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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. When you did you start to play your first gacha? When FEH launched Which game was your first gacha? FEH How many gachas have you played / started yet? 1 What's your favorite gacha? FEH How many hours do you play gachas per day in average? More than I'd like to admit Have you spent money in gachas yet? Yes, though barely any. If you did spend it, was it a good pay off? Not by much What's your opinon about the the price for summoning material (orbs, quartz etc...)? COOOOSTLY How would you consider your general luck in summonings? I've had bad and good times. I'm on the former currently What has been your best summoning / summoning session personally for you yet? When I get the only focus I want on the free pull. This has happened to me maybe 4 times at most, though more likely 3. I've gotten 3 five stars in a pull before as well. What's your opinion of the droprates in general? As much as I wish five stars had a bit of a higher chance, I feel the current rate is fine. I do wish the pity rate would increase normally or at least somewhat better than it is now when you're color sniping versus doing full summons. Do you try to beat as many of these daily quests everyday, or do you rather only focus on quests with less time pressure? The latter What do you like about gachas the most? Idk. I'm playing for the gameplay. If I had to say with the gacha mechanic, I'd have to say that each player's experiences are completely individualistic. I love how everyone has to come up with their best with the resources they have required What do you dislike about gachas the most? They completely destroy some people... Bless them. Any mechanics you would like to see introduced in the future? Better arena mechanics, Ardent Sacrifice+, and some better skill availability for many skills. Any mechanics you would like to see dropped in the future? Any mechanics you would like to see transferred in the real series (like certain mechanics from Heroes in a future FE part)? Movement skills for sure. Do you think gachas could endanger the videogame industry for being free? Nope. Any TV / videogame series you would like to see as a gacha? Whatever it would be, I'd want it to have a huge cast (individual characters specifically. Alts not counting.). Especially with my time in Heroes. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything immediately that would be near as sizable as Heroes's roster. How you would describe your experience with gachas in three words? Fun, addicting, wonderful
  2. They ONLY allow the pierce attack. This leads to some units getting completely wrecked if they don't isolate foes. I wish for Heroes Anna to get into Super Smash Bros Ultimate
  3. Just so you know, you can hide spoilers using the eye button in the button row of the text editor
  4. This was something entirely random I thought of. What game would you like to see most adapted as a musical, and maybe why? Whatever your ironic or unironic reasons may be, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks. I'll likely add a poll later.
  5. IS overdoes it just a bit, managing to make the rating somehow. As it turns out, there's a large portion of the FE community which love the games but can't deal with the sight of blood. IS's revenue takes a huge hit, and they consider moving to something else.... I wish IS would come up with a better solution for handling arena than the current scoring system and rare skills that take up a skill slot
  6. Personally, I wouldn't mind being able to use a currency (such as arena medals) to "upgrade" a skill (that being a character acquiring the next level of a skill without needing to have it inherited off the very few and hard to get units that have them). Tbh though, I'm not sure it's that likely. I want to hear what other people expect though
  7. So... If I had any doubts, they're definitely gone now. With Death Blow 4, Windfire Balm+, Earthwater Balm+, and Fortress Res/Def 3 skill creep is making no efforts at hiding itself. IS has been great with fixing things so far to keep up with the meta. Giving all the healers higher level recoveries (which are FAR better than their original versions) and better weapons (Other than might the range increase is great). Additionally characters have been given Prfs and many weapons, legendary and common, gain extra effects when refined (might increase on some weapons and a wider range of debuffs, regardless of the effect chosen). We have also seen various common weapons gain evolved forms. What do you all think?
  8. It is valid. Whether or not it's good to the series is dependent on how it holds up to series standard and the expectations set for the series. If it can be enjoyed independently (that is without bias or comparison to other games in the series), especially by an outsider unfamiliar with the series, then it's a good game in it's own right.
  9. Other than Goetia and Aversa's Night, I wouldn't mind her having Waste from Awakening.
  10. Gosh. I'm tempted to summon for Kliff, if only for that Sweet Def/Res Fortress 3 fodder. I have plenty of units who would appreciate it. I have nothing against Kliff mind you, and felt he deserves his spot. Sad it has to be this way, haha
  11. I can't believe they're releasing Loki this early. It's too soon even if she scored really high in CYL. Seeing more duel skills sends some pretty nasty shivers down my spine. I just hope IS addresses the problem in a better way. Heck. Maybe make all A-Slot skills be upgradable to have the same effect. Seeing Owain makes up for IS's sins to me. Except for Kliff's A-Skill...
  12. Soldier's Knife/Brave Dagger for that matter too...
  13. You got responses from me as well. Good luck on your assignment.
  14. Having just gotten interest in the series recently, Disgaea x FE. I would legitimately like to see what the output of that would be
  15. Other people play this game, and some people like these characters. Also, all units also have viability (even if some have been stat creeped). All that's needed are the right resources, a good plan, and knowing how to build them. I can only imagine the mess this would cause with learned skills tbh... I want IS to stop pretending Beast Stone units don't exist. I also want IS to release a 3-4 star unit that learns Quick Riptose 3 at 4 stars. There are various characters I'm currently hoping for. Cervantes, Rainbow Sage, and Brigand Boss; Priam and Gangrel; Lilith and Anankos; Mark (who wasn't even a CYL choice) and Kris; Naga, Mila, and Duma themselves; and Eyvel. A Tempest Trial where all the Heroes that appear on maps are seasonal. No regular heroes appear as enemies. Somewhere else I saw an idea to refine blessings. A spin on that idea: I feel maybe we could use arena medals to do this, and the blessings act like duel skills. At least until IS gets a better solution for the arena. I also wouldn't mind an option to buy blessings with in-game currency. Perhaps with medals and something else. Anyway, I want the story to return to Embla. I want this little side-track with Müspell to have actually been worth it, bland villain and all. IS has a good opportunity to have some changes occured in Embla in Veronica's absence. We all know Bruno wasn't running the place, running around looking for a cure of some kind and being shunned like Azura in his family (iirc). Anything could have happened interesting. Maybe a relative taking over, a foreign invasion, Loki impersonating as Veronica and taking over, maybe some internal organization taking over, etc. Things I agree with from previous posters:
  16. Honestly, I'm split on this one as to whether or not it should return. I'm used to traditionally having the triangle, but it felt somewhat refreshing to not even need to be concerned with it in Echoes. I prefer having the weapons triangle separated from ranged weapons and for the trinity of magic to return. Daggers/Knives and Bows would stay outside the triangle
  17. Not specifically of classes themselves, but I'd really love for something like Blazing's class unique traits to make a return. Pirates crossing the sea, Brigands crossing mountains, thieves being able to see farther in fog, and Nomads being able to travel farther than other calvary units in certain conditions. It added a whole other level of specialness to each class and importance for each class, and I'd love to see it again someday. As of late, all we have are mages moving normally on sand. I also want the Mage, Shaman, and Monk classes to return
  18. I once foddered a Michalis onto Halloween Nowi for Iote's shield. To be fair, she was my first ranged flier. I have no excuse for her stat spread not complementing it at all. I also once killed a spare L'Ike to give my Fae Warding Breath. I regretted this for SOOOO long as she'd prefer fury in most cases. I didn't expect it'd be key to clearing Abyssal Ursula though, haha. Still. Definitely one of my most regretted cases. Today I had to use two Saiases to give my Michaiah Speed Ploy 3, because I somehow managed to only chose only speed ploy 1 from the first Saias.... I have also wasted a LOT of orbs over my play history and definitely haven't always been wise with my orbs. I never did arena until I cleared all the story maps available at launch. Soooo many more feathers I could have obtained and used at this point. The first unit I ever 5-star promoted was Merric.... Yeah. He's useless nowadays
  19. I'm pretty sure it's: Villain- Anyone evil. Antagonist- anyone who is in the way of the protagonist's goals (If the villain is the protagonist, the heroic character is the antagonist). Protagonist is simply the lead character, who can be a villain. Basically, villain is a place on the moral scale while antagonist refers to story role (a force acting against the lead character or characters).
  20. I think there's a possibility Loki used Veronica's position in her absence. She can shape-shift and does a lot of work off-screen. I could see her using the position for various reasons, and during the time she may have ruined Veronica's reputation If I recall correctly, they died in a previous war, which is why Veronica is ruling. Perhaps we might see other relatives
  21. Lloyd and Eliwood. Do I even need to say anything here? Gwendolyn. Weird proportions as someone else has said. Sophia's neck looks way to thin for healthy function. Noire's back is completely broken. Cordelia- Something looked off in her art last time I looked at it. Looking back, I'm not sure what. Maybe her nose's position on her face. Legendary Tiki- It was on the border between adorable and moe-blob for me, but (Nightmare warning) seeing this ruined it for me. Lachesis- I haven't played Geneology, but she's supposed to be an adult... Right?
  22. The wish was for likeable characters, so nothing IMO Granted, but now every post I make ninjas someone else. The next Fire Emblem game is Fire Emblem in name only. Sonic Labyrinth Fire Emblem: Marth Labyrinth. IS never makes another Fire Emblem in the genre we all know and love. I want the next FE game with an avatar to include skin tone and some more ethnic hair options. C'mon IS. You're behind here.
  23. Every character in the next game is either Robin or Corrin, and the villain is Veronica. Edit: Ninja'd The durability is 1, and the cost is about twice the amount of gold you'd get by playing casually through the story I wish for a non-serious Fire Emblem spinoff game of a different genre.
  24. Are the chat boxes hiding and conspiring world domination?
  25. Parents- I really haven't seen too many good examples of parenting in Fire Emblem just yet.... [Several spoilers] ...except for Elbert and maybe Mikoto. Sibling- Elise and Ryoma Daughter- Nino. No doubts about that. Kana would be a close second
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