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Everything posted by PKL

  1. You better be in. You were the one that wanted me to host an FE10 draft
  2. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 7 players. 2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use. 3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks. 4. Haar is banned from drafting. 5. The game will be played on Normal Mode. 6. Battle Save is only allowed at the beginning of turns. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. Special Rules: *Micaiah cannot equip Resolve, Wrath or Adept at any time. *When everyone has their team drafted, non-forced characters will be randomized by random.org to a team in Part 4. ie. someone drafts Oscar. RNG says 1 for that unit. That means Oscar must go to Silver Army. 1= silver, 2= greil and 3= hawk. Units like Titania who are forced to a route wont count. Same with characters that dont exist in the route split. Teams: Jedi- Edward, Boyd, Nealuchi, Laura, Mia, Shinon, Tormod, Heather, Makalov, Giffca, Danved, Ena CR- Nolan, Elincia, Marcia, Gatrie, Nailah, Tibarn, Naesala, Mordecai, Rhys, Caineghis, Meg, Oliver *PKL- Jill, Nephenee, Ilyana, Zihark, Janaff, Rolf, Lucia, Sanaki, Ranulf, Astrid, Stefan, Kyza Quint- Titania, Soren, Tanith, Leonardo, Calill, Tauroneo, Pelleas, Muarim, Lethe, Nasir, Renning, Kurthnaga Lucina- Volug, Oscar, Aran, Sigrun, Brom, Kieran, Ulki, Fiona, Skrimir, Vika, Bastian, Volke [spoiler=Units Remaining] Mist Lyre Gareth [spoiler=Routes] Jedi- 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0 Silver: Nealuchi, Laura, Shinon, Greil: Boyd, Makalov, Danved Hawk: Edward, Mia, Heather CR- 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0 Silver: Marcia Greil: Nolan, Meg Hawk: Gatrie, Mordecai, Rhys PKL- 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2 Silver: Jill Greil: Nephenee, Zihark, Rolf, Astrid, Kyza Hawk: Ilyana, Janaff Quintessence- 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 Silver: Calill, Lethe Greil: Leonardo Hawk: Tanith Lucina- 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 Silver: Oscar, Brom Greil: Kieran, Ulki Hawk: Volug, Aran, Fiona
  3. Finished #34481 FE11 Warp Draft in 55 turns.
  4. Chapter 1 5/5 Jagen and Abel rush like mofos. Chapter 2 4/9 See Chapter 1. Got village. Chapter 3 5/14 See Chapter 1. Chapter 4 2/16 Warped Marth. He rapiers boss. GG. Warp 6/7 Chapter 5 4/20 Woop woop. Abel is ridic. Chapter 6 6/26 Standard stuff. Abel is still ridic. Chapter 6x Free/26 Trained Jagen to Warp. Chapter 7 2/28 Warped Marth and Rapier ftw. Warp 5/7 Chapter 8 2/30 Same as always. Warp 4/7 Chapter 9 1/31 Promoted Abel with Wifishop goodness and he killed the boss then Warped Marth to seize. Warp 3/7 Chapter 10 2/33 Warp Marth. Warp 2/7 Chapter 11 1/34 Dracoknight abel kills cavalier in seize point. Marth is warped. 1/7 Chapter 12 3/37 Obtained the new Warp. Warped Abel gets the Boots. And kills boss. Marth seizes. 0/7 6/7 Chapter 12x Free Trained a bit. Chapter 13 3/40 Didnt use a warp charge here. Boots Marth rush. Chapter 14 2/42 Warped Marth to boss. 5/7 Chapter 15 2/44 Warped Marth to boss >_>. 4/7 Chapter 16 1/45 Warp Abel. Warp Marth seize. 2/7 Chapter 17 1/46 Warp to obtain the other Warp. Sent it to convoy. GG again. 1/7 5/7 Chapter 17x Free What do you do with gaidens? Train right? Chapter 18 1/47 Warp Marth. Chapter 19 1/48 Warp Marth. Chapter 20 2/50 Warp Marth to Hammerne. Warp warper to Marth and repair Warp. Then warp Marth to victoly. Chapter 20x Free Random training. Chapter 21 1/51 Warp. Chapter 22 1/52 Warp. Chapter 23 1/53 Warp. Chapter 24 1/54 Warp. Final 1/55 Warp. >_> Warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp warp EDIT: Hey guys, know what? warp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp EDIT 2: warp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp warp warp warp warp warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp
  5. I wish someone had told me this before drafting >_>. GG but I wont go down without a fight :P.
  6. GHOST DRAFTER Note: I was autosigned against my will.
  7. Drafting was far from fail. Gordin killed Medeus.
  8. Started. Prologue is in the post above.
  9. Like she needs to battle much. She saves all the turns with something else :P also NILS
  10. Nvm. If I still have time, I would like to keep doing this. It was my excuse to finally complete FE4 and I will stick to it. I cant do anything today though. But I WILL do evans tomorrow. I wont be defeated by a bad RN string bad luck >:(.
  11. whyyyyyyyyyy Go on without me I cant do Evans haha. I suck
  12. Oh god, I totally forgot we have to rout that map...oh lord. It will take so long haha. Good thing I drafted Bastion then.
  13. How much move do swamps cost for a Marksman again? Im trying to check if i can 1 turn 4-5 with a bastian rescue, celerity pass leo and reyson + a smite from like, lyre? Meh, Ill pick Bastian anyway most likely since the other options are bad anyway. Bastian.
  14. Oh, cool Muraim somehow made it back. Sad to see that I wont be able to try ranulf...again ;_; I will get you, someday. If it wasnt clear, I pick Muraim.
  15. For 1-6-2, have Jill rescue drop Tauroneo to the boss and equip him with a Hand Axe. For 1-8, rescue the prisoners and kill the wyvernknights asap. You can manipulate their AI pretty easily. Sothe should be able to take care of the east pretty easily by himself. Have units with good 1-2 range go west. GG
  16. I'm busy today so I wont be able to do evans. :/
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