not gonna waste time with my usual rating format for Nasir. Nasir is the 2nd best Ashnard killer. Hell, with Resolve, Wrath, AND Adept he might even be better than Ike as far as damage output goes. The problem is his movement, ridiculous Weight, and his transformation gauge. .25/10 - Other than an inferior alternative to killing Ashnard, Nasir is complete crap. He could Smite/Shove but Mordi and Muarim do it better.
  14. Chapter 11: 6/69 Kyle went right, and promoted mid-chapter at LV 17. Garcia stayed back to take the reinforcements. Everyone else went down the left side. With Nessie's help, Eirika recruited L'Arachel on turn 5. Before Chapter 12: Garcia ate a speedwings. Chapter 12: 6/75 With a Tethys dance, Nessie rescue-dropped Garcia over the mountains on turn 1. They killed all the enemies up North. Everyone else handled the southern end of the map. Chapter 13: 2/77 Nessie killed Aias with the Heavy Spear. L'Arachel hit C-rank staves. Artur hit B-rank staves. UNIT -LV -HP -STR -SKL -SPD -LUC -DEF -RES Eirika-16 -27 -12 -15 -18 -14 -10 -4 Artur-14/4 -30 -18 -17 -13 -8 -8 -19 Nessie-14/6 -41* -17 -18 -24 -17 -16* -12 Garcia-16/3 -41 -20 -19 -14* -9 -12 -4 Kyle-17/2 -39 -20 -16 -16 -10 -15 -5 Tethys-2 -doesnt matter L'Arachel-4 -19 -7 -7 -10 -12 -6 -8
  15. Haha you now have 2 archers Rebecca
  16. PROS: -9 move, flight -A staff rank -Amiti rocks CONS: -low STR growth -low availability -needs some Bexp Elincia is awesome, albeit for a short time. She starts with 90 STR points on fixed mode so just 3 Bexp LV ups with a steel sword and a STR band equipped will increase her STR by 2 points. Thats a pretty cheap investment considering her AS with the Amiti will go up by 3 for only 500 Bexp. So she can get decent combat for a fairly cheap price. She also has flying staff-bot utility going for her. 3.75/10 - Elincia has amazing potential. Its a shame she isnt around long enough to reach it...
  17. Not really cheating since other stats will suffer. I would never want to do it. The only thing i would consider doing is give Bexp 10 at a time. That way all growths ending in 5 are rounded up by 5% and the other growth rates stay the same.
  18. PROS: -decent base stats -room to grow, with good growth rates -A rank axes CONS: -low availability -7 movement -very low DEF and RES Largo is a favorite of mine because Berserkers are my favorite class. Too bad Largo is the only berserker in this game and he isnt very good either. He is better than Lucia and Bastion and maybe Tauroneo and thats about it. He has fantastic offense, but will have trouble seeing combat with his 7 movement. His DEF and RES are terrible but his super high HP makes up for it. Sadly his only opportunity to do anything is chapter 25, after that good luck. 1.25/10 - Largo's availability kills him. He would be so much better if he came with Calill...
  19. Nasir can take 4 skills with his 40 capacity. With resolve, wrath, adept, and something else (possibly gamble?) He can destroy Ashnard pretty good. Especially is you still have a bunch of statboosters to give him.
  20. PROS: -paragon -9 movement, canto -decent base stats -KW access CONS: -low availability -a little redundant Geoffrey is a great filler unit. Because of paragon, he can easily catch up to the rest of the team without too much of an investment. If any fliers or pallys were passed on he will definitely be able to make some contributions to the team. 4/10 - He is the paladin version of Lucia/Bastion and completes the trio of high LV units with lackluster base stats. However, 9 movement, canto, paragon, and KW access make him pretty good.
  21. This is pretty sketchy. The only characters that are for sure are the original 12. I really cant see Nintendo cutting any of them out. Then Zelda, Bowser, Marth, and Falco, I would say have a pretty good chance at returning. Maybe a few more. But then again they might have every character ever and then some more. Except Snake and Sonic, they are definitely out.
  22. Chapter 7: 4/42 Nessie ferries Eirika over the river. Artur gets the pure water. Garcia kills stuff. Chapter 8: 9/51 Took an extra turn to get the robe and whip. Eirika and Garcia teamed up to kill the boss. Before Chapter 9: Nessie ate the robe Chapter 9: 9/60 Nessie rescue dropped Kyle over the water, and then got the dragon shield, then came back to help Kyle finish the boss. Eirika, Garcia, and Artur took out the enemies up North. Before Chapter 10: Nessie promotes to Falcoknight Chapter 10: 3/63 Eirika used a pure water. Nessie dropped Eirika in front of Pablo on turn 2, Nessie finished him on turn 3. Got the Lancereaver and Killer Axe. Before Chapter 11: Garcia and Artur promote. UNIT -LV -HP -STR -SKL -SPD -LUC -DEF -RES Eirika-16 -27 -12 -15 -18 -14 -10 -4 Artur-14/1 -29 -16 -16 -13 -7 -7 -16 Nessie-14/2 -38* -17 -15 -22 -15 -14* -10 Garcia-16/1 -40 -19 -19 -12 -9 -11 -4 Kyle-15 -34 -16 -13 -14 -8 -12 -3 Tethys-1 -base
  23. Haha, Bastion has more durability than Lucia! PROS: -really high growths -siege tome utility -good weapon ranks CONS: -terrible base stats -low availability -no room to grow Bastion is a cool guy but he sucks pretty bad. His base stats are very similar to Calill's, and she joined 4 Chapters earlier at a much lower LV. The only thing that Bastion does well is wield siege tomes without needing any resourses whatsoever. He is pretty durable for a Sage but with his 6 movement he wont see the frontlines ever. Bastion would only be useful if the Mages were completely ignored and Calill, was only used a few times. 0.75/10 - He is the Sage equivalent of Lucia, but he has a higher chance of actually making a worthwhile contribution.
  24. @Snowy Please read my last post. Haar needs at most 400-500 Bexp and as little as 200-300. Im not mad or upset that you think Lucia is better than Haar. Im just trying explain to you that you are wrong. Also giving Mordicai a speedwings is just retarded but im not even gonna bother with that one...
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