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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. FE7 doesn't have a Shamshir so there is no point in checking anything for FE7. Even if the perfect supports lined up for FE7 characters, the highest displayed crit possible is 89%. FE8 has the Shamshir which brings it up to 94%. edit - Nevermind, FE7 has a Wo Dao... edit2 - Just checked. The only 2 axe users in FE7 with lower Luck than Garcia get Crit evade from their supports so they cant get enough avoid.
  2. I forgot about rescuing a unit to lower the hit. If Joshua is rescuing a character in the above example, he will have a 0% hit / 91% crit on Garcia. That is definitely the closest you can get in FE 7 or 8.
  3. Went about 5 years without crying or even telling anyone that I loved them. Then I fell in love / grew up, and now I cry from just about anything.
  4. Dozla can get 141 hit and 89 crit. Franz can get 110 avoid and 2 Luck. = 31% hit / 87% crit. Ephriam can get 129 avoid and 8 Luck. = 12% hit / 81% crit. Amelia can get 124 avoid and 6 Luck. = 17% hit / 83% crit. Thats the closest you can get for FE 8, I believe. edit- ok this is the closest. 28 SKL Joshua with a Shamshir can get 157 hit and 94 crit. Garcia can get 140 avoid and 3 Luck. = 17% hit / 91% crit Ross can get 154 avoid and 8 Luck. = 3% hit / 86% crit If you want the most crit with 0% hit then here it is: If Josh has 26 SKL, it would be 0% hit / 85% crit on Ross. If Josh has 18 SKL, it would be 0% hit / 86% crit on Garcia.
  5. FE8 Dozla with capped SPD on a peak with a swordreaver would have a ~130 avoid against swords before factoring in supports. Although I dont think a 100% crit is possible if FE8 without having too much hit. Are there reaver weapons in FE6? edit - did you factor in 15 avoid from WTA?
  6. ^ Dude savestates? If not someone posted a link that has all the info you could ever need for this.
  7. I dont understand why this thread was made. Are you asking if a displayed 0% hit 100% crit is possible in a game?
  8. Ya know, I really feel bad for Cleveland Browns fans. Derrick Anderson has an average season, Arizona offers a 1st round pick to sign him through restricted free-agency, the Browns decide to pass on the pick and sign him for even more money, Derrick Anderson ends up being cut in a couple years. 1st round pick Brady Quinn, BUST. 2nd round pick Colt McCoy? BUST. 28-year old 1st round pick Brandon Weeden? LOL. And thats just the QBs of the last 10 years. Then there is their name. The Browns? Their fucking helmets are ORANGE. And BROWN is associated with "dirt" and "poop". They are the Cleveland "dirty shits". I dont care what the actual history behind the name is. It's a terrible name. Im sorry Cleveland. I hope next years draft can help turn your franchise around.
  9. In the Item locations page of the Sacred Stones section there is an error. The Elysian whip on chapter 8 is in the right chest, NOT the left chest as the site says. The left chest holds a Silver Sword.
  10. Im not sure if it was Vegas or some other betting/ projection site, but I heard on the radio that their projected win total went from 6.8 to 6.5.
  11. The Browns actually did really good with this trade. I never thought Richardson was anything special, and now they will have a top 2 pick and a top 10 pick in the draft. Sadly, I expect them to fuck it up in some way. The Colts projected win total actually went down after this trade if you can believe it...
  12. Thats really depressing. I would bet money that Yoshi was named after him. If it's not common knowledge already. RIP sir.
  13. Oh Richardson was 3rd overall btw. Haha, it's gonna be hilarious when the Browns draft an Offensive lineman with the 1st pick in the draft. I can hear it now, "We want to move forward with Weeden, and we need to keep him upright to do that."
  14. The Browns are officially trying to tank their season. They just traded their top 5 draft pick from 2 years ago to Indiapolis for a 1st round draft pick. Yes, TRENT RICHARDSON is now a Colt. Whan was he picked? Like 4th overall? Hmm, I wonder what the Jaguars will do to try to get worse now...
  15. I will give you my open roster spot... srysly though, Sidney Rice?
  16. Dont be too depressed Ana. The Steelers are not exactly bad, they are just below average. Probably 5-8 wins this year, but certainly no play-offs.
  17. I love EJ Manuel. He started off with a couple passes that were way off target, and then had 2 drives in a row that resulted in turn-overs, but he never looks rattled. And that 80-yard game-winning drive with 1:38 left and no timeouts was so nerve-racking. Even without our #1 cornerback and safety, our defense looks pretty damn good after 2 weeks. Mario Williams broke the Bills franchise record with 4.5 sacks in one game, and really should have had another one. Carolina's coach is terrible. Up by 3, he kicks a FG instead of going for the win with a 4th and 2. Even if they don't convert, a 3-point lead is >>>>> a 6-point lead. Making that FG was literally the worst thing to happen on that play.
  18. Just run with it. Make it fun, and if you win, milk it for all its worth. It might open doors for you that you've never concidered before. People rarely look back on their lives with regrets on unique experiences and memories. They regret all of the moments and chances that they passed on. Take it from someone who knows, regrets suck.
  19. I really needed Welker this week, now I have to start an injured Roddy White. If I lose because of this, Imma gonna be pointing my finger at you.
  20. please check the SF fantasy football thread asap.

  21. ^ why hasnt the trade gone through yet?? It was supposed to last night. Do you need to cut a player? If so please do.
  22. ^ Haha, this is the 3rd time he's been traded isn't it? Randa it looks like the trade just got more favorable for you. Vick Ballard is out for the year and Bradshaw will be seeing the field more.
  23. The Patriots suck. I dont want to hear lame excuses about developing chemistry with the receivers and all that bullshit. They have had a month of training camp and Brady just looks bad. They have scored 3 TDs this season. The 2 against the Bills came from drives that started in the Bills side of the field because of turnovers. And their only TD last night was because the Jets decided to not cover the receiver at all. I would be shocked if they win more than 9 games. Sadly 9 wins might be enough to win this division.
  24. This is idiotic. Kellam for top because Generals have high STR and DEF. Oh and Donnelol for top because turn counts dont matter and dem growths.
  25. I would much rather see a new game than a return to Awakening. Sequel would be retarded because of the marriage system in Awakening and a prequel just doesn't interest me since it would be Chrom's daddy as the Lord and was kinda a bad guy. Not a choice, but I mostly want a remake of FE2. And a download only localization of FE12...
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