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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. So I was thinking earlier today of the possibility that Book 3's plot may be derived from Veronica's abscence from Embla. I was thinking this could lead to some interesting discussion, so I figured I'd make a topic on it. The main question I have is what may have happened in Embla during Veronica's absence and what plot may we see going forward if her absence was significant at all.
  2. Even if all the Ikes we have would sort of make his appearance less striking, I want Priam to get in this game badly. He needs to be expanded on past the incredibly little amount we know of him from Awakening. I also want Aversa, Gangrel, Kellam, Owain, and Cervantes. I wouldn't mind Emmeryn with a prf staff either. I've always imagined Aversa, Gangrel, and Emmeryn being on a banner while Priam is a TT+ reward. Dunno about GHB. At that time I had Walhart in mind as the GHB. Already exists
  3. Granted, but they're all offensive stereotypes. I wish for some aspects of PoR's forging system to return, like the option of coloring weapons
  4. The chapter when Virion and Sully join. They die to anything on the map in that level despite it being their joining point
  5. If you are actually enjoying FE:A Lunatic (I won't approach it with a 10-foot pole after my last experience with it), I don't know. Unlike FE:A Lunatic, Conquest Lunatic is fair. Difficult, but it's at least fair and was actually playtested unlike Lunatic Awakening
  6. Fire Emblem x Pokemon (No, Pokemon Conquest does not count) RWBY x Dynasty Warriors. It just feels like it would work and could be pretty fun. Fire Emblem x TLoZ. I have this Fire Emblem fangame in mind that combines elements of the two along with some other things. Zelda x Zelda (I once had this weird Sonic Generations take on Zelda dream once). Smash x FeH. More specifically, a Smash banner with characters that could easily adapt into Heroes. Definitely unlikely though. Others that came to mind:
  7. Canas or Lucius. Both are amazing in their own rights. Each serves different strengths and weaknesses but both are great at what they do. Lucius a powerhouse or speedy (I forget which) and makes a decent magic tank. Canas is really tanky as well, pretty fast for a dark magic user, and can use dark magic which has all sorts of unique rule-bending abilities. (Erk was one of the last units I promoted. Everyone else did better than him iirc).
  8. Skill sets are amazing. Definitely one of my favorite features of the game. Even if you don't use more than one skill set on a Hero (I do), it definitely makes it easier to adjust Heroes to follow F2P tutorials and back to your typical build without much grief.
  9. Flora and Jakob and well as Ryoma and Scarlet. Why IS? The two pairs were very strongly hinted at, but never were possible. Corrinsexuals were one of the worst parts of Fate's supports
  10. C'mon, I know we've all given some. Blazing Edition for me- Guy- Guymandudesir Lowen- No-Eyes Rebecca- Rebecca Black Eliwood- Elijah Wood Bartre- Attack Eyebrows Wil- Wil Smith Dorcas- Do you know the "Mutton Man"?
  11. IMO being able to choose IVs kind of kills part of the whole point of IVs. IVs don't necessarily ruin a unit. Usually. It just means having to build them differently, which opens the door to creativity, which I really like in terms of building units. If a "bad" IV unit is obtained, a player can just wait until he or she gets another one with the right IVs if it's absolutely necessary. By that time, the past ones can just be merged into whichever favorable IV unit the player has or just be used as fodder. TLDR: Good incentive for build variety (not everyone using the same build). Also, unit customization and making the best out of the resources you get (especially as a F2P player) makes up a good portion of the game's fun. Getting a bad IV unit isn't the end of the world as most can still work with "bad IVs" and can just be merged into a later pull or just be used as fodder. Saving the obvious and less defendable from a gameplay perspective for last, it decreases income for IS and they might not be as interested in maintaining the game for a long time This part I do have to agree gets annoying sometimes. I can only think just change the weapon and treat them as a non-prf unit and build them their own way until a more favorable version is obtained.
  12. All Selkie and Lethe. I want IS to stop pretending that Beaststone units don't exist, lol.
  13. Nino and Canas are amazing when you get to Eliwood mode. Also, when you get to Vaida, there's a trick you can use to get her spear. It's an amazing spear. It's up to your choice though as you get it via exploiting a glitch
  14. I recommend seeing Gaiden chapter requirements, recruitment requirements, secret shop locations, and desert item locations guides in the SF game guides area if you're a completionist who can't miss out on things
  15. Not that I agree or disagree, but Second/Heart sealing might return. In that case it really should be something that's just inactive and hidden when in a mounted class rather than something that gets lost in promotion.
  16. I really, really want to see summer villain heroes just for the heck of it. Here're some ideas I mentioned in another thread
  17. Gosh darnit IS. I was trying to save for merges on my regular Myrhh and Legendary Marth. I'm definitely going to at least try a few times for this Myrhh and Mia
  18. Foddering a Michalis onto my Halloween Nowi for Iote's shield (with her stats, the shield is pretty much pointless), failing to save and just spending a lot of orbs on some banners with no good return, foddering my spare L'Ike onto my Fae for Warding Breath (which has yet to show any worth on her). Also I regret a lot of my uses of Feathers in early Heroes as well as not initially being interested in the arena at all until I beat all the chapters. So many more 5 star units I could have now. Other than that, maybe promoting Merric. He was useful early Heroes though. Lastly, giving Lon'Qu a brave sword This too
  19. I'm almost certain the one on the right is Cordelia. Or Caeldori. As for the right, dunno. On first glance, I thought maybe F'Corrin, but I REALLY doubt IS is going to do any more dual 3DS seasonals at least within this year. Looking closer, it's either someone incredibly thin or a little girl. Dunno. May just be the pose she's in (if it even is a she). Serra's Heroes art comes to mind, but the hair doesn't look quite right
  20. It wouldn't be the first time. IS has expanded the barracks every couple of updates for the most part.
  21. This honestly just sounds like Abyssal/Lunatic Hero Battle maps. Not a whole new game mode. Not that I wouldn't mind getting a few new maps of an occasional type. It sounds like something that would be in Special maps occasionally with quests. Sort of like BHBs and LHBs. I don't see this happening tbh. This feels a bit like why IS gives us alts. Brave Ike, for example. is the axe Ike, so to say. Other than that, if this does get in, I feel it should be strictly changeable outside battle. Hero's current system makes the game refreshingly simple but fun, and having weapons changeable in battle would affect that drastically. Skill menus would also need a "hide unequippable" option.
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