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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. Roy's training tutorial in FE6. Unlike your typical guided tutorials (eg: FE7 and FE8) you can pretty much screw around however you want. I admittedly did this the first time - acting like the worst possible student - out of boredom. I even tossed out weapons or traded with incompatible ones. XD Whenever anyone falls, they say something along the lines of "Don't worry Roy, I'm ok. But if this was real combat, I'd be dead and not come back." They still have faith in Roy (and follow him anyway if you consider this canon and connected to your own playthrough), even if you're playing the tutorial in the worst possible way XD
  2. Telekinesis. Ninja'd. Fixing Fates. I don't exactly have much in terms of ideas, myself Would you rather be in a world of highly advanced tech from beyond our lifetimes or in one of magic?
  3. "They are impressive, though, aren't they? My whiskers? Ha ha! I've not shaved since my very first battle. And have I ever lost? No! Not even once! Ergo, my moustache makes me invincible. It's science, my boy—science!" -Cervantes
  4. You have to do it an hour before I believe
  5. I'd expect Eliwood first myself. We just got Lyn and Hector after all (that is unless IS just really hates Eliwood that much, lol)
  6. Agreed. There's just something about seeing the Heroes you vote for get put on a high podium that I like a lot, especially as it's something you were involved in regardless of if they were in Heroes or not.
  7. I just noticed. Neither Nino nor Byleth have one. That saddens me XD
  8. 1. Forging Bonds. I ranked this highest because it's fresh. It's something new. This is something I needed after a good portion of the other modes got pretty old for me. Also, accessories! Yay! (Not to mention what looks to be a lot of feathers to unlock heroes' potentials with. Not sure if it's more than possible from TT though.) 2.Tap Battle - It's nonstandard gameplay, but that's a bit necessary for times. It always feels new because of the different music pieces. Speaking of, it also gives a great chance to enjoy pieces of music in the game, something I really like. I also like being able to just play it casually to get the rewards I need. (Admittedly I only bothered to complete all difficulties at S rank during the first Tap battle). The quests admittedly I often miss sometimes XD (They and the event itself almost feel like they extend out for an unnaturally long time, but eh. I guess that's to give opportunity for people to catch up or maybe try higher difficulties). 3. Voting Gauntlet - It's fun and feels a lot less demanding on time, especially given the set 30 mins cooldown between battles. (I kind of hope IS goes back to giving orbs for reaching a certain vote count XD). You can also get a decent amount of sacred coins and refining stones as well during these times 4. Tempest Trials - I used to love this mode, though it got a bit stale over time, which is why it's ranked so low. Don't get me wrong, I love the rewards but until IS adds a more advanced automation and maybe making it so that phones don't time out during autobattle it'd be a bit nicer. 5. Grand Conquest- This mode bores me, and often I feel like I'm not contributing much. Granted, that's gone away somewhat due to changes in GC but I'll need time to change my opinion. One great thing I have to say about it though are the reward tiers. I love the rewards. Gameplay? Meh. The time limit really annoys me sometimes, especially in the mode its based on.
  9. I'm really hoping to see him myself Why not both, like Fjorm? The story seems to imply that vanilla and brave heroes aren't the same. There's the whole "people's dreams pulling them to another world" thing. I'm expecting her to be from somewhere else like Spring Alfonse and Sharena
  10. I wouldn't necessarily call it linear in any way. It's more your choice of what to do each day. Of course, there are consequences to waiting out too long on certain things. This isn't your typical rpg where you can fool around doing sidequests as long as you want while there's a demon king about to attack a village per se. So apart from certain story-set deadlines, you're pretty much free in how you spend your time. I also get the feeling most dungeon floors are randomly generated, but don't take that from me as 1000% true
  11. A number of the chapters (starting at 19) have broken images in the Original Post and don't display properly. Though this may just be my end. Not sure. 21's heading is also inside the spoiler with the image.
  12. Magic. (Imagine getting stuck with a super power like the ability to get ice cream out of containers easily. XD At least magic is studied.) Would you rather have Jakob or Frederick as a servant?
  13. To match a few character archetypes: Clair and Maribelle Lucius and Libra Marth and Alm I feel any of those would be interesting. Alm and Walhart could be interesting too if anyone wouldn't mind writing that one.
  14. They can only recieve support bonuses from eachother and one dies a few chapters after getting them. This becomes the archetype. I wish for this:
  15. Wait... The numbering goes from 33 to 35? (Or is there a 34 that's a work in progress?)
  16. Alternatively, they make it into a mecha and ignore all past game mechanics instead going for a beat-em up style gameplay controlling a single character. (Now that I'm saying this, this is a game I never knew I wanted until now. An FE set in the future with Mechas retaining all the gameplay mechanics) I wish for Hrid to become a playable in Heroes, F2P even, obtained in the story like Fjorm.
  17. FE7 - Bartre with any axe above iron tier (mostly in particular when starting out). (Lunatic) Awakening - Literally everyone not named Frederick Fates - Hinata and Subaki were never star units for me. Also Nyx. Her hit rate sucks when you get her
  18. I've only played Blazing once so far, but when I did I gave Nino Afa's drops and she was one heck of a powerhouse.
  19. Henry. I love him. (Granted I mainly use Summelise or Cecilia in his place nowadays). He's a great physical wall, and if you throw him in the middle of a horde of colorless units, he'll wipe them all out. I still use him in squad assaults and story occasionally. I also love using Beruka. I found a build on Youtube that turns her into the ultimate physical tank (mine has 55 defense). She may have low attack, but when 3 cooldown Ignis gets charged, she'll blow her foe away.
  20. Granted, but this avatar is the most likeable character in the series, so everyone is pained when his usefulness falls off. I wish for an immediate prequel to Awakening detailing her dealings in her version of the future, maybe with a bunch of new characters and another lord who stay behind to watch over the world while the children characters leaves. Said game would also cover human behavior when the world goes to heck as a major theme and people seeking for hope
  21. It is dubbed "Iago did nothing wrong." I wish for an anime about the story of the first exalt, perhaps also addressing things like the absence of Alm's Falchion and the end of his dynasty.
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