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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. So the hero fest wasn't supposed to have year 1 and 2.5 5*s? I was weirded out when I pulled on it as the Channel had said otherwise. I got a -Atk Delthea, F.Morgan and Katarina and even wasted some orbs. That has to be the biggest bullshit I have seen in the history of Feh. I don't care about their apologies that much, I and many more I believe need some sort of compensation for this, getting Katarina type of units while I wasn't supposed to. Sorry if I came off as salty but I am very disappointed at this especially since all we get is an apology and I still have those garbage units and my tickets and the few orbs I spent are wasted.
  2. Oh I just saw his kit. HB4 paired with Galeforce. That's very good (F2p gods please L.Edelgard needs HB4 from one of these guys). At least Loki should get one. For example an Isolation effect would be nice. For most staves they could at least have a personal weapon that can refined into wrathful or dazzling staff.
  3. Pirates are an easy skip, the celebration is really good, hopefully I get a free Sothis to merge or a free Ephraim for L.Edelgard in the hero fest. Many orbs and many other stuff that's really appreciated. CYL 2 heroes are getting refines, I use Veronica and Hector, so they will appreciate that. Also if Veronica gets one this could mean that other staves can get weapons and refines so count me in. They removed the first heroes of year 2 which is a shame as some were helpful, some were garbage so it evens it out I guess. They will still come in revivals which is better as I will be able to plan beforehand to merge Kana, Myrhh and the CYL2 winners. Shame no CYL news but at least we get free orbs so that I make up for the damage dealt.
  4. @Diovani BressanNice clear! I really liked that Reyson/Marth interaction at the end where you healed him.
  5. To be entirely honest I only care about seeing CYL Edelgard and confirming that we can free pull a 5* and spark at the same time. Especially now that we know free orbs may be coming. So it doesn't matter wether we have info in notifications or in a channel.
  6. Astra has to be one of the wort things in the entire game. My defense so far is flawless and perfect but offence is as bad as it goes we desperately need two new non melee Astra Mythics with support capabilities. I started using Auto dispatch to avoid it.
  7. Today info on the update came and we had all information about the update and not only weapons, I wonder what this means for the upcoming Feh channel. Will it only talk about CYL and the anniversary?
  8. Cecilia finally gets a refine. I have enough to +10 her and she has some mrges already and is +Atk so I am waiting to see what the weapon will be. I believe its going to be a raven tome with some other effect.
  9. I usually clear Abyssals using the squad of L.Eliwood, Peony/Azura, FF Corrin/Sothis. This time around I changed things up with a brand new team/strategy. I used my new Legendary Edelgard (the one shown in the Summoning thread) and Leila (+Atk +1 with her base kit, Moonbow and Brazen Atk/Spd) and the two fairies. Leila and Edelgard are supported so they grant each other stats and Leila can warp around uning Peony's extra mobility and Edelgard tanks with Mirabilis's help and gains an extra action. It was very easy to clear with this new team.
  10. I started of with 146 orbs today. I wasnt planing on summoning at all except for the greens of the first session (if any) had 3 greens. The third was a +Spd -Res EDELGARD!! I finally got her so I tried to fix her bad nature. Along the way I got +Atk -Spd Leila and a +Hp -Atk Leila, then I got a +Spd -Hp Edelgard . I ended up merging them and I have a +Atk +1 Leila and a +Spd +1 Edelgard. I was left with 2 orbs but I don't care as the two of them together are very fun to use. I cleared all of the Abyssals with them and had a fun time. Best spent orbs. This is her current build. I still want more merges, some flowers, a better Nature like +Atk (or +Res if I don't get Atk) and the skills for the Galeforce setup so after CYL I must wait for the October Legendary banner.
  11. Free pull was Giga Nino, +Spd -Def which is a prefect nature. Wish I had that manual for her but I foddered it off. So now I am waking for her weapon refine to merge her.
  12. I really do hope that's the case. I am really curious to see if Sothis's rerun is linked to the anniversary somehow. Also tomorrow we will get the refine announcements right?
  13. My Internet connection would lag a bit and I couldn't comment before so that's why I am late. Hel looks boring a bit, it's nice that her Scythe has Iote's shield on it now. Her C slot is also pretty good and interesting not only for her but for Ally support. DC on her kit is also pretty good and makes her valuable. I am a bit annoyed that we got a dark mythic instead of an Anima one however it doesn't really matter as now Mila can have some sort of counter I guess in AR (not that she needed it). If she does have the Res stat people are speculating, (20 or below) then I won't even bother with her at all. I catculated 38 Atk and 30 Def, so with a respectable 40 Spd she is left with extremely low Res unless they give her extra BST like they did to Surtr and she ends up with a Kris/Larcei statline. However the lack of good B slots and the fact that she can't get bonuses makes her even less appealing. Not interested. One question though, does the miracle effect apply only to non Magic and staff foes or to everyone? Red, Blue are skips. Colourless does have Corrin however she isn't worth it with CYL ahead. Green due to new hero and Edelgard is appealing however El will rerun and I can have a small budget for her so its better to wait. Overall a big skip.
  14. I will obviously support Rhea, if she loses then the most popular.
  15. The rest were patheticly easy as these titles had good units and many options. Today was kind of stressful as I only had Duo Iddun, Fae, Brunnya. The three beat the non abyssal ones. Then for the Abyssal I removed Brunnya and I ended up beating it with Iddun and Fae only and without any troubles. It was insane and one of my best clears so far.
  16. Oh, I just saw the art. Hopefully she has a unique or good staff and not another slow, gravity and all that.
  17. A great banner and a big skip. We are one seasonal and one mythic away from CYL after all. Also, Eremiya is the GHB will she be a tome or a staff? Freya is a green beast, and most likely a flier as well. That's interesting, I am looking forward to seeing her weapon and her Dance. However, I hope she is Armored with a better movement increasing skill and not a flier as she would be 100 times more unique. Wonder what she will look like when transformed.
  18. Nothing scary except a potential Edelgard merge in the rouse banner, other than that unless there is another surprise at the scale of Rhea it's going to be full saving.
  19. I had 14 orbs and thought why not make a pull I am at 4.00 and it would be a shame to let go of that pity break. And I manged to pull a +Spd -Res Byleth/Rhea, really happy as I manged to get her with a prefect nature. This is her current build. With WoM L.Azura and Fairies she 1 turn clears nearly all TT maps.
  20. So, as I have mentioned I am saving for CYL however I didn't expect that Rhea would arrive even if it was in this form so I tried to grab a copy of the duo. Honestly, this the second consecutive time I spent 80+ Orbs to get a favourite character or unit (Rhea and Winter Sothis) and I get absolutely nothing at all only 3*s with 5 4*s. At this point I am tired of summoning as a whole it's better and enjoyable to build 3/4* units rather than pulling for 5*s. I will go for Nowi and Cecilia since I have all the copies needed.
  21. Don't forget that they have access to all the broken skills in the game like luls, nul skills, Close Call/repel, Special Spiral, infantry pulse and the list goes on. I think the time to bring an inheritable 12 Mt Poison dagger or tome is near. It doesn't directly combat the problem but it could potentially force some players to have more non infantry options ready. However this still doesn't mean that other movement types will be better. Cavs still have low BST despite having access luls. Fliers don't have any of those skills despite having more managable stats and bows are everywhere meaning that a tanky/EP flier will have to run Iote's shield and other than QR there are no B slot options. Armors have extremely bad movement, have pretty crippling effectiveness that appears in many weapons and they don't allow creativity, unless your name is Edelgard then you have limited or tame PP compared to other movement types. However, I think IS knows this and perhaps that's why the recent Legendaries are not exactly broken, but break the mold of their Classes, Edelgard being a PP Armor and Seliph being an enemy phase Horse.
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