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Everything posted by PKL

  1. You can use it, but only after the barrier is down.
  2. You suck! your turncounts be bad! Lrn2LTC just kidding obv
  3. If Marth is getting doubled by Fire Dragons, he's boned for the rest of the game.
  4. Wow, that sucks...I demand Refa be sacrificed to Anna
  5. All 4 of my miriels refused to gain stats. Nowadays, I just don't bother with her :p
  6. http://gyazo.com/b19caf7667399e3952230143e3ec8705 http://gyazo.com/b427139735d1ec9da5da6f23e167df12 And this is why I loathe Miriel.
  7. Hmm, no ideas/opinions on the best course of action for C11 and 14? I'll probably do Chapter 11 tomorrow, but I'm still unsure of which of the 2 I should go with.
  8. So, I just gave Titania 50 BEXP. And noticed the rule ;_;. Whyyyy EDIT: I have a save before BEXP but just...why? I have to redo Ch8 now rage.
  9. Yeah, so Cherche. Thanks for the find.
  10. Chapter 7 6/33 I'm glad I drafted Shinon and Soren, especially Soren. Basically, Ike shoved Soren turn 1 and he eliminated the hand axe and Javelin dudes in the armorslayer area. Titania went left Turn 1 with Hand Axe and killed everything that touched her except a Pacifist Soldier, which she killed in PP 2 then she canto'd towards the Shinon/Gatrie area to trigger them. Soren and Ike take down the Archer and Soldier that attacked NPC Mia. Titania healed and equipped Hammer, placing herself in range of all 5 armors in the southwest. Then she equipped Javelin and weakened the thief with Javelin (she missed one of them) and she is in range of the mages and soldiers that were reinforced. The Myrmidons go down towards Titania too. Ike and Soren make their way to the boss area. Shinon finishes off the thief and Titania hammers the remaining 2 armors on the west side. Then, Titania Soren and Ike handle the boss area. Titania used Short Spear for the Priest and the boss. While Soren Adept'd the Javelin Armor. The Javelin armor was the only shaky part due to the armor having 50 hit on Soren and Soren needing an adept because it proc'd too much hp and res. EDIT: Oh and btw, I got the Ward because the Thief didn't die due to bullshit dodge. More power to the PKL.
  11. Not really. Switch to Chrom and drop Avatar. Killing him in EP at least. Which lures Generals that I can galeforce on. I get Basilio/Flavia, which will be surprisingly clutch I hope/bet.
  12. Idk, I just know that LTC'ing this game without Paralogues is much more painful than I thought :P. No experience at all for non-Avatar units.
  13. I assume you're playing Normal Mode? I've never seen tutorials in FE12 aside from Normal Mode. But yes, there's an option to eliminate them iirc in the menu, in the middle-ish. Let me check Ill brb with the edit. EDIT: http://gyazo.com/5596478df1f625cce12e3a71e8290e17 http://gyazo.com/ee1c5c001f289926718725b34d51f5d9
  14. Thanks Horace. Very useful. It looks like I will need to sacrifice one of my rescuers to 1 turn it without Morgan.
  15. I left a save back in Chapter 13. I'm first testing what Morgan could save in terms of turns. I can do the Ch21 1 turn without him I'm sure. The issue would be Chapter 23, which Im training Lucina for, hopefully she will be good enough then. I hate that FEwod (or anywhere) doesn't have FE13 maps yet, it would make this easier.
  16. It's funny how the Avatar is miles ahead of them. They're not even good combat units anymore in Chapter 18. While the Avatar is lol'ing at absolutely everything. I think the same, none of the 2 are getting it. Now my only hope for Chapter 23 is Lucina since I doubt they will get good combat by then.
  17. Growth Drop and the Rainbow Pot help with him getting exp early on (see: my H2 LTC run where he's actually decently leveled due to early Rainbow Pot usage), but it's not crucial. Drill Ground kinda sucks in Lunatic but it's a way to get at least some exp for him if needed. Like Espinosa said, he can battle in chapters like C11 where you want to Rescue him to the goal until the last turn. You can also arrange him some dragon kills. Those give a lot of meaty exp. It would help if he's competent in Chapter 12, so that he can Wyrmslayer Fire Dragons in EP for more exp and continue growing. A double Seraph Robe and the Dracoshield helps with that. EDIT: He can't actually wyrmslayer Fire Dragons in EP Lunatic lol. Forgot 1-2 range.
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