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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I'm hoping we can hit hard enough to give Ike the multiplier. Getting 2 for us would be great for my score. If we fail to give it to him, Ike should be able to easily coast back into the lead. If we yo-yo, it becomes tighter by 2 hours but there should be less ground to make up. Either way, Ike should still be fine.
  2. As of now it shows Ike comfortably winning by 1 Billion points. With scores that high, He would need a lead of 3.5 Billion to give Camilla a late bonus. So he is safe. I'm pretty sure the predictions aren't taking into account all of the save up flags everyone has. Those should inflate the scores even more making the 10% even greater and less likely.
  3. LTC no. Drafts allow her to be promoted to Tier 1 in the tower. On casual play there is no difficulty in training her You get Tauroneo in the very next map after getting Meg. Then he leaves your party before coming back again. How is a first time player supposed to deal with something like that? Every problem with this game exists on easy and normal as well.
  4. If Camilla overperforms again on her next Multiplier (not the current one) there is a chance that she could overshoot and give Ike one last bonus. She will need the same crazy amount of participation that she had in hour 5 though...
  5. Nope, no tower needed. You're talking to someone who mostly plays LTC and Drafts for FE8. RDs hard enemies is pretty bad game design. They have to give you literally invincible units like Nailah, BK, and Tauroneo to deal with them which makes units like Meg, Fiona, and Volug completely pointless to train. Plus there are so many units in your party one chapter and out the next. It makes the game completely unenjoyable without prior knowledge going into it.
  6. Why are you playing on H5? All of the healers have garbage growths. And everyone in the game aside from Wolf and Sedgar have much lower growths than you might be used to. Wolf and Sedgar have insanely high growths but they are promoted which balances them out a bit. SD has a mechanic known as "dynamic growths". Every time a character fails to gain a stats their growth rate goes up. When they get that stat it goes down 1 stage, and never lower than the base growth rate. This basically makes it so you will get much better level ups later on, and extremely low growths are effectively made much higher in reality.
  7. Wtf, Camilla's 4.5x only scored 20 million more than her 3,6x did. Why the heck was the 3.6x so massive?
  8. At least every character is usable. Maybe you should play it more. PoR is tied with SS for me. I loved PoR so much. I got so hyped to play RD and when I finally did it was just a huge letdown. There are just so many problems with the game.
  9. FE 10 isn't hard so much as it is just bad.
  10. I guess so. I wonder if this thing is closer than the early hours indicated.
  11. 3.4x to 3.6x is only an 8% increase. 2.65 Billion to 3.49 Billion is a 33% increase. It increased by way more than just the increase multiplier.
  12. What the hell, Is Team Camilla growing? Ike just did 3.88 Billion and Camilla followed it with 3.49 Billion. The jump compared to her previous multiplier is crazy. 850 Million more only 2 hours later...
  13. Whether they know about the data or not doesn't matter. Lyn's average score for the final 10 hours was ~40% lower than it was in the previous 35 hours. Even when you take the casuals into account. They saw Lyn was behind so the spent flags to take the lead. Then the 5 hours after she took her lead back she had the highest scoring 5 hour stretch of the round outside of the first 10 hours. Instead of laying off once they retook the lead, they significantly upped their flag usage. before they cut it back. Basically, they had to either pull back after retaking the lead or keep going steady. They did both.
  14. No, but Ike and Lyn were in identical scenarios. The majority of Lyn supporters fucked up. It doesn't take communication to know what to do and when to do it.
  15. Ike's numbers didn't take a dip. Lyn's did for whatever reason. Just after Camilla's 2nd last multiplier at 5x, the numbers showed Camilla getting her next at 6.3x and then barely not reaching one at 7.5x. Lyn's output went down so much that the multiplier for Camilla slid all the way to 7.3x which was far to late to overcome. I can guarantee that the majority of Lyn supporters were left sitting on a fat stack of flags.
  16. Ok so Team Lyn has no one to blame but themselves. Camilla was predicted to get the multiplier several hours earlier than she did, but Lyn's hourly scores went way down. If Camilla had gotten the multiplier 5 hours earlier, That would have been more than enough time to catch back up. Just look at Ike V Hector. Ike never let up like Lyn did and Hector got the bonus with 8 hours remaining which left Ike enough time to overcome him. Lyn blew it and i'm mad because now i'm stuck on Team Titties. The refugee war seems to have gone 60% to Ike and 40% to Camilla. This certainly isn't going to be a curbstomp. I really hope Ike pulls it out. Although I'm still going to use all of the 3030 flags I have for the Final round. Someone needs to make art of this. A big grin on Hector and the most sad depressed look on Lyn.
  17. Based on Camilla's last multiplier, She could theoretically do over 2.5 billion with one now. That would be enough to overshoot, which is pretty much Lyn's only chance to win at this point.
  18. If you look, the hours after a multiplier are always higher than average. Probably from people just missing the bonus but spending their flags anyways because they didn't realize it had just ended. Guys Ike has no worries. He should be able to do over 500 million easily if he is still behind going into the final hour. Everyone will panic and spend flags. Lyn V Camilla is really interesting though. So many possiblities. Either way, I think it is in their best interest to give Camilla the bonus sooner rather than later.
  19. Probably not. I think it has been worse for me in round 2. I've been getting 2 different Azuras (maybe 3 of them?) in every match.
  20. I'm sorry. If you enjoy it, by all means continue. Didn't mean to offend.
  21. You realize this is completely unnecessary, right? We all have access to the current scores, and there is a prediction tracker and other resources.
  22. See my edit At least Delthea is super good.
  23. Set an alarm. If you are waiting for it and jump into a battle the second you are able to you might be able to get two. Why not 400 for two battles? It only helps your ranking. For the battle with Lyn, you only need to save 400 for the final multiplier. That is the only one that matters.
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