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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. Zero, Tiki, Waluigi, Isaac, and Alucard. Zero can have a very interesting moveset and is just a character I've always wanted to play as in Smash. He'd have both Megaman X and Megaman Zero costumes. His moveset would mainly draw from the Zero games. Tiki has had many appearances in FE and could have a completely unique moveset in being a pure dragon. I can only imagine her sharing Corrin's back air since the two are fundamentally different in their dragon abilities. I imagine her mechanics taking inspiration from Mystery of the Emblem where dragonstones acted as transformation items that worked for a set amount of turns, a bit like how Laguz worked later on. She's significantly more power in her dragon form. Her human form would draw some inspiration from Warriors for a moveset. Waluigi is the only overall-wearer missing from Smash now. He could represent the party and sport games with his moveset, and he could perhaps use some moves that reflect his cheating personality. For example, he could have a move where he makes opponents trip and can have a move where he pulls out a bob-bomb and throw it. I imagine his Final Smash would either be something like Luigi's from Brawl but maybe with the dancing he used in that dancing game where he's the main antagonist. That or it could be something sports related. I've played Super Smash Flash 2 as Isaac, and I love using him in that game. I'm also aware that a lot of people want him in the game. Him getting in would also mean he would stop being the annoying assist trophy that he is now, which is another plus. Alucard. A friend told me that Alucard could have a really interesting moveset if he got in, and I trust him. I would have said Shadow, but I feel he doesn't really need to be a character. Him being a Sonic echo would add less to the game than his current unique properties as an assist trophy. I'd hope devs would take more inspiration from his appearances in 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Battle, his boss fights in SA2 (where he does use Chaos Spear), and perhaps any of the items gained in SA2. Him being a Sonic that's just faster but weaker would hurt my soul (I'm pretty sure he's canonically faster. I think. Along with Eggman and Metal Sonic).
  2. Portal: Dear gosh this game is fun. It's one of very, very, very few that I would and have played through several times. PoR: I'm only on my first playthrough, but I have several alternate runs planned. Mother Franchise: I've played them through once. I have tried picking them up again in the past but never stuck. I would really, really, really love to give them another playthrough eventually though with how much I love the series. TLoZ BotW: THe only reason I haven't found all the seeds and completed all the shrines is because more recently acquired games pulled me away. I absolutely loved BotW. There's so much freedom there, and if you want to you can put fun challenges on yourself or find other ways to make the game interesting by trying to do something unusual. Fates: I could play Fates more than once and have a unique and individually entertaining experience each time if I wanted to (second seal everyone, trying an iron man run for each route, maybe trying a corrin playthrough, perhaps try different pairings or even attempt to solo the game, try changing the avatar's class and IVs each time, etc). Still, I have other games that need to be played. That's the only reason I haven't played it more. Pokemon DSP and Emerald. Most of my Pokemon nostalgia lies in these games. I'd love to give them another try someday. Again though, for me unplayed games usually take priority over reruns. I hope one day I can reexperience some of these other games someday. Cave Story: I love this game, and I can see myself playing it again. Even if I haven't beaten it yet. VVVVVV: This was a fun game. Some day I want to play it again someday; however, that won't be soon
  3. Sonic 06. Everything the developers could have put in but didn't. This game had a lot of potential and could have been one of the greatest in the series had it not been put out too early. There's a lot of information about plans the development team had and stuff that can be found in the game's data suggesting that the game could have been so much more than it came to be. On the topic of Sonic, the classic games have a lot of unfinished levels in the data with names and basic concepts. It could have been interesting to see many of the concepts they had as full levels. I wish I could think of more, but that's all that comes to mind... In general though, many games that radically changed in concept from their start would have been interesting to see developed. Space Fire Emblem (that one concept art of Chrom in a space suit), Mother 64, and Fire Emblem 64 to name a few. There was also early Guardian concept art for BotW. Geez I hope those designs get used in something someday.
  4. I don't know which curiousity was greater. My curiosity about the title of this post or my curiosity about why I felt like seeing the contents of the post after seeing the title. I'm reminded of that time some day ago when some time ago when someone shared something from tumblr where a user was giving an update on their fish and it sounded like a very, very weird Smash Bros fanfic
  5. After I started it, I gotta mention Hyperdimension Neptunia U Action Unleashed - even if I'm barely in it. Dunno if it's just my PC, but the game is very very clunky and somewhat slow. Combat's not that interesting and, at least as far as I've gotten, the nonexistance of a story hardly motivates me to play through. It just isn't really that fun. I'm going to see this game through to the end, but there will definitely be a lot of procrastination along the way. I won't open it again after that. I'll just play Blanc vs Zombies or 4GO if I feel like playing 3D Neptunia again.
  6. Just my opinion, but Reinhardt was nowhere near as bad as Surtr. If you brought along a Reinhardt/Brave Lyn check (a Gronraven+ TA mage or Michaiah) you could bait Reinhardt into his own demise (often in one round) and then proceed to handle the other enemies. Enemies that you can bait are usually a lot more clean to handle compared to those that you must attack several times in player phase and constantly have a death zone around them. To kill Surtr you need 1.) A check, 2.) enough turns to handle him, 3.) Not be dealing with other enemies, 4.) Room to move around in and a reposition unit OR a dancer (Since Wary fighter means it's going to take more than one round to kill him).
  7. Defense maps. Definitely followed by this: Also many maps with tight turn limits. Not just FEH either.
  8. I find this part a special pain with Aether Raid's time limit. If you don't have the right unit he can be a nuisance to deal with. Thank heavens no one puts DC on him. This. So much this. I really get tired out by the TT quests. I've even just not bothered to complete them in some past months
  9. Perhaps his Classic route can be against characters that summon things as part of their moveset. Pac-Man, Bayonetta, Pokemon Trainer, Zelda, Duck Hunt Dog, and Game-and-Watch come to mind. If you really want to stretch it, Olimar, Isabelle, Villager, Mario,and Greninja can count for this as well
  10. Honestly, IS has done a lot of controversial things lately with FEH. What would be your top picks? Maybe changing a gamemode, not introducing certain elements, fixing certain modes, altering scores, perhaps making changes to certain events or the [fill in adjective] hero battle maps. Maybe you want to add something new. That's fair as well.
  11. What games have you played that you wouldn't play through a second time? Perhaps you had a very unsatisfactory experience. Perhaps length, tediousness, or game design. For a friend of mine, that'd be Ys I (He says he wouldn't play it again unless he lost a bet). If you've ever played it you surely know why. For me, it's Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1. The grind is real in this installment of the franchise. I'd almost say Persona 4 given how long the game is (I'm at +100 hours on my save file but haven't beaten the game yet) and how cumbersome it is to fit into one's schedule. I'm definitely going to be doing a few New Game+'s regardless
  12. Fates Ninjas. Man I hate those guys. Also Fates Staff units.
  13. Granted. But now IS shows the S Supports. The game's rating is bumped up to an M making many people in the fanbase uncomfortable as well as feeling unable to play FE in public and around family and friends. FE itself becomes a mockery. I wish the Smash community wasn't so salty each time we get a new FE rep
  14. The worst part: You can marry Scarlet, then the story executes her and you can do nothing about it
  15. I sort of smirked. I didn't necessarily like it nor hate it. This came to mind though, haha. Would I like to see this throughout FE in the future, haha. No. Definitely not as a constant
  16. Whenever you do, you are surrounded by brigands. I wish Priam had more characterization or may get some in Heroes.
  17. Those are the only ones you get. I wish that there was a dancing spinoff after each release of a mainline FE game, just like how Persona has theirs
  18. Perhaps it's a bit like the food chain works. How only a percentage of energy is passed when something consumes something else (which makes a lot of sense seeing as killing a high level enemy doesn't grant the attacker the same amount of levels). Extracting quintessence through dark magic would allow extraction of a greater quantity of quintessence than would be extracted from simply killing someone. I suppose that the more "natural" method isn't as perceptible as the obvious dark magic extraction method
  19. I haven't always gone by Arcphoenix. I used to run a clan called "Eternal Phoenix United" under a different name. One day I decided to entitle myself "Arcphoenix" in reference to the clan and as a sort of indication of my leadership style - a bit higher and should be respected, but otherwise the same as everyone else in the clan. I respected everyone as I would myself. Since then Arcphoenix has sort of just stuck and I've been using it ever since. Just a random note, the spelling was originally supposed to be "Archphoenix" but had to cut the "h" due to name length limitations in Clash of Clans.
  20. I accept your headcanon. I really, really like this theory and it makes a lot of sense. There are some inconsistencies, though I'm sure
  21. Ai is cleverer than usual at preserving their own lives. You'll also have a lot of fun
  22. I thoroughly expect Steve to get in. Especially after Joker got in I feel it has a much better chance of happening
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