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Everything posted by PKL

  1. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Im available now. Anyone want to lose?
  2. Boots wouldnt make any difference anyway. Warp warp warp warp etc is all u need for the last few maps
  3. Team Board games are the best! CR Lucina and PKL for best team :P
  4. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Drafting is done. You can all start now. Announce match results here. Good luck, have fun
  5. Amazing Nephenee. Are you planning on making her a custom moveset? Its kinda weird to see her with a sword when doing Link's dair and with proyectiles :P
  6. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Leftovers are banned. I pick Pogaymanz Trainer.
  7. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    No only pick one :p. But yeah, giving you Kirby. KALLL or whatever ur name is ur turn.
  8. Which chapter (if) do you get a Boots item in the main story?
  9. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Nobody cares that I fail at pronouncing your name :P. Moving on
  10. Micaiah is my favorite Lord. She's different. I dont care if some think shes a mary sue. Ike is also one of my faves. Idk, probably because hes a strong unit. Marth is one of my favorites because of smash bias. Although I dont like him much in Shadow Dragon. [spoiler=FE13 spoilers beware] Lucina because shes badass and I love how she looks. Also, love the chapter 13 scene.
  11. Next RNG is a shame. I wanted more Neimi :(
  12. Oh for the love of...holy moly, Ive never seen someone so stubborn. Look, Micaiah IS a lord. By definition, someone that causes gameover, seizes for multiple chapters, plot-important character, etc. IS a lord. Sure, Lucia Geoffrey and some others can seize in some maps, but that doesnt mean they are lords as they stop causing game overs later and step aside for other characters later. Is that SO hard to comprehend? Heck, Ike isnt even a lord in PoR earlygame by your definition. Lord is much more than just a class, its what is used to define the main character.
  13. Just because a character does not have the class lord, doesnt mean they arent a lord. Hint: FE10 Ike doesnt have the lord class either. He's hero and vanguard.
  14. PKL

    FE8 Thief AI

    Yeah, that could be done, although I have no knowledge of map inserting and all that jazz
  15. PKL

    FE8 Thief AI

    It was Regular AI
  16. PKL

    FE8 Thief AI

    Already tried the Generals with a door key thing, didnt work. They dont even move :(, its like they dont know how to use it haha.
  17. PKL

    FE8 Thief AI

    Well, thing is, I placed a thief in Chapter 8 Its a Trap! of FE8 so that he can open the door in Turn 1 and the Generals come at you. But he goes for the chests instead of the door, which delays the generals by 1 turn. And I need thieves to attack and not steal to make one of my maps more challenging. I cant find any option for thieves not stealing from pcs btw. And even if I take out thieve's ability to steal, they still do it o_O
  18. PKL

    FE8 Thief AI

    How can I make it so that thieves prioritize doors over chests? And make them not steal at all from the player?
  19. Dat spd makes all the difference though. It gets him from doubled in Sacae to DOUBLING in sacae.
  20. Lord: Micaiah, Ike, Marth, Lucina Cavalier: Titania, Astrid, Oscar, Cain Myrmidon: Edward, Mia, Lucia, Marissa Fighter: Nolan, Boyd Mercenary: dont like any of them maybe, Gerik? If I had to choose one Pegasus Knight: Marcia, Caeda, Fiora, Palla, Vanessa, Tanith, Elincia, Sigrun, Syrene Archer: Ryan, Rolf, Neimi THWOMP: Gilliam Soldier: Nephenee Mage: Soren, Tormod, Calill, Pent, Linde Cleric: Lena Troubadour: Mist, L'Arachel Thief: Colm, Leila Manakete: Nagi Nomad/Ranger: Rath, Wolf Dancer: Tethys, Feena, Nils Cats: Lethe Tigre: Muraim Bird: Reyson, Naesala Dragon: lol none Sexy Wolf Queen: Sexy Wolf Queen Nailah
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