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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Olivia, Lucina and Priam are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. 4. The last round of drafting is reversed. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues 2-4 must be completed and count towards your total turncount. All other Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned. 9. Use of Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. 10. Forging is allowed. 11. Champions of Yore 1 must be visited and completed before Chapter 6 at the latest and counts toward your total turncount. Champions of Yore 2 must be visited and completed after Champions of Yore 1 but before Chapter 9 at the latest and counts towards your total turncount. Champions of Yore 3 must be visited and completed after Champions of Yore 2 but before Chapter 11 at the latest and counts towards your total turncount. All other DLC is banned. All 3 Champions of Yore maps can only be visited once. 12. The Spotpass Paralogues must be visited and completed before beating the game and count towards your total turncount. Exception: Radiant Hero is optional and free up to 20 turns. Extra: 1. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. 2. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. 3. Avatar may only be a Tactician or a Grandmaster. 4. Assume 0 renown start. That means the following items are obtainable via Renown at the following times: Glass Sword (after Chapter 4) Second Seal (after Paralogue 3) Orsin's Hatchet (after Chapter 11) Seed of Trust (4 maps after Chapter 13) Levin Sword (6 maps after Seed of Trust) Energy Drop (6 maps after Levin Sword) Beast Killer (7 maps after Energy Drop) 5. Bonus Box items are obtainable and usable after Chapter 22. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are free to be attacked without countering in Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Teams: Doofina: Micaiah, Anna, Prince Marth, Tiki, Morgan, Say'ri, Walhart, Aversa, Yen'fay Racer: Cordelia+Severa, Sully+Kjelle, Lon'qu, Lissa+Owain, Roy, Virion, Libra, Flavia, Gangrel Randa: Sumia+Cynthia, Nowi+Nah, Cherche+Gerome, Vaike, Kellam, Gaius, Miriel+Laurent, Basilio, Inigo PKL: Panne+Yarne, Stahl, Ricken, Gregor, Henry, Maribelle+Brady, Tharja+Noire, Donnel, Emmeryn [spoiler=Units Remaining] Gangrel Yen'fay
  2. I don't consider a 3 turn for Chapter 4 bad, but a 4 turn is double the minimum, which falls under my definition of turtling. Btw, you don't need much to 2 turn Chapter 4 reliably. Just lure Lucina down with Silver Lance Fred turn 1 and have Javelin + Str Tonic Sully!Fred finish her off from 2 range from the north then everything suicides on him in EP. If your Fred didn't proc str at all before it, just forge 1 MT on the javelin.
  3. I don't consider 100% more turns than the minimum in Chapter 4 anything resembling good. Your TCs are x2 the minimum of all the chapters you said and then you went on about how Donnel's training wasnt that bad. It clearly is bad
  4. Bearclaw why. Those TCs are far from efficient...
  5. Cynthia (Henry) Bases: HP 39 Str 18 Mag 14 Skl 28 Spd 28 Lck 21 Def 16 Res 17 Capped spd (31) at Level 16 Pegasus Knight Capped str (24) at Level 19 Pegasus Knight Level 20 Pegasus Knight HP 47 Str 24 Mag 19 Skl 31 Spd 31 Lck 28 Def 18 Res 21 80%HP 60%Str 50%Mag 30%Skl 60%Spd 70%Lck 20%Def 40%Res? These growths are all over the place. Need more data so Im going to keep exponential growth'ing her as Falcoknight (already has Gale). EDIT: Falcoknight bases: HP 51 Str 26 Mag 20 Skl 34 Spd 34 Lck 28 Def 20 Res 24 EDIT 2: Took like 13 minutes, so easy. Level 20 Falcoknight HP 67 Str 34 Mag 24 Skl 46 Spd 47 Lck 37 Def 25 Res 29 EDIT 3: Frederick Level 20 GK (the same as before) Level 1 Griffon Rider bases: HP 45 Str 24 Mag 2 Skl 28 Spd 24 Lck 10 Def 22 Res 10 Level 20 Griffon Rider HP 65 Str 37 Mag 3 Skl 40 Spd 36 Lck 18 Def 25 Res 18 Could it be that Griffon drastically decreases his def growth? Going from 14 procs in 19 levels to 3 procs in 19 levels is too drastic. Screwage, maybe? Anyway, he got a +2hp proc so further confirmation that his hp growth remains >100 in Griffon.
  6. Jill (hp str skl spd def) Marcia (str skl spd def) Oscar (str skl spd) Titania (str spd) Ike (hp str skl spd def res) Sothe (just BEXP him, 20 def Jeigan in RD, who doesnt like that?) Nephenee (makes 2-1 easier, by a lot) (str skl spd def)
  7. Here's a unit I've come to dislike after trying to use her 4 times. Where do I start? She joins in Chapter 2, sporting an AMAZING 18hp and 3 def combination. This, alone, makes her enemy phase action really limited because she's almost OHKO'd by stuff. Come chapter 3, she can take Kellam to try and salvage her enemy phase, but she's still 2HKO'd. Her offense is equally as bad at base, doing something like 11 damagex1 to all the enemy types around in Chapter 2. She can double knights in Ch3 I guess, but who doesnt? Her offensive growths seem to be nice though, but she's such a pain to reliably train early on that her offense will be behind what all the others are doing. Some people around here have suggested Dark Mage Miriel, but I find this presents it's own issues: First- She has to make it to level 10 early enough for dark mage to even matter, as I've said, this is a grueling task that I wouldn't desire on even my worst enemies. Second- Once she does get that heavily-contested Second Seal, her spd gets worse, enough to not double without needing help in Chapter 9 for example, which takes away her potential def partners she wants. Third- Nosferatu is limited until you can buy it in Chapter 14, so her durability won't be as much of an issue for all of 20 uses until she can buy it. Then she's merely ok. Is it worth going through training this unit just to get a worse Tharja and Henry? In my experience, no. She's like an FE12 Linde that doesn't have the luxury of having 25 uses of an 18 MT tome. 3.5/10 -1 bias because she never gets def for me and I cringe everytime she says "UGH" 2.5/10
  8. Super late reply, but Marcia can drop a halberdier to lure Ludveck and Brave Lance him in Turn 2. Only really feasible in EM though. In NM, she requires BEXP levels to get to like 22 str iirc (or was it 23?) LOL. But Ive also done it in that RNG abuse Haar draft where I had her (needless to say, I had to reset in the base quite a lot to get str)
  9. I was too generous with Virion. Changing my score to 1.5/10 if I can.
  10. I hope I can still rate the other characters. Was away all weekend. Virion 3/10 Sully 8/10 Stahl 9/10 +1 bias 10/10 Vaike 7/10 is what i'd give them. Virion is a piece of trash, as much as I like him. He's just...bad. The most annoying character to train in the game due to most of his exp gain being from chips (which is inferior to kill exp). He can be redeemed if he makes it to bow knight early on though. Vaike is pretty cool. Makes a good hero, with great hp str skl and def. His spd base blows, but its easily fixable with pair ups. Sol makes him a gr9 enemy phase tank.
  11. 1. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D 2. Fire Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow 3. HeartGold/SoulSilver 4. Fire Red/LeafGreen 5. Tomb Raider Anniversary
  12. Actually, in EM, Geoffrey solo is 6 turns due to AI shenanigans iirc. That's why in EM, having a CRK saves a turn.
  13. Frederick starts off being tinked by enemies and OHKO'ing some with silver lance. What he doesn't OHKO, he ORKOs with a Chrom support because doubling. What's not to love? Discipline helps him get absurd weapon ranks really early and his base weapon ranks are already really good. His internal level is a bit problematic, but he still keeps up really well with the rest of the team provided he doesn't get screwed. He makes a great pair up partner to a lot of people, thanks to his +mov and def str boosts. Can take a Second Seal to reclass to Paladin to keep going. He will get Defender, which is a minor boost, but I find it helps him immensely to stay strong. His spd is actually not really a problem if he goes Paladin route, though he will have slight def issues, especially if his partner is Sumia. Best earlygame unit (avatar is at its weakest here and isnt rng proof once he gets going either), nice midgame unit and meh but fixable lategame. I'll rank him... 9/10
  14. So, after a LOT of ardous work and telling my brain to understand events, I finally got the basics of FE8 events down (took long enough). I was inserting enemies and went to play the chapter when I noticed this: http://gyazo.com/6ff7847669aa7b659ec2334f4763f03d I know that the positioning of FE8 enemy is written in hex. My doubt is, why are they appearing next to each other, if their hex is different (even if I change it, they still pop up in the same place)
  15. I look at the map and spend a lot of time in the inventory, switching things around and checking what I need to do to optimize the chapter. Then, I play. If something that I didnt plan happens, I go back to the process of planning and play the chapter again with the new plan. I'm sure those who've seen my vids of FE12 know that I love the preparations screen xD.
  16. Yeah, 1-8 can be 3 turned with enough shoves but since drafts dont have enough teammates, you wont get enough shoves.
  17. Edward is actually the best draftee after Jill (possibly Titania) in EM and NM >_<
  18. The priest moves erratically in EM. But a few shoves on Sothe and he CAN reach the priest. Problem is, that even if you reach the priest in turn 3, you cant be in range of all the mages in turn 3 anyway. Yeah, bull.
  19. Yeah, I second what Olwen said. Use +def, it comes in handy early on. EDIT: Damn ninjas. I guess I now third what Olwen said.
  20. Yeah, but only if you enter that certain zone. Jill is the only one capable because she can drop him there.
  21. Done in 1 turn. First and last Hammerne use on Rescue. Palla and Yumina got shit levels >_>
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