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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Tier lists are for competitive games, such as fighting games. They exist to show which characters perform the best during competitive play. FE tier lists should be the same, but FE games are single player games so the "competitive play" part needs to be defined. And for many people it is defined as "Lowest Turn Count".
  2. WTF, that is wrong in too many ways. Thats not Iron man, its superman. He is sticking to the building and shooting webs like spiderman. And neither Spiderman nor Iron man can save Gotham city because it doesnt exist in the Marvel universe.
  3. Im not sure about every single game but I know in FE8 the rescued unit goes to the closest traversable tile when a flier dies over a peak. I cant remember if water is the same as peaks.
  4. There are a few minor nitpicks I have with the game but Im definitely not disappointed with it. In fact, Im going to change it to my favorite right now... FE 10 on the other hand really disappointed me.
  5. With Maniac mode's increased difficulty and significantly less Bexp, Im pretty sure Jill only costs 1-2 turns when using Marcia. So you should use both of them. Lets see, Marcia costs 1 turn on Chapter 3, and the 6 turn clear of Chapter 9 would be impossible on Maniac so she would cost 2 maybe 3 turns there. Thats 4 turns for Marcia. If you skip Marcia, Jill would cost 0-1 turns on Chapter 11. The 3 turn is impossible and a 4 turn might be pretty difficult on Maniac. And im not sure how many turns would be lost on Chapter 12. You would need to 8 turn Chapter 12 without Marcia, and Im not sure what would be possible with her. Im pretty sure 2 turns is impossible so it would end up being a 4 or 5 turn clear. So thats 3-4 turns for a total of 5 turns for only Jill. With Marcia though, Jill doesnt cost any turns on Chapter 12. If you get them both it would cost the 4 for Marcia + 1 for Jill for 5 turns. So if im not mistaken: 4 for only Marcia, 5 for only Jill, 5 maybe 6? for both.
  6. Yeah dondon is right. Units like Franz and Vanessa would be better with Bexp. Units like Amelia and Ewan would still be bad. Why would you give Amelia 9 Lvs worth of Bexp just to make her useable when that same amount of Bexp could go to Franz, Forde, or Kyle to make them a 2nd Seth? And saying Marcia is not as good as Titania and Jill is not as good as Haar without Bexp doesnt say anything because FE9 Marcia and FE 10 Jill are still good units when you play without Bexp, regardless of how much better Titania and Haar are.
  7. I just compared Anna to Mariabelle (starting classes) using what I described above and after 20 ish tests I can confirm that Anna's HP, STR, SKL, SPD, and DEF growths are higher than Mariabelle's. Mariabelle's MAG, and RES are higher and they always matched for Luck. This all matches what the site says. I dont plan on doing any more tests like this, but does it help at all?
  8. All on normal. LV 12 War Monk Libra HP 48, STR 18, MAG 18, SKL 19, SPD 16, LCK 14, DEF 13, RES 21 LV 15 Dancer Olivia HP 30, STR 8, MAG 5, SKL 18, SPD 21, LCK 12, DEF 4, RES 6 LV 13 Mage Ricken HP 30, STR 6, MAG 12, SKL 13, SPD 10, LCK 16, DEF 9, RES 6 LV 10 Cavalier Stahl HP 29, STR 14, MAG 0, SKL 12, SPD 10, LCK 8, DEF 14, RES 2 On a side note, When you battle save on Casual mode the Random # sequence doesnt reset. So you can directly compare chacters growth rates to one another. IE: Get all staff users close to Leveling up. Give them all rescue. Take them all to a fight. Battle save. Then use rescue with one or several of them. Then reset and do it again in a different order.
  9. ^ well you could explain how you fixed your problem in case someone else has the same situation happen to them?
  10. ^ Ditto. Although it's 12:15 and im getting very impatient waiting for them to call...
  11. Finished [FE8] The Round-Robin Draft (#33930) in 110 turns.
  12. Prologue: 2 Chp 1: 5/7 Chp 2: 5/12 Chp 3: 7/19 Chp 4: 8/27 Chp 5: 5/32 Chp 5x: 7/39 Chp 6: 4/43 Chp 7: 4/47 Chp 8: 7/54 Chp 9: 9/63 Chp 10: 6/69 Chp 11: 6/75 Chp 12: 8/83 Chp 13: 2/85 Chp 14: 8/93 Chp 15: 5/98 Chp 16: 2/100 Chp 17: 1/101 Chp 18: 5/106 Chp 19: 1/107 Chp 20: 1/108 Final 1: 1/109 Final 2: 1/110 Earlygame was rough. Ross was a BOSS once he got going. Crazy STR blessed. Forde was one 1HKOed by the enemy with the Shadowshot on EP 1 of Chapter 18. He stayed dead... Ross and Lute hit 30 STR / MAG. Natasha never promoted. Total turns - 110
  13. I feel ya Raven. I remember the days when you had to beat a game on harder difficulties to get secret or special items, characters, or vehicles. Nowadays anything extra has to be payed for via DLC. It's especially sickening when the extra stuff is ALREADY ON THE DISC and you need to buy the DLC just to make it available to you. Marvel vs Capcom 3 did that. Now I dont absolutely hate the idea of DLC. It just shouldn't make a game's price double.
  14. You have a nice voice. If I were a chick I would take my clothes off for you.
  15. ^ Haha the 1st 3 people to respond to this were off topic... @ OP - Thanks for the info.
  16. Bonjour. Your English is good enough so don't worry about it.
  17. The OP has an error. "Game Revolution (score 4.5/6)" You listed it as out of 6 instead of 5.
  18. Can units gain stats with use of the bands and knight ward? Obviously you can just choose to not use the bands, but youre going to want to use the knight ward. You sold the ashera icon? Stefan and his 5 Luck would have liked that...
  19. ^ Im pretty sure it would. I seem to remember someone explaining how to get Reyson 1st place in kills by giving him counter, so if Reyson can use the counter skill then anyone should be able to.
  20. You should use every monster you have. It's more entertaining that way. Using the normal Vanilla classes kinda defeats the purpose of the randomly reclassing. At least use 2 or 3 of them. Just do it.
  21. I had just obtained a copy of FE 9 and after completing it for the 1st time I went on gamefaqs to get some info on the game. I happen to check the forums there and someone mentioned serenes forest. After about a month I discovered the forums here and then after a month or 2 of lurking I joined here.
  22. ^ Those people are ignorant on the matter and should be ignored.
  23. When people say "you are too old to play videogames" thats retarded. You cant "be too old" for TV, movies, the internet, or reading books so why are videogames any different? Theyre not. They are all forms of entertainment. You will not grow up and be too old for videogames. You might have less time to play, but if its something you really enjoy doing you will never stop. And dont let society ever make you think that you "should" stop playing once you reach a certain age. Im 23, I will never stop playing videogames.
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