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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Haar can drop Shinon more reliably
  2. Titania with Shinon with a Steel Bow forge + Adept. It's less reliable.
  3. GO SIGUUUURD YES Also its ETHRYN ALL CAPS not Ethlyn, noob
  4. There's still an exclusive prologue in normal. So my point still stands.
  5. My recommendation would be: to start a file on Normal first, experience the Prologue and once you get to Chapter 1 switch to a new file with H2. Btw, I'm not sure but dont the hard difficulties get unlocked after first run?
  6. Yeah I forgot to try the new VBA before recording this chapter. And about the other thing, I wanted to make this run 0 rng abuse as part of the challenge. But I'm starting to get worried because some ambitious seize chapter strats could require a good Eliwood. And the other characters aren't exactly growing that well either. :/ EDIT: EHM deployment slots for the ship suck. Can't 2 turn no matter what.
  7. It depends. When I played an FE6 draft, I savestated before every boss and just rigged it to save me time, frustration, my soul and my sanity. In any other game, i never use savestates, ever. I'm not a fan of them. What I tend to do though, is sometimes I play chapters in a way that makes a character end close to getting a level so that when I start the next chapter I can rig a level. And I also like using map saves in the DS games to rig a few ocasionally (I'm sure no one considers this wrong because: we all have access to map saves, using them costs a unit's move so if you get some of them in LTC you deserve it). EDIT: Oh I also don't find shame in rigging a level in short maps.
  8. A very complicated 7 turn. I managed to get Lucius in time and the Knight Crest. I don't really care about the Hero Crest or the other chests. I did my best to give Sain kills on the way. Levels aside from Sain's and Lyn's were atrocious as usual though :(. I'm not gonna lie, at this point I just want to arrow draw some levels to all these scrubs that keep getting hp skl or terrible levels. Current TC: 25 Fun fact: If Lyn hadn't attacked the archer first in that one turn where I could shuffle Florina and Lyn's attacks to get a different level, Florina would have gotten an even worse level (skl only). My luck is oficially completely terrible.
  9. The next map is notorious for being hard to plan for and difficult in general to LTC. But i dont remember if its particularly bad in no LTC.
  10. Good job as usual. If you can manage to drop Lute in the palm tree in Ch15, she's going to wreck shit facing like 20ish hitrates. It's still risky as fuck but it's doable. As for Caellach's side, I have no idea. He's a pain in general to bosskill.
  11. I don't see how the group he chose to use is impeding those things you mentioned commonguard. He's using a lot of good units. Including the next best set of units after Avatar for a run like this, the whole 7th platoon and Catria, Palla and Caeda. In my Avatar-less LTC test run, I used Luke Rody Cecille and Ryan. Although once I make a video playthrough of it, I'm also going to ban Palla Catria and Caeda from the run.
  12. PKL

    DS Tag Team

    [spoiler=The time has cometh] WORTH IT. Palla knows how to start a chapter right! I love this convo for some reason. Looks just like FE12 Palla with Silver. BRO LEVEL. NO BIRAKU WILL CHOKE THIS BRIDGE BIRAKU fears nothing! Slowly getting better! YES Yeah, go away. Jerk almost killed Biraku! Now that Gharnef is away, Palla can go kill some mage reinforcements! BRO NO GG no one will stop this Paola train So good <3 Meanwhile, In Chest City... + an energy drop that the screenshot didnt save for some odd reason! Guess who they're going to No, not him Rage No favoritism was exercised in this playthrough at all. Nope I'm so efficient.
  13. New Mystery of the Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow for me The gameplay felt really cool to me, what with the progression of the enemies and each chapter feeling more difficult as I progressed instead of the usual FE where the ending is so easy. It felt like the enemies were still challenging and more dangerous than ever. I love a lot of the cast. Having some of my favorites in the series, the elder pegasus knight sister from Macedon that took of her sisters growing up as orphans, Palla. The shy archer recruit from the 7th platoon, Ryan, the lord of the game, hailing from Altea with a new, awesome, foxy sprite, Marth and the pegasus knight princess from Talys and Marth's love intereset. I also love most of the cast thanks to the base conversations they added for them. It was a nice touch and made me know a lot more about the characters from SD. The maps were pretty clever and well designed. The music...is absolutely insane. My favorite OST in the series for sure. It sets the tone in each map and stuff pretty well. It added stuff like the Drill Grounds that I really enjoy and I feel like I have a lot of options in general to tackle it, what with it's 5 difficulties. Want a more casual experience and use any character you want and have a good time? Play Normal mode. Want a slightly more challenging experience and still use a lot of characters? Play H1. Want an actual challenge almost on par with Lunatic? Play H2. Want a challenging time and don't care about the character balance and just want to enjoy clever, challenging maps? Play H3. Do you like Vantage? You won't like it in H4 :p.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42839&p=2607601
  15. Too soon there Jedi :p And yes, ZM. You shouldn't have come here to hate on Cordy. Go away :p
  16. She's very dedicated, red hair, good unit, comes off as nice in her supports, is mad pretty, says NO when dual guarding someone, has the most interesting (to me) confession scene, I liked her since I first saw her and at least she doesn't trip. But most important of all: there doesn't need to be a reason to like her. I just do. Also, Cynthia smells
  17. I've 0 turned it before. Requires a really OP Seth that can transcend the barrier of logic.
  18. That's a good idea. You make the topic?
  19. The thing you're both missing here is that Ryan doesn't need to be a Horseman until lategame. There's way too much exp in this game and he can Sniper/Swordmaster (which are both extremely useful) until you want him/can go Horseman. He doesn't require Arms Scroll on his Bow rank unlike Luke, so he saves money that way. He saves 2 exclusive turns in Prologue and is also pretty much neccesary in Chapter 2 and 3. The Steel Bow forge is something that is a good idea anyway as that thing requires less money than the Iron Bow forge. The only reason to waste more money on an Iron Bow forge is for jerking off to Luke or Draug, everone else that wants it can use the Steel Bow forge just fine. The reason some LTC playthroughs like my H2 warp skip and KoT's Lunatic use Ryan as their endgame Horseman (well can't speak for KoT but Im assuming here), is because he's one of the easiest characters to overlevel and completely snowball after a certain point. Like, it isn't uncommon to have a 15/17 something Ryan by the time LTC wants Horseman and by the time you want Horseman, there's ways to fix spd. He doesn't require any Arms Scrolls to get to Parthia, that saves 2500 G over Luke and he also doesn't need some silly Iron Bow forge because his Bow rank doesn't smell which saves more than 1000G, stop sandbagging. http://gyazo.com/85a1365ba917a2488773e38aff42ef4b http://gyazo.com/4c0f9d57d78b628052932e31d9d4f5f3 That's 1980 G on top of the previous 2500 Arms Scroll save. With that 2500 he can buy a Wing for himself. Also, my bad, I had forgotten the Wing in Ch16 is completely accesible in Lunatic LTC, if you're willing to sacrifice the Bullion (completely plausible with good money management and Ryan even saves you money through Steel Bow forge). Also, since when does 50 spd growth = bad? That's 1 proc every other level on average. Sure, the possibility of variation exists, but it can go either way. Just as he can get blessed, he can get screwed. Basing arguments on either way is pretty stupid imo. If we're talking about growth here, Linde doesn't look too hot with her 40 hp growth 5 def growth and 40 mag growth, does she? Her mag growth even gets lower when she promotes. Oh, btw, Ryan can be a serviceable Swordmaster. 15/1 Swordmaster Ryan has: 35 HP 14 Str 1 Mag 22 Skl 20 Spd 9 Lck (rounded up) 12 Def 3 Res Sword C With Rainbow Pot, this puts him at 35 HP 16 Str 3 Mag 24 Skl 22 Spd 11 Lck 14 Def 5 Res This means he can double and ORKO Fire Dragons with Wyrmslayer in the Dragon Chapters. Linde would require a Wyrmslayer forge, which is just plain silly. He has versatility and money saving going for him. A wyrmslayer forge for Linde is especially silly because we're already forging a Dragonpike and buying some effective Atk weapons that make our wallets suffer. Linde is costly as fuck and the end result isn't even that guaranteed either. Just as Ryan's 50 spd growth can go wrong, Linde's 40 mag 40 hp and 5 def can go wrong and she could end up not able to nostank at all in C15 without ANOTHER resource. Also, Palla needing 2 wings is just plain false. I've never seen a playthrough where she needed 2 wings to function, ever. And what I meant with the Sirius comment is that people spend a Wing on him for some reason even though he never does anything but not get doubled with it. He's so bad and overrated. Sure, he's godlk for the first few chapters you get him, but people jerk off too much to him. As for my comment on Myrmidon cheesing. That's the Chapter 1 trivializing that any 7th platoon can do as a myrmidon (except Cecille iirc because she's bad as Myrm) with the Bond Drop. Literally 6 turns or 4 turns with no thought whatsoever and the Bond Drop isn't really wasted on non Avatar units since it helps them get exp and weapon rank a lot. I'd rather a good unit and a good Avatar than a great Avatar and a bad unit. TL;DR: *Iron Bow forge is silly. *Linde sucks *Ryan can get screwed, so can Linde, so can every character. We discovered something today! *Ryan is more versatile than Linde. Linde needs more babying and is just plain bad. *Ryan saves money and can get really overleveled if you play him right. *Linde can apparently Nosferatank 8 res Paladins 100% of the time even though her mag growth sucks and her hp isn't guaranteed to let her take a hit. Ryan apparently can't fix his spd even though there's a ton of ways in practice to do so. *Even in the everyone-gets-screwed-land that Redwall and the other poster live in, Ryan can contribute with his turnshaves and Dracoknight killing and then dropped while Linde will just plain suck after chipping that 1 Sniper in Ch5 with Aura. PD: You can keep trying but I don't think we won't convince each other. It happens a lot on SF. You won't convince me Linde is better (she really isn't :P ) and I probably won't convince you Ryan is better even with evidence. Also, take this to PM if you want to continue. EDIT: Nvm the PM comment, I think it's fine to keep posting here...I think?
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